The dazzling blood-colored light beam blasted towards the two rituals below!

Wherever the light cannon passes!

Together with the ground, everything evaporated in an instant!


Faced with such a terrifying blow, the two rituals not only did not dodge!

Instead, he waved the dagger in his hand more easily!


It was a miraculous scene, exactly the same as before!

The two rituals once again "killed" the enemy's attack!

"You guy..."

Two attacks failed!

The giant skeleton looked down at the tiny humans below, and there was endless anger in the voice!

It's those "magic eyes"!

Those weird eyes made even her, a goddess, feel palpitations!

at the same time...

The explanation of the two ceremonies also sounded at this time.

"Everything in the world has flaws."

"As humans are, so are gods."

"Even: atmosphere, energy, thought, even time."

"And my 'eyes'..."

"I can see the death of "everything"..."

"This special talent, even you, the "Grim Reaper", cannot escape! "


"As long as it's something alive!"

"Even if it's a god! I can kill it for you!"

The two rituals raised their heads with a sneer, and firmly pressed against the giant skeleton in front of them.

Even if the other party is the "Mistress of the Underworld"!

There is also a "thread of death" on her body!


The bigger the body shape, the more obvious the "dead line" will be!

Relatively speaking, the easier it is to cut!



"I want to see it!"

"As a human being, how are you going to kill a god!"

The giant skeleton was furious, and even in the depths of the dark eye holes, blazing blue flames ignited!

This rampant human girl has violated the taboo between humans and gods!

Killing God!

No matter in that era, it was an unforgivable crime!

Just when this "hostess of the underworld" is about to get serious!

A white "circular sword wave" suddenly struck from a distance!

Cut off the huge skeleton, together with the raised corridors and stone pillars around it!

"Despicable outlander..."

"Actually... sneak attack on me..."

The "Giant Skeleton" that was cut in half can no longer be disguised!

For the first time, the hostess of the underworld showed her real body in front of people!


Golden twin ponytails.

Wearing a black crown.

The pretty girl in the blood-colored cloak is about 17 years old according to her appearance.

But what's shocking is that, apart from the slightly different hair color.

She is surprisingly similar to "Ishtar"!

It's just like...

A pair of twin sisters alike...


Ai Lei held a blood-colored twisted spear and landed steadily on the ground.

She raised her head angrily, and stared at a high platform on the left!

at this time...

The cute girl with silver hair was yawning lazily.

That terrifying "circular sword wave" was written by her!

"Where did you come from again!"

"I don't remember my mother summoning a second "divine weapon"! "

Ai Lei cursed angrily, but it's a pity that her words just ended.

It felt like a cold steel whip had arrived behind her!

"do not move..."

Jiang Shang, whose body was surrounded by black energy, appeared behind this "hostess of the underworld".

0····Ask for flowers·······

Holding the "Magic Whip" in his hand, he pressed it against Ai Lei's back.

As long as he uses a little force, he can pierce the heart of this goddess just like piercing tofu!


"You really came..."

"You cold-blooded butcher, I wish I could imprison you in the underworld forever!"

Ai Lei turned her face away angrily, and glared at Jiang Shang angrily!

Her white fists were clenched and rattled!

Only this man can never be forgiven!


Ai Lei's inexplicable hatred made Jiang Shang a little puzzled.

He suddenly felt that there was some misunderstanding between him and this goddess...


"I didn't offend you..."


"From the beginning of my advent, I didn't kill anyone, I just trampled dozens of monsters to death."

Jiang Shang said calmly.

Before subduing "this goddess", he felt that it was necessary to resolve this misunderstanding first.


as predicted...

After hearing Jiang Shang's explanation, Ailei was furious instantly!

The goddess turned around angrily, grabbed Jiang Shang by the collar, and asked with red eyes.

"You said that you didn't kill anyone?"

"How do you explain the human beings in "Ulu City"! "

"Isn't it because of you that those thousands of people lost their souls and were unable to return to the underworld!"

"Do you know that once you lose your soul, it means you completely disappear!"

Allie growled angrily.

As the "mistress of the underworld", her mission is to guide the dead souls to rest in peace in the underworld.

This is her birthright!

She is also a goddess, her kindness to human beings!

Those human beings who died from the disaster of monsters will return their souls to the underworld!

Under her protection, get eternal salvation!


She doesn't need to stop...

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