"And a very scary goblin..."

"My lord, don't you plan to explain?"

Semiramis calmed down the anger in his heart, and asked the Master in front of him.

She has always been very proud of her charm.

No one can stay awake in front of her!

But the Master in front of her didn't respond at all!

If not...

The scent on him...

The Assyrian empress even doubted whether he had other preferences!


Jiang Shang showed puzzled eyes, and responded to the Assyrian empress's question in an easy-going tone.

"I went home last night."

"Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Shang replied calmly, without any intention of dodging or making excuses.

Very simply said where he went last night.

He couldn't understand, this temporary follower.

Why are you so concerned about such a personal matter.

"Going home..~々."

Semiramis said in surprise.


"We discussed last night about the production process of "Sky Garden". "

"She made a lot of excellent suggestions."

Jiang Shang said with a smile.

His purpose of doing this was just to tell the Assyrian empress.

Not only can they be created, but they can also be improved on this basis.

No need at all, help from her.


Semiramis was silent.

This master's operation really can't fix her.


She is not even needed to build the "Sky Garden".

For her who is arrogant by nature, this is simply a nightmare!

If this continues, she will really be reduced to a marginal role!

This is the first time that this lonely empress has been treated so casually!

Although Jiang Shang did not neglect her...

Give her enough respect too...


She is not reconciled to having such an excellent man being possessed by another woman!

And turn a deaf ear to her charm!


The sound from downstairs alarmed another servant who hadn't fallen asleep yet...

A mass of blood-colored light particles turned into Mordred's figure.


"Where did you go last night!"

"My armor is beyond repair!"

"If this continues, it will have a certain impact on my combat power!"

"Hurry up and use the invincible "third magic" to help me find a way! "

Mordred, who was wearing ordinary clothes, appeared in the living room, talking with an unhappy face.

While making the request, she walked to Jiang Shang's side.


She frowned sharply...

She walked quickly to Jiang Shang's side, lying on the master like a cat with a keen sense of smell.

Constantly sniffing the scent of the Master.

"Be honest!"

"Where did you go last night!"

"Why are you so fragrant, did you steal something delicious!"

The simple Mordred said with some annoyance.

Obviously complaining about Master, not taking her along!

Uruk's meals are mostly barbecued meat and monotonous broth.

After camping that night, after tasting the barbecue of Lala Fats.

The food of this era is like chewing wax to her!

She really wants to eat it again!

The kind of high-grade beef that is brushed with sweet sauce and juicy when bitten!

After getting along yesterday, Mordred has fully recognized Jiang Shang.

The master is regarded as an important person, so there is no restriction on getting along.

She showed her true nature without any concealment, acting like a spoiled child to the Master in the way she should be at this age.

Her innocent little expression made Semiramis cover his face speechlessly.

all of a sudden...

She didn't even know whether she should complain about Mordred's innocence or ridicule her stupidity.

at this time...

Jiang Shang suddenly held Mordred's small face, forcing the child to look up.


He sighed with a complicated expression...

"`~Little Mo..."

"I have good news and bad news for you."

"Which one do you want to hear first?"

Jiang Shang asked curiously, staring at Mordred seriously.

Mordred, who looked blank, frowned vigilantly.

"Hear the bad news first!"

Mordred made a wise choice.


"Let me start with the 'good news'. "

Jiang Shang ignored Mordred's choice and decided to start with the good news.

But Mordred stomped his feet angrily!

"Listen to what people say, hey!"

"You planned to fool me from the very beginning, didn't you!"

"What's the point of the choice I made..."

Mordred complained in embarrassment.

But before she finished speaking, Jiang Shang blocked her mouth and made a booing gesture.


He coughed...

After sorting out the sentence, I opened my mouth and said...

"The good news is..."

"Your "family" and I have already got in touch (with Nuohao). "

"She was very surprised by your existence."

"But after my enlightenment, she decided to formally accept you."


"Prepare to train you into a powerful Knight of the Round Table."

Jiang Shang told Mordred the good news in a sincere tone.


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