Mordred, stupefied in place...

As a recognized "King Chef", for her, there is nothing more exciting than this news!


"That "King" is really willing to..."

"Accept a rebellious knight like me who cannot be forgiven?"

Naive Mordred asked excitedly.

Her red eyes even had clear tears.


Jiang Shang's next bad news seemed to throw her from heaven to eighteen levels of hell.

"The bad news is..."

"Whoever is willing to accept you..."

"It's not your father, but your mother...".

201. Black Joan of Arc!The First Confrontation of the Saint and Witch!


There seemed to be something, a broken sound, echoing in the living room.

The excitement on Mordred's face gradually turned into embarrassing anger!

Just when she was about to explode!

Jiang Shang continued to persuade.

"Listen to my explanation first..."

"She is not the "mother queen" you know, you can understand it as..."

"She is your mother's "Different Time and Space Same Body", inheriting your mother's spirit foundation. "


"She wants to make up for your "poor queen"..."

Jiang Shang tried his best to persuade Mordred, who was almost crying with anger.


"No one understands my mother better than me!"

"She's just a..."

Mordred's voice suddenly stopped.

But she raised her hand apprehensively, and pointed at the Assyrian empress beside her.

Semiramis blushed so angry at this behavior of "pointing and cursing"!

If Jiang Shang didn't stop him!

She has to break off this stinky girl's fingers today!

Jiang Shang held Mordred's little face distressedly, and wiped the child's tears with his thumb.

"I said that..."

"She is different from your mother..."

"When you see her, you will naturally understand."

Jiang Shang 293 sighed complicatedly.

Morgan in the Lost Belt, although she is a ruthless goblin queen.

But she persisted for thousands of years for Britain, which was supposed to be extinct!

Repel disasters again and again!

From a certain point of view, Morgan has embarked on a path that leads to the same goal as "King Arthur".

including the finale...

The temperament she exudes is another ideal king.


When Mordred met the queen mother of the "Strange Belt".

You must be able to notice the difference.



"I don't read much, don't lie to me!"

Mordred showed a suspicious expression, and she pouted angrily.


'True to gold...'

Jiang Shang nodded seriously, the expression between his brows didn't mean to be joking.

"All right..."

"I'll think about it when I see the 'mother queen'. "


"Master, you bastard! How many things are you hiding from me!"

"Why did my "mother queen" entrust you to bring me a message! "

"I can't understand!"

Mordred said angrily, the Master in front of her was just like Merlin.

It's the kind that is full of secrets, the kind that can scare people to death by just mentioning one!

"In the will understand..."

"I hope that by then, you can act like a baby at me like you are now."

Jiang Shang lovingly rubbed Mordred's little head, his body exuded the radiance of fatherly love.

"That's for sure!"

"After all, you are my master, even my father didn't take care of me like this!"

"I'm going out to relax. Don't forget about the armor, Master!"

Mordred said arrogantly.

Then it turned into a spirit body and disappeared into the living room.

After watching Mordred leave, Jiang Shang looked at the Assyrian Empress beside him.

"Do you have any questions?"

Jiang Shang asked with a smile, showing enough kindness.


"I need quiet..."

"Secrets of this level are too scary for me..."

Semiramis looked at the Master in front of him "meaningfully".

She wasn't Mordred, the kind of brat who didn't grow up.

From the conversation just now, she already knew an amazing secret!

This secret is horrifying, and even possible, to the level of being wiped out by the master!

"Then I won't bother you..."

After Jiang Shang and the empress greeted each other, they set off for the second floor.

There is one thing he should have done a long time ago.


at this time...

In Joan's room...

"Look at what you've done!"

"This kind of thing... how can it be called clothes!"

Joan of Arc, who put on a white gauze skirt, crouched in a corner in shame.

And angrily said to himself!


Only she could hear the voice, it was in her head.

"This is the Cloth of the Battle!"

"That guy will definitely not reject you when he sees you now."

"You should thank me!"

(aeed) The lazy voice revealed a bit of evil intentions.

"What nonsense!"

"The relationship between me and the master is just a close friend."

"He has always respected me and has never done anything excessive to me!"

"Instead, I..."

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