Jiang Shang said in a wicked way.

How could he have the heart to kill Ai Lei in front of him.

after all...

This is the "capture target" he has set from the very beginning.


"No way!"

"Watch your attitude! Human!"

The girl raised her hand in a panic, wiping the red corners of her eyes.

She wants to leave with dignity, and doesn't want to be looked down upon by the man in front of her!

But just then...

Jiang Shang raised his hand suddenly and gave Ai Lei a brain break!

"It hurts—!"

Ai Lei was so painful that tears flowed out again. She clutched her forehead aggrievedly, and looked angrily at the humans in front of her.

"Give me enough time."

"You should know what kind of catastrophe the "Creator Goddess" will cause after waking up. "

"Even "Ishtar" is working hard to save this era. "

"As a "sister", if you run away, you will be laughed at by her for the rest of your life. "

"You don't want to see Ishtar's face asking for credit either."

Jiang Shang said words that made Ai Lei angry in a playful tone!

Ai Lei hadn't opened her mouth to refute, but Jiang Shang continued to sigh.

"Obviously you are so beautiful."

"The strength is so strong."

"And so responsible."

"Nice personality, easy to communicate with..."

"If you lose to "Ishtar", even an outsider like me won't stand it. "


"Obviously holding the "card" to win, why give up on yourself? "

"Has no one ever told you that you are far more attractive than her?"

Jiang Shang pretended to be sorry, as if he felt worthless for Ai Lei.

Allie froze...

I even stopped breathing...

From the day she was born, she has been the object of fear.

She is the mistress of the underworld, the goddess of the earth who is tied to the concept of "death".

She performed her duties conscientiously, but no one ever thanked her.

Speaking of...

This is Elle...

It's the first time I heard someone praise her...


"Then... of course!"


"I can help you, what can I do?"

Ai Lei's voice became smaller and smaller, she combed her hair shyly.

I want to make myself look more dignified and more attractive.

after all...

Since she was born, this is the first person to praise her!


She can't live up to the other party's expectations, she must perform perfectly enough!

After hearing Ai Lei's inquiry, Jiang Shang knew that the time had come!

He casually raised his hand and threw it, and the "Fengshen Bang" spread out in the air.


"On this first, sign your name..."

Jiang Shang invited gently.

He came to the "Underworld" this time just to subdue this "Goddess of Earth"!

"Mysterious wonderful tool..."

"I see... this is your "Noble Phantasm". "

"If I write my "name" on this, I will lose my freedom, right? "

There was a trace of fear in Ai Lei's eyes.

She could feel the terrifying restriction effect from the "Fengshen Bang"!

That terrible "constraint" is beyond her cognition!

 243 Presumably even a main god like "Quetzal" will be restricted.


"That's right..."

"Its name is: Fengshen Bang."

"The creatures recorded in the book will live forever, never die or die."

"at the same time..."

"The protection from the "Fengshen Bang" allows you to pass freely. "

"It's not impossible to live freely on the ground like "Ishtar". "

Jiang Shang bewitched again.

He knows the character of "Ai Lei", knows her wishes, and knows what she wants!

As long as we start from this aspect, we can definitely convince her to write down his name willingly!


"If I leave..."

"Who should guide those wandering souls?"

Allie sighed.

She was bound here because of her "duty".

If the underworld does not have her management, then all souls will be lost sooner or later!

Become a dehumanized and aggressive monster!

If this can't be resolved, then she can't possibly sign the contract.

To this...

Jiang Shang showed a confident smile, he had already thought of the perfect answer...

"The underworld is the place where dead souls rest forever..."

"But since this is the case, why not change it to a more romantic way...".

175. Flowers Bloom in the Underworld!The Great Miracle of the Third Magic!


Jiang Shang's words made this "hostess of the underworld" look blank.


"What are you talking about, this is the "underworld"! "

"No matter how you think about it, it has nothing to do with "romance". "

Allie sighed helplessly.

No one understands the harsh environment here better than her "Goddess of the Underworld"!

If there was a way, she would have left the underworld long ago and lived the life she expected.

Even Ai Lei, who is a goddess, can't solve the dilemma.

What kind of ridiculous plan can the human beings in front of them come up with?


Let's move the "Underworld" to the ground...


Ai Lei shook her head vigorously, expelling this ridiculous idea from her mind!

"I was underestimated..."

Jiang Shang shook his head complicatedly, sighing helplessly.

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