He never expected that even the "Lord God" had already ended!

The "degree of danger" of the seventh singularity has exceeded his expectations!

No wonder the "Grand Hero" will end in person!

This is beyond the ability of "Chaldea"!

It's so serious that even the "restraining power" needs to be called for help!


Dr. Romani's sentiments violated the taboo of "Ishtar" unintentionally.

After all, Ishtar is also a goddess, although she is not as good as the "Mayan Lord God" in terms of divinity.

But she has not yet fallen to the point of being defined by mere human beings as her strengths!



"With the help of the "Master", it is not impossible to defeat her. "

In order to maintain her majesty as a goddess.

Ishtar, who was unable to get off the tiger, could only bite the bullet and open his mouth to argue.

(OK) "Hey..."

"I said, Lord Master..."

"You will fight side by side with me too, right..."

The moment the voice fell, Ishtar did not forget to look at her Master with big eyes of hope.

It's good to hit the magic whip...

Immortal rope is also good...

Whether it is the list of gods...

The three treasures that Jiang Shang currently owns are all: the treasure of anti-god!

As long as this "Master" is willing to assist her, Ishtar will never lose!


She can still take this opportunity to erase the stains on her body!

To regain the worship of those people on this land!

With the idea of ​​"taking a shortcut", the pleading on Ishtar's face became more sincere.

Jiang Shang smiled...

He put down the chopsticks in his hand and smiled at Ishtar in approval.


"When the time comes, I will unseal the 'Noble Phantasm'. "

"I will provide you with the "strongest" assistance, so you can look forward to it! ".

156. Weird Ulu City!The cruel goddess!

after an hour

Under the leadership of the "Leopard Man", everyone passed through the primeval jungle and finally arrived at the destination.

Tamamo-mae, who was a "sorcery-level servant", quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Master, have you found out?"

"The concentration of "ether" here has exceeded the normal level of the Age of Gods. "

"It's not a problem to call it a "super-large intrinsic barrier". "

Tamamo looked around warily, this abnormal phenomenon was probably the masterpiece of the goddess.

"Everyone must follow!"

""Ulu City" is just ahead! "

"Hey hey...Where is it, it's my sheltered city!"

The "Leopard Man" carrying a strange weapon has a bright smile on his face, just like a teacher taking students and field trips.


"It's getting hotter..."

"I really want to go back to the world of "more than 4000 years later", blowing a fan comfortably. "

Natalia was wiping off her sweat. Wearing a leather jacket, what she couldn't bear the most was the hot weather.

"Be patient..."

The two ceremonies were talking beside her, and her current condition was not very good.

after all...

The "Fuyuki" they were in before was still in winter.

And "Mesopotamia" more than 4000 years ago was located in a geographical location of 230.

Because of its proximity to the desert, it has a tropical desert climate.

Cold in winter, hot in summer...

The temperature difference between day and night is large, and the precipitation is less...

It can even be said that the environment here is quite harsh.

In addition, the location where everyone is located is a sultry primitive jungle.


It is the hottest summer of the year.

They are not the only ones who feel uncomfortable.

Especially Mordred in armor, and Bagster, Joan of Arc.

They just endured it and didn't complain...



After a long drive...

The destination of everyone's trip - Ulu, finally appeared in front of us.

Because of the influence of the "Three Goddess Alliance", the city has long lost its previous prosperity.

At first glance, it looks eerie like a deserted ghost town.

Due to long-term neglect, the dense vegetation has eroded into the city.

Even the broken city gate was not guarded at this time.

If it weren't for the faint smoke rising from the kitchen, it would prove that there are still people living here.

It is hard to imagine that such a barren place was once a large city that was rare in human history more than 4000 years ago!

Everyone passed through the city wall and walked in the deserted city.

 (aeed) suddenly...

The sharp-eyed Gudazi noticed that not far away, a woman was fetching water!

"Brother Jiang Shang, there is someone ahead!"


"The citizens here are all fine."

Gu Dazi pointed at the woman in front of him, and spoke excitedly.

This is the first time she came to "more than 4000 years ago" and saw humans in this era!


The woman who was fetching water also turned around in surprise and looked at the outsider in front of her.

"At this time, there are still outsiders..."

"Crossing that jungle must be very hard..."

The woman said in surprise.

Her voice quickly attracted more citizens.


Nearly a dozen women, all with vigilant eyes, came in front of everyone...


"It's not that tiring"

Thinking of the barbecue party last night, Gu Dazi scratched his head delicately, showing a silly smile.


She soon realized that something was wrong.

Ulu citizens walking on the street or fetching water.

Mostly women...

Very few men...

Just when she was about to ask, Jiang Shang raised his hand and rubbed her little head.

Gu Dazi immediately covered his mouth, and obediently followed Jiang Shang, without asking too much.

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