Jiang Shang showed a gentle smile to the woman in front of him, and raised his finger in the direction of "Ishtar".

"This goddess, you should know each other..."

He asked forcefully.

Everyone looked in the direction of "Ishtar", and the expressions in their eyes gradually became frightened!

"Lord Ishtar!"

"It's the goddess!"

"Oh my god... why is the goddess here..."

"That outfit looks so weird..."

Everyone retreated vigilantly, then bent down in fear, and knelt down towards Ishtar.


"You all get up!"

"We are here to help you, please accept this favor with gratitude."

Ishtar, who was wearing a maid's skirt, arrogantly put one hand on her hip, and brushed the bangs on her forehead with the other palm.

In her voice, there was inherent arrogance, which made everyone from modern times feel very uncomfortable.


Such a life of being admired by others is the correct way for her, as a goddess, to open up!

After getting her permission, everyone gradually got up from the ground.

With awe in their eyes, they looked at Ishtar, and then at Jiang Shang.

"Can you help me gather the remaining citizens?"

"I have something to say..."

"This is related to your life and death, you have to think carefully..."

Jiang Shang gave the order with a smile.

As the local god "Ishtar", it has a very high prestige!

From these residents who practice "kneeling worship", it is not difficult to see her extraordinary status.

"As ordered..."

The citizens of Ulu at the scene responded immediately.


They dispersed towards the surroundings, gathered the remaining survivors, and gathered in the direction of the square.

Gudazi watched everyone leave, and she looked at Jiang Shang blankly.

"Brother Jiang Shang, it looks weird here..."

"There shouldn't be any danger."

Gudazi looked around vigilantly, she saw too few male figures!

Jiang Shang smiled slightly and explained for Gudazi.

"In this primitive jungle, there are no traces of monsters."

"Even the monsters released by "Bagster" to patrol were instantly killed. "


"There is something that is protecting the city."

When Jiang Shang said this, he looked at the citizens in a hurry on the street ahead, and sighed complicatedly.


"This protection does not come without a price."

"The gods need 'sacrifices'. "

"But for the human beings who are driven into desperation, there is no precious treasure left."


"There is nothing more valuable than human beings themselves."

"I don't need to say much about the reason for the scarcity of 'men', you should understand. "

Jiang Shang told an extremely cruel fact in a flat tone!

Gudazi was stunned...

Even Matthew has noticed that there is an unknown cruel side in this city!

"Every day there are men who voluntarily become "sacrifices" in exchange for the safety of others. "

"Day after day, month after month..."

"Because of this, the number of men here is so rare."

"When the man is gone one day, it will be the woman's turn next."

"Then the old man, and finally the child..."

"Until the extinction of the last human..."

Jiang Shang sighed complicatedly.

Intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes looked at the Leopard Man who was hiding behind Bagster and playing the game of stepping on shadows.

The "Evil Goddess" who did all of this is her handwriting...

157. The Goddess and the Savior!Kind regards from Ishtar!

The atmosphere at the scene gradually became weird...

During Jiang Shang's explanation, many people looked in the direction of Leopard Man.

They all still vaguely remember this guy who looks like a "commercial star".


Also a "goddess"...

Is there a possibility that those men who disappeared have become her "sacrifices"?

"Don't look at people like that..."

"I didn't kill anyone..."

"I just transported all the "sacrifices" I caught to the "Eri City" further south~. "

"The group of people who disappeared are building a temple for "Quizal"..."

"She forced me to do it..."

Suddenly becoming the focus of everyone's attention, the leopard man became a little shy instead.

Once she changed her previous appearance, she quickly distanced herself from "Quizal".


Her expression of "deep hatred" is very much like a righteous hero.


What she got was the eyes of everyone...

The frustrated leopard man immediately lost his previous prestige, squatting on the ground and drawing circles.

"You are one by one..."

Gudazi said angrily.

Just when she and Matthew were about to criticize the "Leopard Man", Jiang Shang quickly made a move.

He held down the two "Little Moral Pacesetters" and directly blocked the girl's mouth with his hand.

"Don't you think it's too late to say something now?"

"Compared to the practices of other goddesses, this guy is relatively gentle."

"Our opponent on this trip is the "Mayan Lord God". "

"Now is not the time for conflicts..."

Jiang Shang persuaded the two of them that they should focus on major issues at the moment, and they must not ruin his plan!

To know...

Jiang Shang's plan for this trip is not as simple as "conquering the goddess"!

He is also yearning for the humans of "Mesopotamia".

His "imaginary number space" is very large, but the number of human beings is only a few thousand.

no cultural basis...

no house building...

It will take a few years to form a real civilization!

but if...

Jiang Shang uses supernatural powers...

Transfer this city to the imaginary space!

It can fundamentally solve this problem!


Jiang Shang will never allow anyone to ruin his important plan for this trip!


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