
She can't feel any breath of life...

Except for the lush vegetation, there are no living things here!


Not even insects...

Ling Jin Gu, who was so silent, felt a little terrified!

"This is my "imaginary number space". "

"You can understand it as "another world". "

"There are sun, moon and stars here, and there are four seasons in a year."

"And the area of ​​this planet is far wider than the world you know."

Jiang Shang explained with a smile, with a proud smile on his face.

Everything on this living planet belongs to him.

But he couldn't create all life in one night!

Hearing Jiang Shang's explanation, Jin Gu frowned blankly.

"so what..."

"What is the difference between this place and the world at the beginning of creation?"

"It takes at least tens of millions of years of evolution to give birth to life."

Jin Gu sneered and said 04.

No matter how beautiful this world is, it has nothing to do with her!


The next words of the man in front of her made her open her mouth in a daze.


"You must have seen it too."

"It doesn't matter if the Three Goddess Alliance, including you."

"Today, those who surrender are recruited, and those who flee are fleeing."

"The only Gorgon left is already out of luck."

"When to subdue her is entirely up to my heart."


"Have you ever seen me and shot yourself?"

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile and questioned Jin Gudao beside him.


Jin Gu frowned, she didn't know how to refute.


From the moment this man showed up.

So far, it's only been two days.

But the "Three Goddess Alliance" has collapsed!

Forest Goddess: Leopard Man!

Goddess of the Sky: Ishtar!

Goddess of Earth: Ereshkigal!

Lord God: Quetzalcoatl!

There are already four goddesses who have become solid supporters of this man.

Standing on the opposite side of "mother"!

The only remaining "Goddess of Warcraft - Gorgon" was also seriously injured.

That clumsy poor goddess, if she wasn't there to take care of her.

God knows!

What a fool she would do!

If she is used by "people with a heart"!

Maybe the fate of his life will happen again in this era!

There is no hope anymore...

The goddesses summoned by the mother are all traitors!

Even she, who had a firm belief, became a prisoner!


Only the mother is left to fight against the enemy alone!


Jiang Shang looked at Jin Gu with a worried expression.

He decided to add another fire...

"I came into this world as the "Crowned Heroic Spirit", and my purpose is to subdue: the second beast! "

"When Tiamat wakes up, I will do it myself. "

"At that time... I won't hold anything back."

"Would you like to bet that I can kill her?"

Jiang Shang glanced at Jin Gu, the smile on his face was very calm from the beginning to the end.


His originally gray pupils lit up with a gorgeous rainbow light!

Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death!

And at this time, turn on again!



Jin Gu wants to explain.

No one can understand better than her how powerful Tiamat is!


Jiang Shang raised a finger, and lightly tapped on the center of "Jin Gu's" eyebrows.

next moment...

Unprecedented despair swept Jin Gu's body!

Even this body is trembling instinctively!

The substance of death has never been so clearly visible as it is now!

Where Jiang Shang pressed was the Achilles' heel that she didn't even know about!


"If I press my finger down, what will happen to you?"

Jiang Shang asked with a smile.

In Jin Gu's view, Jiang Shang's words seemed to be the whisper of death!

This impressive sense of despair was only experienced by her when facing "Tiamat"!

no doubt!

This terrifying man is a powerhouse at the level of "Mother"!

"Who... are you..."

Jin Gu asked in astonishment, she had already noticed something was wrong!

This man's eyes are demonic eyes scarier than "Gorgon"!

He can see the "death" of all things!

Even gods!

A weapon made by God!

Can't escape his eyes!

He can crush enemies with just one finger without using a weapon!

This man's strength is as unfathomable as her "mother"!


"I said that..."

"I have come to subjugate the Crowned Heroic Spirit of the "Second Beast - Tiamat". "

"Golden Gu..."

"You don't want to see Tiamat either, die by my hands..."

Jiang Shang smiled gently, retracted his fingers, and said the classic words of the villain.

He is not an ordinary person like "Two Ceremonies" because of physical limitations.

Unable to exert the truly terrifying power of the "Magic Eye of Immediate Death"!

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