197. Black Joan's backstab!Soul questioning from Morgan!

On the streets of Uruk...

The servants beside Jiang Shang began to gather more and more...


big demon...



Seeing the people who got along well with each other, Semiramis, who was in a complicated mood, showed a bitter expression.

she started thinking...

Isn't my previous attitude a bit bad~?

Although she is very proud, she is not like other kings, unable to communicate.

She is very rational and knows how to do things.

If the master's strength is above her.

Even if it is a little bit of blame, she will listen carefully.


Jiang Shang fully has this strength, at least in terms of "magic power supply".

Even she who has the double class of "Assassin" and "Magician" feels ashamed.


She should reconsider...

How to get along well with this master in the days to come...


at the same time...

A store that only sells skirts.

Joan of Arc is alone, picking out the clothes of this era.

As a holy girl, she looked at the bold clothes with a helpless expression.

The clothes were nice, but they didn't suit her.

If possible, she would like to find a relatively conservative dress like the "nun's dress".

after all...

She is a saint, and she must not wear that revealing clothing.


Joan of Arc, who was picking out clothes, froze in place with a stiff body.

Her blue pupils turned into a cold golden color.


"Even I can't stand it anymore!"

"The way you waver is really annoying!"

The expression on Joan's face suddenly became presumptuous, without the previous poise.

She reached into her pocket, and threw the gold coin presented by "Siduri" to the waiter behind her.

"Is there that kind of clothes that men can't take their eyes off when they look at it?"

She asked straightforwardly.

And the sound was not low, which caused many guests to watch.

Some even started whispering to their companions.

To this...

The fiery blood-colored demonic flame rises from the hand of "Jean of Arc"!

"What are you looking at!"

"They all want to die, don't they!"

This "Joan of Arc" stared fiercely at the customers in the store, and she released her breath unabashedly.

Even the temperature in the store has risen by more than ten degrees!

Under her stare, all the guests avoided in fear.


Seeing this group of weak guys, Joan gave everyone a blank look, and the magic flame in her hand also dissipated at this moment.

When she turns around...

The waiter who left in a hurry brought a white gauze dress.

The thin white fabric has excellent light transmission, and even the scene behind can be seen.

"That's it."

"Wrap it up for me..."

She nodded in satisfaction, this Holy Cloth of Battle matches well with Joan of Arc.


The packed clothes were handed over to "Jean of Arc".

The moment I took the clothes...

Joan of Arc froze in place again, her cold golden eyes also turned blue as before.

"What's wrong with me?"

Jeanne said suspiciously.

She looked around blankly, but found that everyone was afraid of her.

Some timid customers even left the store hastily.

Her memory has broken down again...

She didn't know anything about what just happened.


The weird atmosphere at the scene made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

After hastily picking up her clothes, she took a bag of coins from the waiter and left the shop.

And as for...

She didn't even examine the clothes in her hand carefully.

The assist from "Black Joan of Arc" is destined to give Joan a backstab in the near future!


late at night...

Jiang Shang, who did not attend the party, returned to the imaginary space alone.

He appeared in Morgan's palace, and a burst of pleasant music caught his attention.

Several girls of the Lalafeer tribe were holding different musical instruments, playing the ensemble they had just learned.

Morgan, sitting high on the jade throne, showed a doting smile and listened to the music attentively.

The song is over...

Only then did Morgan wave his hand to signal for the musicians in front of him to step back first.

0····Ask for flowers·······

"Why do you have time to come and see me?"

"How is the task of restraining force accomplished?"

Morgan got up from the jade seat and walked towards Jiang Shang.

"you lost weight..."

"These days, you have suffered..."

Although the time of separation was very short, Morgan, who had keen eyesight, could tell at a glance that her husband hadn't had a good rest these days.

"I saw a very beautiful gem in a gem shop more than 4000 years ago."

"Suddenly I miss you..."

"Here, the "souvenir" I brought you..."

Jiang Shang showed a knowing smile, and took Morgan's cold little hand.

He took out the sapphire from his pocket and put it in Morgan's palm.



"Give me such an expensive gift, I'm afraid it's not that simple when you come back this time..."

"Tell me..."

"What do you want me to do for you..."

"Could it be... helping you transfer Tiamat." "

Morgan looked at the sapphire in his hand.

Under the illumination of the light, the flickering cold luster was indeed somewhat similar to her.

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