After engraving the last stroke of words, he raised his shrewd little eyes.

Coincidentally at this time...

A handsome man in a black robe walked into the shop from the outside.

Dear guest!

This is the "gem merchant"'s first impression of Jiang Shang!

Unlike rough clothes made of gauze.

The robe the man was wearing was silky and radiant.

It was a magical cloth that he had never seen before.

Even that noble king had never worn such comfortable clothes!

Judging from this alone!

The "gem merchant" has already noticed that the identity of this guest is extraordinary!

"Dear guest, what do you need?"

The shrewd businessman quickly got up from his seat and asked with a smile on his face.

Didn't even realize it...

I have become a big fish hooked, and I am stepping into the trap set by the other party step by step.

Jiang Shang, who walked into the shop, did not reveal his real purpose.

Instead, he pretended to be a guest, and asked the jewel in front of him to hurt someone.

"I want to pick a gift for my lover."

"Do you have a 'sapphire' here? ".

195. The Lost Item of the Goddess? Dimensionality reduction blow after 4000 years!

Gem shops more than 4000 years ago did not have glass display cabinets.

All gems are hidden in the stone cabinet behind the boss.

In addition, there is a thick stone wall between the guest and the guest.

Only one window for communication is left, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of robbery cases.


It is often what the customers need that the store will display in the window.


at this time...

After hearing the customer's needs...


"Sapphires of all sizes, I have everything here."

The boss at the counter responded with a smile on his face when he heard Jiang Shang's request.


He turned around quickly, and carefully took out a few sapphires from the stone cabinet behind him.

The small ones are only the size of a fingernail.

The larger ones are the size of pigeon eggs.

Each piece is deep and transparent, which can be described as a treasure among treasures!


Jiang Shang shook his head in disappointment...

"do you have anything else?"

Jiang Shang continued to ask the shop owner, but the other party showed a bitter expression.

"Feel sorry..."

"This is already a small shop, the only remaining treasure."

"Just one month ago, the shop was visited by the goddess "Ishtar". "

"As a result, a large number of gemstones were lost. This is already the only top-quality gemstone left in the small shop."

The gem merchant sighed bitterly.

The goddess "Ishtar" who appeared in this era as a "mimetic servant".

Do not know why...

Began to have a soft spot for "gemstones"...

Many well-known "gem merchants" have been robbed by her.


"When I came again, I saw this goddess wandering in the sky."

"Looks like you're looking for something? "

Jiang Shang pretended to be thoughtful, chatting with the jeweler in front of him.


"Many colleagues have also chatted in private."

"We all suspect that this "Goddess" should have lost some kind of treasure..."

"Maybe it's a priceless 'gem'. "

The shrewd shop owner was joking cheerfully.

Hearing the boss make such a joke, Jiang Shang responded with a smile.

"Say 'gem'..."

"On the way here, I picked up a bead~々."

"Even I have never seen such a beautiful work of art."

"Can you "identify" me? "

After Jiang Shang finished speaking, he took out the transparent glass bead from his pocket.

He passed his hand to the window, so that the shrewd gem merchants inside could take a closer look.


When the shrewd gem merchant saw the beads in Jiang Shang's hand, his eyes widened in surprise!

"This is...?"

The merchant murmured in surprise.

Even as a gem merchant, he has never seen such a pure bead!

He carefully picked up the "colorless and transparent" bead and looked it up in front of his eyes.

He can even see the magnified and distorted outside world through this bead!

Feeling the texture of this "bead", even with decades of experience, he could not understand its structure.

In fact...

This humble "glass bead" represents the crystallization of industrial civilization!

It is the witness of the great leap of human wisdom!

"It's incredible..."

"There is no trace of polishing on the surface, and it feels round and transparent..."

"This... such amazing craftsmanship!"

"Is it really a human being, a treasure that can be carved?"

The store owner exclaimed in shock.

As a businessman's intuition, let him understand that the treasure in his hand is definitely a treasure!


The history of human forging "glass" was born as early as 4000 years ago.

But the earliest glass was limited by the craftsmanship at that time.

This kind of potholes, full of flaws, does not have much value.


4000 years ago, there were no professional identification tools at all!

Not even a magnifying glass existed.

Judgment on gemstones.

Generally, it is based on: purity, body size, to judge!

And the "glass bead" in his hand is definitely the purest gem he has ever seen in his life!

He picked up the glass bead and looked at it excitedly.


What Jiang Shang said before...

"This priceless treasure was picked up by him on the road!"


The legend about the goddess Ishtar and the lost gems spread in the circle of "gem merchants"!

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