A high-pitched roar suddenly came from Gudazi's "Communication Bracelet"!

"Wait a mininute!"

"You said you were 'Merlin'? ! "

"It is the sage of "Britain"! "

"A hybrid of nightmares and humans!"

"I enshrine that "Artoria Pendragon" as king! "

"Become a court magician, one of the few mentors of kings in the world!"

"At the same time!"

"The highest peak of trash!"

"The most irresponsible negative textbook!"

"A great magician who was imprisoned in the sea of ​​stars until the end of the world, and should not die?"

After knowing the existence of "Merlin", Romani couldn't help but complain.

His attitude at this time is no longer the cautiousness he showed when facing Jiang Shangshi!

Almost holding back in his heart, he uttered all his negative impressions of Merlin in one go.

"a ha ha ha..."

"Thank you for your detailed introduction..."

"Doctor Romani..."

"Although... I do have the qualifications for the "Grand Title". "

"But the current identity is just an ordinary "skill-level servant". "

Merlin smiled bitterly with black lines all over his head.

The reason why he is not a "crown" is because there are already people.

after all...

He is not like a monster like "Jiang Shang", who has the title qualifications of multiple ranks!

Even if other positions are occupied by others, they can still choose other crown positions!

Just like...

His "Crown Rider" at this time...


"Doctor, what's going on..."

"Obviously along the way, very quietly said..."

Gu Dazi said with a little shame, obviously not understanding why the doctor suddenly broke the defense.

To this...

Matthew seemed to have guessed something, she explained in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's because of the difference from the legend of "Merlin"..."

"The sage Merlin was imprisoned by the witch in the "Court of the Innocence". "

"He couldn't leave Utopia and was immortal, so he built a tower there. "

"For thousands of years, I have been paying attention to the outside world."


"The living cannot become heroic spirits..."

Matthew explained in a low voice.

After her explanation was over, the doctor's emotion sounded again from the "communication bracelet".

"The magicians who have the qualification of "Crown" all have excellent clairvoyance. "

"Looking at the entire "human history", there is also an extremely rare small group of people. "

"For example... the clairvoyance of "Solomon" can see: the past and the future. "

"Gilgamesh, on the other hand, has the clairvoyance of "observing the future". "

"And that trash in front of you is going too far!"

"He has the eyes to "observe the present"! "

"That is to say, it is difficult for "anything" to escape his observation range! "

"But this guy is basically just watching, but never interferes."

"It's just a master of "stand by and watch", it's really hateful..."

Romani said with a face of shame.

Perhaps because of seeing Merlin, his chatterbox immediately opened up.

He even accidentally said something that, with his current "identity", it is impossible to understand!


Even the "Da Vinci" who was standing behind him showed suspicious and scrutinizing eyes.


For Gudazi, it seems to have opened the door to a new world!

After knowing the secret of "clairvoyance", she raised her head almost immediately and looked at the big brother Jiang Shang.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Gudazi made an excited voice, as if he didn't say anything, but also seemed to say everything.


Just now, the big brother said it himself.

Although he is present in the world as a "crown knight".

But actually...

The most suitable class for him is "Crown Rank"!

This is...

The big brother in front of her also has a pair of excellent "clairvoyance"!

and so!

Gudazi, very curious!

Jiang Shang's clairvoyance, which one is more powerful than the other "crown candidates"!


Not only Gudazi, but even "Meilin" is interested.


Even "Doctor Romani" was aroused, waiting for Jiang Shang's explanation!


Jiang Shang glanced at the crowd full of curiosity.

He showed a deep smile and said what kind of ability his "clairvoyance" possessed!

"It's not so much "clairvoyance", it's better to say that the ability I possess is: divine calculation. "

"As long as I count my fingers, I can know everything in the world and get the information I want."

"Whether it is the past, the present, or the future, I can see it. "

"On this basis, I can deduce more different futures."

"It also means..."

"I can rewrite the fate of others and create a perfect ending through the tiniest price."


"Dr. Romani, your little-known "little secret". "

"If you want to change your destiny, I don't mind helping you..."

147. Anna's little thoughts?The summoning authority of special servants!

When he heard Jiang Shang's question, Romani was stunned.

Even the coffee cup in his hand accidentally fell to the ground.

It wasn't until the sound of the teacup shattering that he woke up from the shock again.

In fact...

He has known for a long time that this martial sage is undoubtedly a strategist and resourceful.

It is a [-]% fact that you have "clairvoyance" beyond the specification!


Along the way, he kept silent and tried his best to avoid talking with Jiang Shang.

But what...

The other party has already seen through, his true identity!

Not saying his "real name" in front of everyone is enough to give him face.

"a ha ha ha..."

"Let's talk about this kind of trivial matter later."

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