
Three different options...

During Jiang Shang's contact with important people, the system gave him a choice right away!


Only "Yusheng Ryunosuke" was not in Jiang Shang's choice from the very beginning.

after all...

Jiang Shang participated in the Holy Grail War as the "Master" and occupied the position that should have belonged to "Matou Kariya".

There must be one person who leaves the stage early, so that Matou Kariya can take the opponent's place!


The smoke bomb that Jiang Shang released to the outside world, his identity is the "Surgery Heroic Spirit" summoned in advance by the Matou family.


Regardless of the considerations...

The final ending of Yusheng Ryunosuke has been decided from the very beginning....

21. Heroic Spirit Card, Yusheng Ryunosuke's Death!

In heavy rain

The obsessed Ryunosuke showed a sick smile, dragging his rain-soaked body, and walked towards Jiang Shang.


"Can I hold an umbrella with you and go to a nearby convenience store to hide from the rain?"

Ryunosuke couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, even his voice was mixed with vibrato.

In the pouring rain...

The embarrassed Ryunosuke, with a sick expression on his pale face, looked like a ghoul that had just crawled out of a grave!

"Nah... na na..."

"Okay, I'm really cold..."

While begging pitifully, Ryunosuke moved towards Jiang Shang's direction.

His trembling palm quietly reached into his pocket, holding his beloved folding dagger.

Jiang Shang stood where he was, without any action.

Three meters...

two meters...

one meter...

Ryunosuke is getting closer and closer to Jiang Shang!

good chance!

Ryunosuke took out the folding dagger from his pocket, and the madness in his heart couldn't be restrained anymore!

The blade bounced in mid-air, cut through the falling rainwater, and stabbed precisely at Jiang Shang's neck!

Just when the sharp blade was about to stab Jiang Shang in the neck!


Jiang Shang's lips parted slightly, and he spoke calmly.

It felt strange, like an invisible heavy hammer hitting Ryunosuke's soul!

He froze on the spot, maintaining his previous movements, even his expression didn't change!

It seems that from this moment on, Ryunosuke's time has come to a standstill.

Body fixation!

In mythology, the spell that makes the opponent immobile!

With just one mantra, even the immortals from the Age of Gods can only be frozen in place!

Jiang Shang slowly raised his head and looked at the Fuyuki Bridge not far away.

Dazzling lights, lit from afar...

That is a green truck, even in heavy rain, it still maintains high speed!

"Your prey is on the bridge."


Jiang Shang's gentle voice contained breathtaking magic power at this moment.


Just like the order he gave to Sakura at Matou's house last night!

After the order is given...

Jiang Shang lifted the restrictions of the "fixation technique", allowing Ryunosuke to regain his freedom.


"I see..."

Ryunosuke, who had lost his eyesight, walked sluggishly, and rushed towards the direction of Fuyuki Bridge in the torrential rain.


" art of death!!!"

Ryunosuke, who was going retrograde in the heavy rain, rushed madly towards the high-speed truck!

Jiang Shang looked at his back, drifting away, and shook his head full of regret.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave.

A loud crash and screeching brakes echoed behind Jiang Shang.

Ryunosuke who was knocked into the air, under the huge impact, half of his face on the left, like a flower bud, bloomed in the rainy night!

The shattered corpse flew directly out of the Fuyuki Bridge.

He fell into the tumbling sea and disappeared.


"Yusheng Ryunosuke, lost his vital signs."

"Congratulations, you have obtained: the card of the heroic spirit."

"The card of the heroic spirit: a magic dress from a parallel world, which allows the user to temporarily gain the power of a servant!"


"Heroic Spirit's card..."

Jiang Shang looked at the face of the card headed by "Sword Rank Servant" and swiped his finger lightly.

The thick card unfolded in his hand.

Sword rank, bow rank, spear rank, cavalry rank, technique rank, killing rank, mad rank...

The neat seven cards correspond to the seven classes in the "Holy Grail War"!

But unfortunately...

The energy contained in these cards has long been negligible, and the original effect has been lost.

"never mind..."

"Anyway, my goal has been achieved..."

"Next, we just need to wait for "Matou Kariya" to return home, help him become the master, and replace Ryunosuke Ugyu's position, and that's it..."

Jiang Shang regretfully put this set of "Heroic Spirit Cards" into the system backpack.


He was a little disappointed with the system reward this time.


He activated the "Five Elements Escape Technique" again, disappeared from the scene of the car accident, and appeared at the next location...


at the same time...

In Fuyuki's Church...

"As a group, we are also an individual, and as an individual, we are also a group. We are a group of ever-changing shadows with a variety of appearances."

"With our group of shadows by our side, we will surely win the final victory."

"Don't worry, Master..."

In the cool white smoke, 88 people of different heights were speaking in unison.

Such a shocking scene made the three people on the scene stunned at the same time!

"Successful, Qi Li!"

"This is exactly the servant I want, with the assistance of these "killer servants", the Holy Grail must belong to us! "

Tohsaka Tokiomi said excitedly.

There are 88 assassins, all of whom are good at abilities, and each has their own division of labor!

Tactical, academic, occult...

Assassination, deception, rhetoric...

wait inside...

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