
This does not prevent her from going over to ask...

Anna before, had already made a decision...

As long as there is a chance to meet again, she will definitely go to see him!

It's up to that man to fulfill her wish...


the other side...

Although the battle outside was loud and loud.

But this still does not hinder Jiang Shang's sense of happiness when he moved to his new home.

After wandering for a few days...

He finally had a stable residence "more than 4000 years ago".


Because of the limitations of civilization, the enjoyment that can be obtained here is inevitably a bit monotonous.

"We're going to be here for a while."

"Go and choose the room you like first."

"Siduri, you go too."

Jiang Shang sat comfortably on the reclining chair and said to everyone present.

He watched the crowd leave, just when he was about to close his eyes and rest.

In the corridor outside, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

The "Holy Sword Girl" who walked with the wind appeared in front of Jiang Shang, carrying Jin Gu who was about to be captured with nothing on his shoulders.

After she put Jin Gu on the ground, she took off the sack covering her head.

The proud girl stretched out her little hand arrogantly towards her Master!


"And hugs! The kind that hold you high!"

The girl squinted her eyes expectantly, asking for the reward she thought was due.

"Eat into a little fat man, I don't care about you..."

Jiang Shang is like a parent, threatening the holy sword girl in front of him.

But he still opened the space crack and let the girl ask for it.

"We are god-made weapons!"

"The kind that won't get fat!"

The girl said cheerfully, grabbed a few packs of snacks casually, and lay down beside Jiang Shang.

Delighted to open a pack of original potato chips, he crunched and ate them.

She never forgot her mission.

Before the master subdues "Golden Gu", she will never leave half a step.

Because she is the Noble Phantasm of this "Savior", the holy sword he trusts!


"We meet again..."

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile, and jokingly looked at the... woman in front of him?

That's right...

He didn't know what happened in it.


Unlike the first time he met, the sexless body he saw.

The current "Jin Gu" has turned into a woman from the beginning to the end!

As a weapon made by gods, "he/she" is not a human being, but: the lock of the sky!

The so-called human is just her mimicry.

It is more convenient to move around in this world, that's all!


Jiang Shang didn't understand...

What does her behavior mean?

Just when Jiang Shang was puzzled, the sly voice of "Holy Sword" sounded in his mind.  …

"This guy is actually quite pitiful."

"Although he has great strength, he is very vague about his own position."

"She's just the maker's weapon, still in a state of flux."

"Guys like this can be recruited with just a slight push."


"Tell me something that interests her!"

While speaking, the holy sword girl did not forget to wink playfully at her Master.

"Is that so..."

When Jiang Shang heard the girl's answer, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

at this time...

A system pop-up window appeared in front of him...


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Jin Gu and get: Divine Weapon!"

"Option [-]: Conquer Jin Gu and get: Random treasure!"


Jiang Shang glanced lightly, then looked in Jin Gu's direction.

The immortal rope flew out of his wrist and bound Jin Gu's body.

No matter how she breaks free, she can't break free from the shackles of the fairy rope!

She who was promoted to "Sky Lock", never thought that one day, she would be tied up too!

"Stop struggling..."

"The more you resist, the tighter it binds..."

"Even if you turn into the main body, it will still cling to you."

4.3 "As the "Sky Lock", you should be very clear about this. "

Jiang Shang glanced at Jin Gu, who had a ferocious expression, and spoke flatly.

"What do you want!"

"Although I am your prisoner, I am not a clown who allows you to humiliate me!"

Jin Gu asked gloomyly.

She didn't curse, and she didn't fight back.

All of this is for the sake of the holy sword girl.

But that doesn't mean she can be humiliated!


Jiang Shang didn't immediately explain...

After he got up from the recliner, he casually raised his sleeves.

Under Jin Gu's gaze, a dimensional channel connecting the "imaginary number space" was opened!

He issued an order to the "Immortal Binding Rope", ordering it to hang the gold in mid-air.


With his hands behind his back, Jiang Shang spoke calmly before he walked into the dimensional passage.

"I want to take you to a place first..."

"Then talking about how to deal with you...".

189. A miracle in a desperate situation!Salvation belonging to Tiamat!

As a captive, Jin Gu has no chance to refuse...

Being hung in the air, she also experienced the joy of "Ishtar" back then.

After passing through the mysterious "dimension channel"...

What floated in front of her was an endless grassland!

"here is..."

Jin Gu frowned suspiciously, and she, who was tied up in the air, looked around.

But her frown got deeper and deeper.

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