This sapphire, she likes it very much...

After careful polishing, it will be a good gem jewelry.

But compared to the value of the gift, it was this kind of heart that warmed her heart even more.


As long as the request is not too excessive, she will agree unconditionally.


"As expected of you..."

"I came back this time because I want to build a "sky city" with you. "

"Here's the blueprint, why don't you take a look first?"

Jiang Shang took out the "black gem" of the Assyrian Empress from the other pocket.

In this jewel, the detailed production method of "Vanity's Hanging Garden" is recorded.

After Morgan took it, he injected a little of his magic power into the gemstone.


The complicated production process of "Noble Phantasm" immediately came to her mind.


Morgan frowned slightly, and looked at her husband in front of her with an unfriendly expression.

"Tell me..."

"Why the "Emperor of Assyria" thing..."

"It will be obtained by you in this way..." Beg.

198. The Gap Between Geniuses!How can a husband ask for a wife like this!

Vanity Sky Garden...

After learning the true name of this "Noble Phantasm" and the era it belongs to.

Morgan already knew the ownership of this treasure.

Empress of Assyria!


The famous poison killer in the history of pan-humanity, his vicious behavior style is no different from "Morgan"!

She is a famous and peerless beauty, like a glass of sweet poisonous wine!

No man can resist her charm!


The atmosphere at the scene became a little depressing.

White frost spread from Morgan's feet to the surroundings.

It is different from the intimacy when we first met, and the love from the heart.

At this time, the Fairy Queen had an even colder expression than when they first met.

all the time...

She turned a blind eye to the servants around her husband, but turned a blind eye.


"Two Nine Three"

This tolerance does not mean indulgence.

At least Morgan is not stupid enough to help other women build some "sky gardens"!


She needs an explanation...

If the husband's answer does not satisfy her...

She does not recommend coming down in person, to talk to the Assyrian empress in person!


Seeing Morgan's angry look, Jiang Shang showed a helpless expression.

He took Morgan's hand and sat with her on the cold jade throne.

"In order to increase combat power."

"I'm in Uruk, and I made an extra summon."

"But this Assyrian empress took advantage of the loophole in the contract and didn't cooperate with me very much."

"So I made a bet to her, if I can create a "Vanity Garden" within the specified time. "

"Just sign with her, a formal master-slave contract."

"That's how it happened."

Jiang Shang told the general story of the matter in the shortest words.

After hearing Jiang Shang's narration, Morgan's complexion improved a lot.

Her "fairy eyes" can see through people's hearts.


Because of the existence of the "system", Morgan has never really seen through her husband's heart.


She could clearly feel that her position in her husband's heart was far above other people's!

for her...

I am very satisfied with the result...

Morgan's indifferent expression is gradually improving, and even his breath has become gentler.

She picked up the "black gem" and carefully read the blueprint.

for a long time...

After understanding the whole production process, the corners of Morgan's mouth slightly raised.

"It's not difficult to make a "sky garden"..."

Morgan said calmly.

This level of "sky fortress" can be built within a week.

"I knew you were the best genius."

Jiang Shang said happily.

A beautiful and capable wife like Morgan is simply a treasure in the world!

"Stop teasing me..."

"If you put away your lazy personality, I'll have nothing to do with you."

Morgan sighed and looked at her husband beside her with complicated eyes.


She raised her slender fingers and swiped across the space in front of them.

A string of ice-blue "Rune Runes" shone with dazzling light.

Under Jiang Shang's gaze, it turned into a three-dimensional model of the "Sky Garden"!

"This special "treasure" is actually composed of modules. "

"The "Sky Garden" is only the core, and there is the possibility of further expansion. "

"As long as there are enough resources and a supply of magic power comparable to the "Great Holy Grail". "

"It will be able to create a real "City in the Sky". "

"But to achieve this step, it requires huge computing power and an understanding of the use of magic."

"I'm afraid even the "Empress of Assyria" can't do it. "

When Morgan said this, a contemptuous smile appeared on her face.

There is also a gap between the magicians of the Age of Gods!

Morgan, who was born in the "belief of legends", studied under the god-king Odin, is undoubtedly the apex existence!

What Semiramis, the Assyrian empress, could not do.

For Morgan!

Just a breeze!

As for energy, there is no need to worry!

As the "third magician", what Jiang Shang needs most is energy!

That is to say...

As long as she and her husband work together!

It is bound to be able to build a real "sky city" in a short time!


"We really have a good understanding..."

"That's what I meant!"

"With a wife as good as you, what dissatisfaction does a husband have?"

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