
His restless heart began to plot against others again...

"Two Nine Three"

"Empress of Assyria, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Jiang Shang showed a gentle smile and asked the Assyrian empress in front of him.


"It seems that you are very brave?"

The Empress of Assyria narrowed her beautiful eyes, leaned in front of Jiang Shang, and teased the Master.

She exudes an intoxicating fragrance, as sweet as the strongest poisonous wine!

Unlike other servants, as an empress, she is just like "Morgan" back then.


Jiang Shang has a wealth of experience in dealing with such "queen servants"!

"My contract with you will only last until the "Vanity's Hanging Garden" is built. "


"If without the help of "you", if I build the "sky garden"..."

"I want to sign a complete master-slave contract with you, how about you officially become my "slave"? "

Jiang Shang smiled and set out his own conditions.


The Assyrian empress, with her cynical expression, was as arrogant as ever.


"What about agreeing to your bet?"


"If you didn't make it, you should know the consequences."

Semiramis' eyes glanced at the direction outside the window.

This move of hers is undoubtedly a reminder that the Master recognizes the status quo.

When she was in this world, she already understood the catastrophe that this era was encountering!

Alliance of the Three Goddesses!


These names that make her feel "shuddering" are the disasters that this era is facing!

Once "Tiamat" wakes up!

There is no "sky garden" as a shelter!

Everyone in this city will be unable to escape the fate of death!

Under such a terrible catastrophe, no jokes can be made!

Even she knows this kind of thing.

The "Master" in front of me should also understand the stakes!


The reminder from Semiramis made Jiang Shang smile confidently.

"Since I dare to make a bet, it means I have confidence."

"Before "Tiamat" wakes up, the sky garden can be built! "


Jiang Shang stretched out his hand again.

His attitude gradually became tough, and he did not give the Assyrian empress a chance to refuse.

"Ha ha..."

"Then I'll wait and see..."

Semiramis, showing a playful smile, handed a black gem to the Master's hand.

The knowledge stored here is about the production method of "sky garden".


Jiang Shang took this "black gem" and placed it in the storage space.

The smile on his face became more intense.

To know!

Jiang Shang is not alone, he has fought so far!

Behind him, there is the genius "Morgan"!

The King of the Lost Belt who can build the "Holy City Camelot" in a short time!

With "Morgan" assisting him...

Creating a "sky garden of vanity", the time will definitely be greatly reduced!

Not only that!

The current Jiang Shang still has the hidden hole card of "Jin Gu"!

As a child of "Tiamat".

With her assistance, the final "Black Coffin of Ten and One" will only become stronger!

Jiang Shang has already thought about it...

He wants to increase the size of the "sky garden" to a city-level scale!

That's right!

He wants to build a "sky city"!

As for energy, don't worry at all!

As the "Third Magician", the last thing he lacks is energy!

Not only that!

He also needs to install, 360 units: the seal of theocracy!

after all!

Gilgamesh personally promised Jiang Shang!

After the catastrophe is over, demolish as many as you can take away!

He will never stop!

That being the case!

Why not take them all?


In just a few moments...

In Jiang Shang's heart, he already had a complete plan 0....

The anticipation and longing that flashed in his eyes surprised even the Assyrian empress.

Before she could ask...

There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs above.

Mordred, who had changed his clothes, had already walked out of the bedroom.

She sniffed her nose in doubt, and she sensed a powerful magic power that had not dissipated.


Standing on the stairs, she noticed the woman below who was looking at Jiang Shang affectionately.


It was the first time for her to see the woman in front of her.

But the vicious aura emanating from this woman reminded Mordred of his mother!


Mordred suddenly spoke, breaking the atmosphere below.

She ran down the stairs quickly.


She dragged Jiang Shang by 4.3, forcing a distance from the "Empress of Assyria".

Semiramis raised his eyebrows.

With the advantage of her height, she looked down at Mordred from a height.

It was also the first time for her to see this annoying rebellious knight.

A trace of imperceptible disgust flashed in the beautiful eyes.


They were summoned without any hatred...

But because of the discord between their personalities, the bad relationship between the two became like fire and water when they first met!

Looking at the smell of gunpowder, the atmosphere of the scene became more intense.

Jiang Shang stood up decisively and eased the atmosphere.

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