But that doesn't mean they won't be afraid!

They are obviously just a group of "walking corpses", but they are more afraid of death than humans!

The girl who awakened the "magic eye" in front of her exuded a murderous aura that made them despair!

This girl knows where their weaknesses lie!

Even if they are touched lightly, they, as undead, will lose their souls!

"Go away!"

"Stay out of my way!"

The two rituals scolded the monsters in front of her, and she walked fast!

With the dagger in your hand, it's like "mowing the grass"!

Slaughtering those walking corpses who don't know how to live or die, and dare to stop her!

Monsters, like dominoes, fell one after another!

Relying on one's own strength!

The two ceremonies forcibly opened up a safe path!

Gu Dazi, with a pale face, trotted all the way, following behind the two ceremonies.

The girl showed a bitter smile, and looked at the back of the "Assassin" in front of her with black lines all over her head!

who can imagine...

This unparalleled assassin girl who dared to go all the way in the "underworld"!

It turned out to be the weakest one among the eight servants summoned by "that big brother"!


"This guy...is a monster!"

"Run away! With our strength, we can't stop her!"

"Hurry up and report to the Mistress, we can't let her continue to wreak havoc! "

The walking corpses started to panic, and fled towards the surroundings in disgrace!

In their eyes, the two ceremonies at this time are like tyrannical ghosts and gods!

Touch to death!

A walking corpse with a little slow reaction, it was just about to turn around and run away!

But the two rituals jumped up from the ground, kicked it in the air, and kicked it to the ground!

Before the terrified walking corpse crawled up from the ground in embarrassment.

A foot that fell from above has already stepped on its back!


"Where is the exit!"

The two ceremonies looked down at the walking corpse that was stepped on by her, and asked in a cold tone.


"Go straight up!"

The walking corpse said in panic, as long as you keep going up, you can leave the underworld!

This is a legend from the "Underworld"!


Most of the undead who are looking for a way out gradually lose themselves in the long process of exploration and decay into walking corpses.

In the end, he became a guard who wandered in the "Kingdom of Death" and was responsible for guarding the border.

"Go up..."

The two ceremonies raised their heads solemnly, and the gloomy sky was full of unknown dangers.

Can she and Gudazi really escape from here?


A cold female voice gave a ruthless answer.

"Without my permission, no one can leave the "underworld"! "


"You are carrying this despair!"

"Waiting for the world with peace of mind, go to the final destruction!".

172. Mistress of the Underworld!The not-so-bright goddess of the earth?

The cold voice echoed in the dark underworld.

The walking corpses running around stopped and knelt on the ground in panic.

This voice...

It is the "Mistress of the Underworld".~..

In charge of the kingdom of death, "Ereshki-Gale" who is honored as the goddess of the earth!

Compared to her moody younger sister, she is an even more majestic-incarnation of the Earth Goddess!

She is the god of death in this era!


When the sound falls...

The black mist rising from the ground turned into a giant skeleton face!

"This is your punishment!"


"I will imprison you here forever!"

"To comfort the creatures on this land!"

The giant skeleton opened its ferocious mandibles.

In the direction of the two rituals, spit out a cloud of blue magic flames!


The two rituals standing below not only did not dodge!

Instead, he quickly swung his dagger at the oncoming "blue flame"!

A miraculous scene happened at this moment!

The spewing magic flames were actually shattered into dreamy light spots under the slash of the two rituals!

The two rituals were not only unscathed, but even showed a calm smile.

Her eyes can see the "thread of death"!

Not just creatures!

Even the enemy's energy attack, she can easily kill it!

"how is this possible!"

The giant skeleton said in surprise.

The woman below did not use a treasure!

She just waved the knife lightly!

But in such a simple way, the attack from the goddess was broken!


This is just a slight punishment, this "hostess of the underworld" is not serious at all!


This is still a blow from the gods!


Maybe it's because...

The two ceremonies are encountering an unprecedented fatal crisis...

In the girl's mind, something inexplicably appeared...

Information about this pair of "magic eyes"!

This bizarre "detailed information" seems to have appeared out of thin air!


Also thanks to this information...

In the two ceremonies now, I have understood the correct use of these "magic eyes"!


The behavior of the two ceremonies completely angered the "mistress of the underworld"!


"It's just a mere follower, don't be arrogant here!"

The mandible of the giant skeleton is opened again!

Different from the magic flame last time, the attack released this time!

It's the ether of the underworld, the charged light cannon!

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