A total of 32 professional fields have made great achievements!

The intelligence organization established by them is enough to monitor the entire city!

This is tantamount to opening the "God's Perspective" and controlling every move of the enemy!

Thinking of the Holy Grail that is so hard to get, and his wish that is about to come true.

Even the red wine in his glass became more mellow.


"Brother Tokiomi, congratulations..."

Yan Fengli also spoke at this time, congratulating his old friend for many years.

He is the supervisor of the "Holy Grail War", but out of selfishness, he joins forces with Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Because of the appearance of "Hassan with Hundred Faces", the church is full of cheerful atmosphere.

But obviously...

The sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked.

"Kotomine Kirei", who was supposed to be the protagonist tonight, didn't have any joy on his face.

He was as dull as usual, as wooden as a piece of wood, standing in an inconspicuous corner.

"For specific matters, you can directly inform me urgently."

"I'm leaving first..."

Kotomine Kirei spoke indifferently.

After getting permission from his father and teacher, he turned around and disappeared into the outer hall of the church under the gaze of the two.

But as his father and his teacher, he didn't feel anything wrong.

Perhaps in their eyes, such a dull and dull personality is the normal Qili.

back to the room...

Kotomine Kirei sighed, he went straight to the table, and picked up the "Fengshen Yanyi" he had just bought.

this afternoon...

On his way back, he made a special trip to the Fuyuki Library...

In an ancient book about the history of the East, I found the name of that heroic spirit!

When he saw the introduction, he realized it!

Why is this name so familiar to him!

Jiang Shang, one of his real names...

However, when later generations mention his name, they usually add the word "Taigong" to show awe.

Even in this foreign land, he is honored by the people of the world as: Grand Duke Wang!

He is a character from at least 3000 years ago!

He is the author of mankind's first art of war!

He is the originator of military strategists and the master of a hundred schools of thought!

It is the martial saint who was invited into the temple to enshrine!

He is also the one who bestows great luck on the gods with a mortal body in "Fengshen Yanyi"!

When he saw this, Kotomine Kirei's brain went blank after being shocked!

Why can't even the command spell restrict his freedom!

Why would he be so contemptuous when mentioning the Holy Grail!

Why everything that happened is in his calculations!

All his previous questions now have answers!

And such a character gave him advice!

The value contained in this is by no means measurable by ordinary people!


The advice he offers...

It really is the answer that Kotomine Kirei has been looking for all this time! .

22. Kariya's first kill?Fate is wonderful!

Accident scene

The heavy truck that stopped in time almost hit the railing on the side of the road.

The truck driver, who was almost scared out of his wits, was stunned for a moment before climbing out of the cab in a hurry!

Ignoring the torrential rain, he stumbled to the front of the car...


Under the torrential rain, except for a dent in the front bumper, there was nothing left at the scene!

Even the splattered blood had already flowed down the floor drain into the sea below under the wash of the torrential rain.

At this time, the scene of the car accident was actually empty!

"This is bad!"

"It was raining too much just now, I didn't see clearly, what happened to me!"

"Sin! What a sin!"

"I told you, you can't drive so fast!"

The driver standing in the rain, worshiping God with his palms folded, still not forgetting to scold the man in the co-pilot angrily.

"Feel sorry..."

"But my situation is really urgent!"

"I have to go home as soon as possible, I have very important things to do!"

"Or else..."

"I'll pay for the repairs, how about an extra [-] in cash?"

"I really only have so much left on me now."

The man in the passenger cab took out his wallet with an apologetic expression, and looked at the few banknotes left.


"Why did this happen to me..."

Upon hearing that there was money to be made, the truck driver sighed helplessly.

After carefully checking several tires, he finally scratched his head helplessly.

The thing that flew out just now may be an animal that was frightened by the thunder and ran around.

After thinking of this, he returned to the cab again.

After taking off his soaked clothes, he looked at the thin man beside him and shook his head regretfully.

"I can only drive slowly..."

"Further ahead is the urban area. The Matou's house you mentioned should be here soon."

The truck driver sighed. He began to regret that he took people halfway in order to make quick money.

"sorry to bother you..."

The skinny man apologized repeatedly.

After 1 minute, the truck starts up again.

The man's face was reflected on the glass washed by the rain.

And he...

It was Matou Kariya...


the other side...

Jiang Shang, who felt bored, had returned to Matou's house at this time.

Joan of Arc has been waiting in the lobby for a long time...

"Master Jiang Shang, are you back so soon?"

After seeing Jiang Shang's return, she asked suspiciously.

at this time...

Joan of Arc was holding a clean towel, obviously prepared for Jiang Shang.


"Something silly happened, but it doesn't matter."

Jiang Shang replied perfunctorily. After he took the dry towel, he wiped his rain-drenched hair.

"Then about the "Killing Servant"? "

Joan asked suspiciously, apparently she hadn't forgotten the real purpose of this trip.

"Let's put that little thing aside."

"Go and wake He Ye up, and tell him that his own brother is coming back soon."

Jiang Shang smiled awkwardly, but quickly changed the topic to another matter.


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