After half an hour...

In the mutual notification of the residents, as well as the leopard people, they knocked on the door from door to door.

About [-] Ulu citizens gathered in the square with sad faces.

Under the persecution of monsters and the devastation of sacrificial rituals.

This is already Ulu, all the remaining citizens.

Under the fearful gaze of the crowd, Jiang Shang led "Ishtar" slowly onto the high platform.

Seeing this familiar goddess, more than 2000 people knelt down respectfully on the ground.

Jiang Shang's gaze simply swept across the dense crowd below.

Among these survivors, women accounted for almost 90.00%!

The remaining men, excluding the elderly and children, were less than a dozen.

so sad...

Jiang Shang looked at the kneeling crowd below, and sighed with a complex expression.

He looked at "Ishtar" beside him, and he had already ordered it on the way here.

just now!

He needs the influence of this goddess to completely convince the citizens of Ulu!

Ishtar rolled his eyes, showing a sad and reluctant expression.

But for the sake of her own future, she still followed Jiang Shang's instructions.


"What is before you now is the only opportunity in this world!"

"Mesopotamia is facing unprecedented catastrophe!"

"The raging monsters are already unstoppable."

"One city after another has been reduced to ruins, with countless casualties."

"Uruk City is the last line of defense."

"But it won't last long there, and sooner or later it will usher in the fate of destruction."

In an arrogant tone, Ishtar spoke the speech that Jiang Shang forced her to recite.

When they heard the news, the more than 2000 people kneeling below began to discuss in low voices.


If the "Absolute Demonic Beast Front" guarded by the king himself is breached.

How would ordinary people like them survive?

The atmosphere of despair, like an epidemic, spread wantonly among the crowd.

Everyone raised their heads in fear and looked at the goddess "Ishtar" standing on the high platform.

This is their belief, the Goddess of Heaven who guards this land and brings "good harvest"!


All they can do is to pray for the protection of this goddess!


Ishtar yelled at the whispering crowd below.

When the crowd gradually quieted down, she continued to speak.


"Before you, there are only two choices left."

0····Ask for flowers·······

"It is to stay on this land, waiting for the bad news that the city of "Uruk" has been destroyed. "

"Then he was dragged to the jungle by the coming monsters and gnawed to death!"

"Follow me and go to the "different world" to continue to survive! "

"In the name of "Goddess-Ishtar", I assure you. "

"There is the last pure land of mankind, there is no war, and there is no "sacrifice". "

"You will live in peace and happiness on that land under the leadership of the only "ideal king". "

Ishtar said seriously.

These words, only her speech, can touch the survivors of this city.

Because the majesty of the "God" is never allowed to be questioned by humans in this era!

When her voice fell.

.. 0

The kneeling crowd below immediately erupted in excited praise!

"My Lady Goddess!"

"Thank you for your kindness!"

"We are saved! Goddess Ishtar has not given up on us!"

"God bless the goddess!"

Excited praise, like a mountain roar and a tsunami, resounded through the entire square!

Unlike before, false compliments mixed with fear.

The praise at this time is the emotion from the heart of these desperate survivors.

Even "Ishtar" was stunned...

Her image has always been that of an evil god.

She is a moody goddess to the humans who live on this land!

these years...

She has never received, so many compliments!

For a moment, Ishtar blushed with shame.


"It's not just me that you have to thank!"

"And this one, the saint from the East!"

"This savior will use the supernatural power of "space transfer" next. "

"Transfer the entire city to another world."

"If you want to thank him, thank him!"

Ishtar raised his hand and introduced the mastermind behind all this to everyone.

She raised her small face arrogantly, and restrained herself after a lot of effort.

But the raised lips still exposed her emotions at this time.

Now she is really very happy!


Even the "bad image" of Jiang Shang in her heart has changed drastically.


This terrifying Master is not as annoying as she imagined... Beg...

158. The Five Elements Escape to Show Their Power!Gilgamesh's Shock!

Cheers of full praise resounded throughout the square and echoed in the sky for a long time.

This is the instinctive reaction of desperate human beings when they see the last straw!

Below the platform...

Gudazi and Matthew showed excited expressions...

They couldn't wait to see the true strength of this "Crowned Hero".

Jiang Shang is connected through the "Master-Slave Contract".

Get in touch with "Artoria" far away in the imaginary number space.

And tell her about this in advance, so that she won't be too shocked later.


Jiang Shang has used the "Third Magic" authority!

Five bright white lights flew out from Jiang Shang's palm, hovered beside him, and turned into "array flags" of five colors.


The golden flag is: gold, which symbolizes "metal".

The green formation "[-]" flag is: wood, which symbolizes "plants".

The blue flag is: water, symbolizing "liquid".

The orange flag is: fire, which symbolizes "heat energy".

The yellow flag is: soil, which symbolizes the "earth".

This set of array flags, which can be consumed at one time, follows the principle of "five elements co-exist".

With the blessing of this set of "Five Elements Formation Flag", Jiang Shang's Five Elements Escape Technique will get an astonishing boost!

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