He even doubted it!

This gem is the treasure that Goddess Ishtar is looking for!


Flawless like this...

such a pure gem...

Except that "Goddess of Heaven" is eligible to have...

How could the mortal beings be entitled to possess "it"!

Think here!

This shrewd gem merchant has become more and more determined in his mind!

There was a greedy look in his eyes.

Looking at the "harmless to humans and animals" guest in front of him, he had the idea of ​​blackmailing him.

But right now!

A girl's voice sounded from outside the shop.

"Master! Don't go so fast!"

Before the voice fell, Mordred's figure had already appeared here.

blonde girl!

Little man!

That unruly expression!

And that knightly sword she carried on her shoulders!

Let the shrewd boss quickly recognize her identity!


She is the one, destroying thousands of monster legions all by herself!

And together with your teammates, repel the hero of "Goddess of Warcraft - Gorgon"!

In just a few hours, stories about her had spread throughout Uruk!

Even the gem merchants learned about her general appearance from the customers!

for a while...

Cold sweat covered the businessman's forehead...

Recalling the dangerous thought just now, he wished he could slap himself twice!

He almost offended this mysterious guest in front of him!

"` ~ hello!"

"You bastard has a wicked eyebrow, no matter how you look at it, something is wrong!"

"Couldn't you be a spy sent by the Goddess of Warcraft..."

Mordred showed a ferocious smile, and a red thunder hovered beside her.

She raised her right foot casually and kicked towards the stone wall in front of her!

The roar sounded instantly!

She kicked a big hole three meters wide into that solid stone wall!


The shrewd gem merchant was so frightened that he sat on the ground, shaking like chaff.

Maybe it was because of ghosts in his heart, he trembled in fear.

Before he could ask for forgiveness...

Mordred grabbed his collar and lifted him in the air.

Just when she was about to strike, the order from the master stopped her violent behavior.

"Xiao Mo, you are going too far."

"Put the store down soon."

Jiang (Liao Nuohao) Shang, who had witnessed the whole atrocity, finally spoke to Mordred.


"Who told this old boy to be dishonest..."

Mordred muttered reluctantly, and threw the shopkeeper on the ground.

The shop owner, who had been reborn, climbed up from the ground while holding on to the collapsed ruins tremblingly.

After being treated like this, he still tightly guarded the "glass bead" in his hand.

This funny move made the Assyrian empress who was watching the play from a distance laugh contemptuously.

"This child has just experienced a battle, and his mentality has not yet changed."

"Surprised you...Min"

"Report the compensation form of the store to the temple."

"King Gilgamesh, I will pay for it."

"in addition..."

"Give me back the 'bead'..."

Jiang Shang moved in the direction of the shopkeeper and stretched out his palm to ask for his things.


The shop owner, who was already terrified, knelt down in front of Jiang Shang trembling at this moment.

"Make an offer!"

"As long as I can afford it, I will buy this gem even if I lose everything!".

196. He can obviously grab it!The battered Assyrian queen!

The store owner's eyes were full of madness.

It's like a desperate gambler, thinking that he has been favored by the "Goddess of Luck"!

This may be his only chance in this life!

Even if he spends all his wealth, he still wants to know this rare treasure in the world!


It was his sincerity that moved Jiang Shang...

"Since you've said that, why don't you set a price."

Jiang Shang smiled gently.

From start to finish...

He maintains the image of "harmless to humans and animals".

"Ah this..."

The gem merchant was stunned, he hesitated for a moment...

Let him set the price, isn't it...

Just when he was thinking about it, Mordred's scolding sounded from the side!


"You guy, if you dare to play tricks, believe it or not, I will let your head move!"

Mordred yelled at the gem merchant in front of him.

at the same time!

The big sword in her hand also pointed obliquely in front of the opponent.

"Don't dare!"

"The villain will never dare to lie to you!"

"You are the hero of Uruk!"

"Even if you give me a thousand guts, I wouldn't dare to deceive you!"

The gem merchant said bitterly.

He showed a distressed expression, got up from the ground, and walked into the treasure house alone.

After a few minutes...

Pushing a wooden wheeled cart, he appeared in front of everyone with a box of 293 gold coins.

"This is my income for this year. There are more than 1 gold coins in total."

"In addition, this sapphire, how about giving it to you as well?"

"Other gemstones in the store, if you like them, you can choose as much as you want."

The pale gem merchant endured the pain and set his own price.

"That's all..."

"It's all about making friends..."

Jiang Shang showed a satisfied smile.

He has always been a kind-hearted person, and he knows what it means to be sustainable.

He picked up the largest "sapphire" from the display tray on the side.

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