"Let's go to the market outside."

"There will be a grand celebration tonight."

"There must be merchants, and they have already set up stalls outside.".

194. The Bazaar in Uruk!Seeds for building sky gardens?

Uruk City...

Accompanied by the two of them, Jiang Shang strolled through the busy streets.

Mordred walked on the left, while the Assyrian empress walked unhurriedly on the right.

On the one hand, irritable.

One side is as cruel as ice.

Jiang Shang, who was caught in the middle, has personally experienced what it means to be incompatible.

Follow the three of them into the busiest street.

Many shops along the way have displayed various products.

Although this is a civilization more than 4000 years ago.

But the first "assemblies" have already appeared.

Where people gather, there is business.

With more transactions, there will naturally be a market.

two hours ago...

The Goddess of Warcraft launched a siege, and the whole city was in a state of emergency.

If it weren't for Jiang Shang's followers, they would stand up at the most critical moment.

As the last stronghold of mankind, Uruk was almost captured by monsters!


Only two hours have passed, but the citizens living here seem not to have been affected in any way.

Children in new clothes are happily chasing and playing on the street.

Compared with the miserable situation on the Western Front, the 04 laughter of this group of children seemed so piercing.

Not only the children, but other people are also busy in an orderly manner for tonight's banquet.

Some young girls even put on the most beautiful long skirts and exquisite accessories.

I want to find a good husband at the banquet tonight.

Everything looks so harmonious.

But it feels unreal, like a bubble.


"These Uruk people don't have any sense of crisis at all."

Mordred complained from the side.

The most important thing to do now is to hurry up and repair the city wall, right?

Absurd things like having a "banquet"...

I am afraid that only the king who acted recklessly could do it!

Mordred's complaint made the Assyrian empress on Jiang Shang's right smile contemptuously.

Jiang Shang looked around, this false harmony made him sigh with emotion.

"In this catastrophe caused by "God". "

"As ordinary people, they can't change anything."

"For them, the demise of Uruk is already predestined."

"Since fate cannot be escaped, it is better to return to the usual attitude."

"Pretend nothing happened, live happily in the present, and accept the final outcome."

Jiang Shang's eyes inspected every Uruk person passing by.

Behind those smiling faces, there is empty despair and numbness.

The Warcraft army from the "Goddess of Warcraft" has been attacking for several months.

In the past few months, even the servants summoned by the "King of Uruk" were defeated one after another.

In this oppressive environment, they have learned to adapt.

Living in the moment...

This is the attitude of "Uruk people" towards life.


Jiang Shang's emotion caused the Assyrian empress to show a surprised expression.

She didn't expect that apart from herself, the Master next to her would also see through the essence.


Semiramis gave the "temporary master" another look.

At the same time, she is also looking forward to what the "sky garden" built by him will look like.


Jiang Shang, who was patrolling the streets on both sides, stopped suddenly.

He looked to the front left, a shop selling gems.

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile, and looked at Mordred beside him.

"Xiao Mo, do you still keep the "glass beads" I gave you earlier? "

Jiang Shang looked at Mordred affectionately, and extended his palm to her.


"I still keep it..."

"Say it! What the hell is 'Xiao Mo'! "

When Mordred heard the Master's words, he complained in embarrassment.

But she still carefully took out the glass bead from the inside of the clothes.

She was on the journey back then, but she was fooled by Jiang Shang.


She has always planned to find a chance to try it.

Even when fighting "Gorgon", she is very careful to protect the glass beads.


This sounds so simple that it makes people want to laugh...


Jiang Shang, who took the glass beads, raised a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's really nice..."

Jiang Shang looked at the "glass bead" in his hand with a playful smile on his face.

"This is?"

Semiramis frowned, looking at the glass bead suspiciously.

With her astonishing erudition, she didn't see anything unusual about this "glass bead".

Besides being rounder...

And more pure...

It seems that "it" is just a beautiful glass bead.

she doesn't understand...

Why at this time, the master would take out such a thing.

"This is a 'seed'..."

"The seed that gave birth to the "sky garden"..."

Jiang Shang showed a mysterious smile, and said words that puzzled the Assyrian empress.


Under the gaze of the two, they walked into the jewelry store...


Jewelry Shop...

The shrewd old man is engraving new words on the "record slate" with a smile on his face.

Counting from the day of "Warcraft Siege" until today a few months later.

In this war, he made a fortune.

Because everyone knows that Uruk has no tomorrow.


Many people start to spend money retaliatoryly.

Buying beautiful jewelry to make yourself more beautiful and decent has become the first choice of many people.

As a "gem merchant", the money he earned during this period was several times more than the sum of the previous years!

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