Until now...

He still couldn't quite believe it, this sly fox.

It will take a long time to get along with her if you want to accept her.

But just then...

Quetzal, who had already signed the "Master-Slave Contract", suddenly pounced on him!


"Lovely Master!"

"What are you going to do next?"

The enthusiastic Quetzal held Jiang Shang in his arms and asked excitedly.

And her performance made the atmosphere of the scene drop to freezing point for a while!

"You guy, you are too arrogant!"

"Even if you come first, first served, it won't be your turn!"

Yuzao clenched his fists angrily, and roared at Quetzal!

She herself is in an "extremely dangerous" position!

If you don't seize the opportunity!

It is very likely that you will be recorded in the "Fengshen List" because you have accumulated five black beans!

not just her...

Joan's mentality has also undergone some changes...

But she didn't show it, she just watched silently from the side as a "best friend".

Jiang Shang came back to his senses and tried to push Quetzal away...

But his strength is obviously not as good as this main god...


"Take them first and go to "Eri City". "

"I still have something to do, I need to stay and deal with it."

"I will use the "escape technique" and meet up with you later. "

Jiang Shang said with shame.

Since he couldn't break free, he could only push her away.

"Hmm! Mmm ~ 々!"

"Lovely savior!"

"Let us work together to erase the human survivors of "Eridu" from this world! "

Quetzal said dangerous words, and reluctantly let go of Jiang Shanghou.

She turned around and whistled loudly.

Quetzal was summoned with the rank of "Cavalry" this time.


She has an extra "summoning" power!

Summon the pterosaur that was given the name of "Feathered Serpent Pterosaur" from the Cretaceous period!

at the same time...

Because it is classified as a "Noble Phantasm"!

These pterosaurs also gained "divinity"!

It's a real beast!

It is also a more powerful existence than the same kind in the Cretaceous period!

By the way...

These pterosaurs have another, more familiar name!

That is: Fengshen Pterosaur!

It is also the largest flying animal in the history of this planet!

At the time of "unblocking the real name"!

Quetzal, who is a "riding servant", can even use them to manipulate wind, rain, thunder and lightning in a super wide range!


The crisp whistle echoes above the sky...

A hoarse cry sounded from the distant sky!

Giant "Fengshen Pterosaurs" landed on the ground from the sky.

Standing on the ground, they are more than five meters tall!

Even bigger than a giraffe!


Because of "Quetzal", they are extremely docile to humans.

"Come up!"


"Experience the air travel from [-] million years ago!"

Quetzal jumped up from the ground and sat on the back of the largest pterosaur.

Greeting others, take the "Fengshen Pterosaur" and follow her to the destination.

"It used to be a monster..."

"Now it's the pterodactyl..."

"It's a magical trip..."

The two ceremonies smiled helplessly, and it was indeed as Jiang Shang said.

This magical trip really opened her eyes.


Aeolian pterosaurs, waving wings with a wingspan of more than 14 meters, gradually rise from the ground.

Carrying the excited people, they flew in the direction of "Eri City".

Jiang Shang watched the crowd leave, and he showed a look of anticipation.

He opened the "system interface" and activated it without hesitation!

That "Dragon Summoning Ticket"!

Jiang Shang wanted to see what kind of surprises this "summoning ticket" could bring him!


"Dragon Summoning Ticket, successfully used!"

"The summoning of another dimension is starting!"

"The target has been confirmed, start transferring!"


A system prompt appeared before Jiang Shang's eyes.

But what surprised him even more was yet to come!


"Class template, successful fusion!"

"Class skills, fusion success!"

"Exclusive Noble Phantasm, successful fusion!"


The system's notification sound, when it falls...

A "giant magic circle" with an area of ​​more than one kilometer emerged under Jiang Shang's feet!

Under Jiang Shang's curious gaze, the deep green light particles are transferring spirit particles!

Ten meters!

30 meters!

65 meters!

The emerald green light spot condensed into a giant dragon 30 meters high and 65 meters long in front of Jiang Shang!

The ferocious black dragon wings spread out from the broad back, creating a posture that blocks the sky and the sun!

The sharp-edged head, staring at the blood-colored dragon pupils, exudes the majesty of a giant dragon!

Its size is terrifying, like an immovable steel castle!

Under the noon sun, the emerald green dragon scales shimmering with deep brilliance are even more luxurious!


This green dragon, before it had time to be arrogant, lay weakly on the ground.

On her back, there is a huge holy sword!

The breath of life of this giant dragon is rapidly disappearing!


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