
Without "defense"...

Ishtar's "Noble Phantasm" is powerful enough to kill her!

But even so...

Quetzal didn't panic either, and still spoke out with a clear mind.

"Before I answer your question, can you tell me..."

"The humans here..."

"And the previous city, where did you go?"

Quetzal asked slowly, she even gave up struggling.

At the last moment of life and death, she asked about something that had nothing to do with her.

Jiang Shang smiled slightly.

He waved his sleeve casually, and the space in front of Quetzal was twisted into a mirror connecting different time and space.

From an altitude of several thousand meters, you can clearly overlook the city that was transferred to the "imaginary space"!

at this time...

A blond girl wearing knight armor is having an initial conversation with the transferred Ulu citizens.

She brought food "more than 4000 years" later, as well as abundant meat.

The citizens of Uru surrounded the king and thanked her for her kindness.

Everything looks so harmonious...

"Transfer between planes..."

"This is real 'magic'. "

"Young really are a great "savior". "

"Big sister, I am very optimistic about you..."

Quetzal showed a relieved smile, and responded to Jiang Shang gently.


"The "Five Elements Escape" of this level is not difficult for me now. "

"After finishing your business, the next goal is "Eri City". "

Jiang Shang answered gently.

He needs population to speed up the progress of civilization!

The opportunity is in front of him, of course he will not be polite!


As the "Master", he once personally experienced the "Seventh Singularity"!

He is basically clear about the character of each "Goddess".


The goddess of the "Lord God" level in front of her once said very cruel words.

But in fact, she is a gentle and kind goddess.

In the original...

Even those humans who were killed by her like "sandbags".


They have been given the power of "resurrection".

That's why, every time the battle is over, the leopard people will recycle the "corpse".

And those who have been reborn gather in "Eri City" to build a temple for her!

In exchange...

She'll keep the group safe...

It can also be regarded as a practical action for the continuation of human civilization.


"Is that so..."

"Then I'm relieved..."

Quetzal showed a gentle smile and nodded to Jiang Shang.

From Jiang Shang, she saw a brand new road to salvation.

This young man with the "Crown Spirit Base" is destined to become the savior of this era.

The piece of paradise he showed is an ideal land that is more suitable for the continuation of human civilization than the legendary "Noah's Ark"!

If the "Creator Goddess" wants to destroy this world!

At least before that, transfer all human survivors to the new world to survive!

to this end...

Quetzal is willing to assist this young man as a "servant"!


Jiang Shang raised his hand and released the "Sky Lock" and the "Immortal Binding Rope".

Quetzal, who had regained his freedom, had a sore and swollen body, and had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

The bright golden light turned into the "Fengshen Bang".

Flying out of Jiang Shang's hand, it hovered steadily in front of the main god.


"Do you have to do this step?"

"There should be a more "quick" contract, right? "

Quetzal looked at the "Fengshen 243 List" in front of her, and she frowned slightly, revealing a trace of reluctance.

To this...

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile and extended an invitation to the goddess in front of him.

"Quetzal, don't you want to see the world after "more than 4000 years"? "

"Since they are all in the present world, let's try to experience the life of human beings in the future."

"By the way..."

"The "wrestling match" in the future world is quite exciting. "

Jiang Shang spoke persuasively.

He has already identified the hobby of this goddess, as long as he starts from this aspect...

Don't worry about this goddess, she won't be moved!


"A 'wrestling match' in the future world? "

Quetzal showed his heartbeat and murmured excitedly.

Even in those emerald green eyes, there was an expression of can't wait.

The human world after more than 4000 years...

She really wants to see it...

Thinking of this...

Quetzalcoatl, writing by hand!

On the blank "Fengshen Bang", write down your name!

So far!

Another goddess successfully signed a master-slave contract with Jiang Shang!


"Congratulations on conquering: Quetzalcoatl!"

"Congratulations on getting: Dragon Summon Ticket!"

"Dragon Summoning Coupon: Use it to summon a dragon from another world!"


165. Dragon's Summon Ticket!Cut off a dragon maid?

Jiang Shang put away the "Fengshen List" with satisfaction.

At the same time, he turned around and glanced at the direction of "Tamamo-mae".

Sensing "Master's" gaze, Tamamomae immediately put on a look of kindness.

Walking to Gudazi's side, he began to care about the state of "Mashu".

She even performed "witchcraft" to help Matthew recuperate her body.

The originally pale girl's complexion improved a lot.

He even opened his eyes in a daze, and regained consciousness again...


Jiang Shang saw all of this, but didn't say anything.

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