When Joan heard the news, she couldn't help but make a voice of doubt.

Matou Tsuruno's younger brother...


If she remembered well, it should be what Jiang Shang once said: Matong Kariya!

He has the qualifications to become the "Master", and he is also one of Jiang Shang's targets!

"That's right..."

"By the way... what about my "four unlikenesses"? "

Jiang Shang was answering Joan's question, but suddenly he changed the topic, and then he remembered something!

It seems that he doesn't know where he put the "four different images" that comes with the system!

If they ran outside, it would probably cause a lot of confusion.

Thinking of this...

Jiang Shang is like an unreliable parent, he can only look at Joan eagerly, hoping that she can help.

"Is it that strange beast?"

"Isn't it lying on the floor of your bedroom all the time, keeping you safe?"

Joan replied suspiciously.

But soon she noticed something, the corner of her mouth twitched and asked back.


"You...couldn't you...haven't noticed it all this time!"

Joan's fist was clenched and rattled, and the flames of anger had already ignited in her eyes.

If this is the case, then the "four unlikenesses" is too pitiful!

"how could be..."

"Haha... How could such a thing happen?"

Jiang Shang quickly waved his hand and denied it stiffly.

"Since this is the case, why do you mention the "four different images"? "

Joan asked suspiciously.

Considering Jiang Shang's lazy character, such a terrible thing may really happen!

"Of course it's threatening Kariya Matou. "

"If he doesn't obey, I'll let Sixiang eat Sakura."

"How does this threat sound to you?"

Jiang Shang looked at Joan of Arc, and improvised a reason that sounded very unreliable.

After hearing Jiang Shang's reason...

Jeanne covered her forehead with her hand and sighed with a headache.

"I think Ms. Sakura, the probability of eating the "four different images" may be a little higher. "

"Since I learned "Abyss in the Valley", when I see something I like, Ms. Sakura will put it away. "

"If it hadn't been for the "four unlikes" who have been following you, I'm afraid they would have suffered misfortune. "

Joan complained regretfully.

Who made the four images in the "camouflage form" be a naive and cute dream-eating tapir?

Coupled with its harmless character to humans and animals, it is not impossible to be attacked by Sakura!

"This girl..."

"Forget it, as long as she likes it..."

Thinking of Sakura's lovely smile, and the sweet voice of "Master", Jiang Shang sighed dotingly.

"There is no such thing as educating children!"

"Take responsibility for me!"

Joan complained about Jiang Shang angrily.

She always feels that if this continues, that lovely Miss Sakura will grow into an incredible witch!

"Go and ask He Ye to get up and get ready."

"In ten minutes or so, Kariya will be back."

"As an older brother, it's only natural for him to prepare bath water for his younger brother when he returns home."

Jiang Shang stuffed the towel into Joan's arms, and urged the increasingly nagging saint to get down to business.

"I know, stop pushing me..."

Joan stepped back hastily, she wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

She took the towel and walked towards the second floor...

at the same time...

Matou Kariya, who was riding a truck, was getting closer and closer to the final destination...

23. Kariya returns!Tokiomi's good intentions?

ten six minutes later

The closed door of Matou's house was pushed open forcefully from the outside.

Matou Kariya, who was drenched all over, rushed inside with a gloomy expression.

As a member of the Matou family, someone with a talent for magic.

He knows better than anyone else how disgusting and terrifying the Matou family's secret technique is!

When he thought of Sakura, who was going to be tortured like that, Kariya Matou, who was eager to save his heart, didn't think too much about it!

There is only one purpose for him to come to Matou's house today!

Just take Sakura and escape from here!

"get out!"

"Zouken Matou, you inhuman vampire!"

Matou Kariya pushed open the door of the mansion, looked around, and shouted the old bug's name loudly.


The Matou family at this time was destined to disappoint him.

From the direction of the second floor, slight footsteps sounded.


Wearing a black moiré robe, a white and beautiful strange man appeared in front of Kariya.

"who are you?"

Matou Kariya froze for a moment, but he frowned vigilantly and questioned the man's identity.

"I am the magic teacher hired by the Matou family."

"Now I'm serving as Miss Sakura's master."

Jiang Shang smiled gently, and revealed his identity to Matou Kariya.


"That old bug, how could it be..."

Jiantong Yanye pursed his lips contemptuously, just about to deny Jiang Shang's identity.

But before he finished his questioning words, a black folding fan hit the back of his head from behind!

Kariya, who was in pain, immediately covered his head and turned around angrily!

But he was horrified to find out!

The man who was still on the second floor before had come behind him!

Kariya, who couldn't believe this scene, looked towards the second floor again!

as predicted!

There is long gone, the figure of the man!

"What the hell are you..."

Kariya's eyes widened in horror, he turned around and was about to ask questions!

But he was fanned and gagged!

"Your voice is too loud, it will affect that child's rest."

Jiang Shang made a booing gesture, signaling Matou Kariya to pay attention to the current time.

"Where is the dirty inkstone..."

"Who the hell are you and why are you at Matou's house!"

"What purpose do you have, what did you do to Sakura!"

Jiantong Yanye covered his mouth, cautiously distanced himself from Jiang Shang, and lowered his voice to question the mysterious person in front of him.

"I've already answered you once."

"Don't be ignorant."

Jiang Shang waved his folding fan and knocked Kariya on the head, reminding him to pay attention to his current identity.


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