He looked around the dark, gloomy and cold underground underworld.


Under Ai Lei's astonished gaze...

Jiang Shang's hair, as well as his eyebrows and eyelashes, turned pure white at this time.

Even the gray eyes that were opened have turned into a holy and majestic golden color!

Not just looks...

Even the clothes turned into white robes that were purer than Snow White.

This is Jiang Shang's transformed body after obtaining the "third magic".

He has a masculine and feminine appearance, but he has an appearance that even women would be jealous of.

at this time...

With the blessing of white hair and golden eyes, and a white robe, his gender became more blurred.


no time...


In this state, he is connected to the "root" of this planet, and has surpassed all living things!

If it is narrowed down to the scope of the "planet", then he is: omniscient and omnipotent!

"Scared you..."

Jiang Shang joked gently, his magnetic neutral voice was very gentle, like a spring breeze blowing through people's hearts.

At this moment, he is omniscient and omnipotent, without the previous intrigue.

With every glance and smile, everything is perfect, even the gods can't compare it to themselves!


Ai Lei shook her head quickly, but her cheeks turned redder!

She didn't know what this "human being" was going to do, but she could sense his breath!

She has surpassed her "cognitive range" and reached the real God's Domain!


Jiang Shang raised his slender palm and activated the "third magic"!

The souls of the dead wandering in the underworld are materialized into countless seeds!

Under the endless supply of energy, it broke ground from the barren land of the underworld.

Under Ai Lei's horrified eyes, it grows into blooming golden stamens!

But only for a moment!

The entire dark underground underworld has turned into a sea of ​​golden flowers!

These golden flowers are "carnations"...

They emit a dim light, illuminating the entire underground underworld.


This light is not as dazzling as the sun, but it is still full of warmth.

If you want to describe it...

It's like sunlight shining through the cracks, a gift that even dirty and down-to-earth mice can enjoy.

"What a nice view..."

Allie murmured involuntarily.

As the hostess of the underworld, she often laments alone that there are no flowers in the underworld.


This wish came true...

This golden sea of ​​flowers is the most beautiful scenery this goddess has ever seen in her life!

Not only her...

Even the lost walking corpses shed choked tears when they saw this shocking scene.

They seemed to have found the end point they had been looking for, and even the decayed soul was purified at this time.

They turned into bright white lights.

Rise from the ground and fall from the sky.

The beauty is like a meteor shower in the underworld.

These lost souls reside in the blooming petals.

Let the originally dim light become more soft and moving.

Witnessing this scene that is happening in the underworld.

As the "mistress of the underworld", Eilei was speechless in amazement...


"A man is to the living soul what a flower is to the dead."

"It prospers in dwelling, and withers away from it."

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, Jiang Shang sighed with a smile on his face.

Ai Lei looked at Jiang Shang blankly, she couldn't understand such profound words.

"Don't you understand?"

"Then let me put it more bluntly..."

Jiang Shang raised his hand and gently brushed Ai Lei's forehead.

The imprint that emerged between her because of "brain collapse".

Under Jiang Shang's healing, he disappeared without a trace.

"starting today..."

"On this land, the dead..."

"Souls returning to the underworld will cling to these flowers and keep them from fading."

"` ~Even without you, the "Goddess of the Underworld", staying behind to take care of you, everything will work normally. "

Jiang Shang explained gently.

This sea of ​​flowers is a masterpiece of "The Third Magic".

Possesses the effects of "purification" and "requiem".

Even ferocious wraiths will have dreams that they don't want to wake up under this blessing.

Sleep forever in the underworld.


This is a miracle that only the "Third Magician" can achieve!

A gentle wind mixed with the fragrance of flowers blew past the two of them.

The sluggish Ai Lei, now she came back to her senses...


"Even the wind in the underworld is no longer noisy, and it has become more humane."

Ai Lei choked up and said, and tears rolled down the corners of the girl's eyes again.

But this time it's not sad...

It's a proof that it is filled with inner happiness, overflowing from the eye sockets.

"I would like to write my name..."

"You have to... cherish it."

Ai Lei looked at the "Fengshen List (Lea Wang's)" in front of her, and the initial fear disappeared in her eyes.

Since birth...

She has never been as happy as she is now.

For her at this time, this volume of "Fengshen Bang" is not a bondage.

Instead, they are connected, the ties of each other's hearts.

As long as this bond is still there, whether it is now or in the future...

They can all be dependent on each other.

Be the wings of the other party in pursuit of happiness.

Ai Lei used the gun as a pen to write her name on the unfolded "Fengshen Bang" in the ancient language of the age of gods.

Ereshkigal committed.

From now on.

Ai Lei officially joins Jiang Shang's camp!


"Congratulations on conquering: Ereshkigal."

"Congratulations on obtaining: Asylum of the Underworld!"

"The shelter of the underworld: when in the underworld, grant yourself a state of combat continuity, no matter what kind of attack you receive, you will never die!"


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