Under the distressed gaze of the gem merchant, he turned and left as normal.

As for Mordred, he ran over with his eyes shining, and held the box weighing five hundred catties in his arms easily.


She raised her head happily, like a knight returning in triumph.

Following behind Jiang Shang, he left the shop with an extremely arrogant attitude.

When passing by "Semiramis", she did not forget to give him a blank look.

What a smug little expression looks like showing off!

This is her Master!

Even a worthless glass bead can be turned into ten thousand gold coins in his hands!


"I'm really convinced..."


Semiramis sighed complicatedly.

In her time, around the ninth century BC, decorations such as "glass beads" already appeared.


In the ancient "Mesopotamian Civilization", the culture of glass is still in its infancy.

It takes at least several thousand years of precipitation to achieve a "manufacturing process" of this scale!

For the "gem merchants" 4000 years ago, this is a dimensionality reduction blow from the industrial age!


Even the manufacturers of "Bozi Soda" never expected it.

An unremarkable "glass bead" in my house can be found in ancient civilizations more than 4000 years ago.

Become a priceless "rare gem" in the eyes of jewelers...


After leaving the jewelry store...

Jiang Shang raised the sapphire in his hand, with a longing expression on his face.

The color of the gem reminded him of Morgan.

Although we only parted for a few days, he has already begun to think about others.


In the eyes of the Assyrian empress, Jiang Shang's behavior was a kind of demonstration.

"Ha ha..."

"Is this you, the so-called 'seed'? "

"You want to bribe me with just one sapphire, you must be looking down on me too much."

Semiramis smiled playfully.

Having said that, she still pretended to be reluctant, and stretched out her little hand towards Jiang Shang.

For the sake of this Master's "show of favor".

Semiramis didn't mind at all, when he was making the "Sky Garden", he gave some pointers from the sidelines.


Jiang Shang put the sapphire in his pocket.

And he showed an apologetic expression to "Semiramis".

"Feel sorry..."

"This is not a gift for you..."

Jiang Shang said apologetically.

He has always been a man of right and wrong, the performance of this Assyrian empress.

Jiang Shang has not been satisfied enough to ignore the existence of other people and only buy gifts for her.

"Not...for me...?"

Semiramis said in a daze, and soon showed an angry expression!

For a peerless beauty like her, combined with the noble status of an empress!

It should have been loved by thousands of people!


The Master in front of her is not warm to her!

Even the "cheat" sapphire was not given to her as a gift!

Such a grievance!

Semiramis, never accept it!

Just when she was about to get angry, a call sounded from the street far away.

"Master! You are coming too!"

The voice full of vitality in front of Tamamo resounded from a distance.

With a bag of food in her hand, she greeted and ran towards this side.

She selectively ignored "Semiramis" and forced her away from Jiang Shang's side.

Then he hugged his master's arm affectionately, showing off the spoils of tonight.

"I just discovered this, it's great for drinks!"

"Are you interested tonight, would you like to have a drink with me?"

"My room is quite big. It's okay to lie down and rest when you're drunk." Migu! "

Tamamo said enthusiastically, and even deliberately raised her tail.

She blocked Semiramis behind her, preventing her master from seeing the woman in front of her.

"You bastard!"

Semiramis frowned, and the anger on her face was even worse!

But before she exploded.


"Isn't this the lovely Master!"

"I heard there will be a wrestling match tonight!"

"Let's go and see together!"

The enthusiastic Quetzal ran over from a distance and put his arms around Jiang Shang's neck.

Not only the goddess, but Ai Lei also ran over from not far away.

The goddess of the underworld hid the gift behind her back with a guilty conscience.

Deeply afraid of being seen by Jiang Shang.


"Look at me! Look at me!"

"Look at me, my new dress!"

Gu Dazi, who was wearing a gauze skirt, also ran over excitedly.

In front of Jiang Shang, he spun around gorgeously, showing off his new clothes.

The sudden appearance of everyone made the Assyrian empress dizzy for a while.

She suddenly realized, a terrible thing!

This temporary "Master" summons servants in this world, and it may be much more than that!

This guy!

Could it be the "Human-shaped Holy Grail"!



She who was originally following Jiang Shang has been pushed to the edge.

This group of followers, you say what you say...

One mouthful one "Master"...

But their identities are more terrifying than the other!

Mesopotamian goddess!

A big demon who has practiced for thousands of years!

Feathered snake god of Mayan civilization!

The last master of mankind!

The terrifying identities slapped the face like a storm!

Let the Assyrian empress feel dizzy and feel a sense of frustration.

And finally know...

The reason why this "Master" is so lukewarm towards her...

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