Transfer thousands of Uru citizens, as well as the entire city, to another world!

God knows what price this savior paid!


As the "mistress of the underworld", she misunderstood this kindness!

Mistaking this savior for a heinous villain!

He even snatched away the souls of those two girls in a fit of anger!

just now!

Because of the provocation of "Two Ceremonies", she was almost murdered!

Think here!

Ai Lei covered her face and squatted on the ground in shame!

Thinking back to myself, the stupid things I did!

She even has the heart to "die" at this moment!

If it weren't for the thousands of people here, they were watching her!

At this time, she was already rolling all over the floor in frustration!


Ai Lei apologized softly 0....

Her voice was soft, but full of sincerity.

"My two companions, you can let them go back."

Jiang Shang leaned down and continued to tease Ailei.


Allie responded in a low voice, agreeing without any hesitation.

"That's right..."

Jiang Shang took out a white towel from his pocket and handed it to Ai Lei.

He was so close that he could even hear Ellie crying.

Allie didn't pick up...

She's totally broken...

She rarely communicates with people, and has never encountered such a thing.

She didn't know what to do, facing the kindness expressed by the man in front of her.


Unlike her wayward sister: Ishtar.

Ai Lei's character is passive and introverted.

She always puts on a grim look, which happens to be a sign of vulnerability.

Although she is the "mistress of the underworld", she also has a very girlish side.

"I want to meet someone who knows that she is the master of the underworld, but doesn't care about it, and will accompany her."

This is Allie, her long-cherished wish.


"I didn't blame you..."

"Everybody makes mistakes, doesn't they?"

Jiang Shang squatted beside Ai Lei, comforting the depressed girl softly.

He wiped the girl, and the tears overflowing from her eyes comforted her guilt.

"Thank you..."

"You are the "best person" I have ever met, bar none. "

"Obviously 4.3..."

"I've done such a terrible thing..."

"Please do it, I am willing to pay the due price for my behavior."

Sad Ai Lei, under the comfort of Jiang Shang, her mood improved.

She has made up her mind to die!

Use her life in exchange for forgiveness!

But right now...

A bright golden light emerged from Jiang Shang's hands, turning into the appearance of "Fengshen Bang".

"what is this?"

Ai Lei looked at it suspiciously, and asked weakly about the volume of "Fengshen Bang" in Jiang Shang's hand.

At this time, she no longer had the majesty she had before, and was more like a simple girl.


Even a benevolent person like "Jiang Shang" can't bear to bully her anymore.


Jiang Shang could only coax in a low voice.

"This is a "mysterious tool" that will be used later. ".

174. The system selection reappears!The goddess of the underworld has begun to fall?

Together with Jiang Shang, after returning to the underworld again...

Eilee wields the supreme authority of "Mistress of the Underworld".

Send the kidnapped girls back to the world again.


She looked at Jiang Shang, who had his hands behind his back and was still holding the "Fengshen Bang" in his right hand.

He glanced apprehensively at the holy sword girl next to Jiang Shang with her hands on her hips.

On the face of this goddess, guilt and a bit of annoyed remorse appeared.

at this time...

She already knows everything...

People who know that Jiang Shang is the same as "Chaldea", come from the world thousands of years later.

The purpose of going to this era is to "restore human reason".

"The savior of the world chosen by "humanity", please listen carefully..."

"The name of me in front of you is: Ereshkigal. I am the "Goddess of the Earth", the mistress in charge of the Underworld. "

"At the same time, I am also a member of the "Three Goddess Alliance". "

"It is also one of the "real culprits" behind the catastrophe. "

"From your point of view, I am a disaster that must be eliminated by 04."

"Only by destroying me, the souls imprisoned here can be freed."


"Please do it..."

The voice falls...

Ai Lei closed her eyes in relief, lifted her delicate face, revealing her white and tender neck.

She did something unforgivable and died under the sword of the savior.

It was her destiny as the "Villain Goddess" from the very beginning.

Allie, you've made up your mind!


at the same time!

The "virtual screen" of the system seems to trigger a decision again because of this determination!


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Ereshkigal, reward: Reaper Summon Scroll!"

"Option [-]: Conquer Ereshkigal, Reward: Asylum of the Underworld!"


The two rewards provided by the system made Jiang Shang look surprised.

Death Summon Ticket...

If there is no accident, it should be the same as the "Dragon Summoning Ticket", summoning a different dimension of death.


Jiang Shang didn't intend to make a move, but instead teased Ai Lei.

"The tears are overflowing again..."

"As a goddess, you can't be so fragile."

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