"Where do we go next?"

Anna asked curiously.

The terrifying battle before left an indelible impression on her.

If it was the girl from before, she might have the ability to stop the goddess' plot.

"Uruk City..."

"But before we go back, it's necessary for us to meet a group of very important guests."

Merlin sighed complicatedly.

There were too many emotions in his dreamy eyes.

even he...

I can't even pry into the "truth" of that man.


One thing he can confirm...

That man possesses the protection of "Morgan", he is an existence that must not be provoked!


Just when Merlin sighed, he just said it.

Lazy laughter sounded from behind him.

"`~You don't need to make a trip in vain..."

"Didn't I come here..."

Jiang Shang's voice sounded from behind Merlin and Anna.

A famous follower, exuding a powerful aura, surrounded him.

Just now...

Jiang Shang noticed that someone was spying on him through the "clairvoyance".


He directly launched the Five Elements Escape Technique and led everyone to the scene.

"Is it the "escape technique" of the East..."

"Is it really appropriate to use such an extraordinary "forbidden technique" so casually? "

Merlin sighed bitterly.

He turned around helplessly, complaining about the wayward man behind him.

When he showed his true face (OK), Mordred's eyes widened immediately!

This impatient brat showed an expression as if he saw a ghost, and he was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear!


Mordred lost his voice in shock.

She never expected that in this strange world, she would meet an acquaintance from her previous life!

"Long time no see, Mordred..."

"You look very energetic..."

Merlin showed a nostalgic smile and greeted this rebellious knight.


He just looked at Jiang Shang...

Just when this sage was about to say hello...

A group of white fluffy mysterious creatures, smelling a familiar smell, came out of Jiang Shang's arms!

When it saw "Merlin" standing in front of it, its small body froze for a moment.


Fufu jumped up from Jiang Shang's arms!

With a fierce look in its eyes, it rushed towards Merlin!

"Merlin must die! Fu—!".

146. Solomon breaks the defense!Who is the strongest clairvoyant?

in the woods...

In the astonished gaze of the crowd...

Fufu put her foot on Merlin's shoulder, so she couldn't kick the thread of his magic robe.

Merlin, who was in pain, showed a "defeated" look, and fell behind with a wry smile.

Fufu, who was not forgiving, let out an angry cry.

Facing the unreliable "Flower Magician" in front of him, he punched and kicked mercilessly!

Merlin had no choice but to hastily resist, at least to protect his handsome face.


Mash showed a surprised expression, she had never seen such a ferocious appearance of Fufu.

"You're fighting at the same level..."


"It looks like Fufu is going to win!"

"Consecutive left hooks! Yes! That's it!"

Gu Dazi clenching his fists beside him, he didn't think it was a big deal and set fire to it.

The girl has already gotten close to "Jiang Shang", the crowned boss, and she is at the moment of prosperity.

After passing through the "six singularities", she has never been as comfortable as she is now!

No matter in terms of combat power or strategy, they have made complete preparations!

Even an enemy as cunning as "Enkidu" was frightened and fled!

Such a comfortable task is like a "picnic in the countryside"!

Gudazi was moved to tears, she even planned...

When the opportunity is right, trick this "big brother" back to Jia!


These 230 farces made Merlin's companion sigh helplessly.


"If you want to pretend to be crazy and foolish, it depends on the occasion."

"We are now in danger of being "surrounded". "

Anna sighed helplessly.

Her eyes looked forward, the group of people who looked like "dark forces".

This group of terrifying servants, no matter who they are, are all ruthless characters.

If they don't make an apology, next year's day may be their death day.


After hearing Anna's exclamation, he planned to pretend to be crazy and fool Merlin.

Only then hugged "Fufu", a helpless bitter smile appeared on his face.

He stood up from the ground and patted the dust off his body.

Facing Jiang Shang's group of people, he showed an elegant and polite easy-going smile.

"Just let me make a formal introduction."

"My name is: Merlin."

"The girl here is: Anna."

"I have the same identity as her, a follower."

"It's just that Anna is a servant without a master, and I am one of the seven servants summoned by the king of Uruk."

Merlin revealed their identities.

He even observed Jiang Shang secretly, but found that the other party was expressionless.

as if...

Already knew it...

Just from this point alone, Merlin has already deduced the approximate truth!

I am afraid...

The other party (aeed) also holds "clairvoyance"...

And the level of "Clairvoyance" is by no means below him!

Because of this, he could keenly sense that someone was peeping in the dark.


Through the method of "space transfer", teleport to him from nearly a hundred kilometers away!


Just after "Merlin" introduced himself...

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