"After all, I only look at feng shui, and she needs to choose whether the materials are good or bad."

"Since the "City in the Sky" is going to be built, I want all the materials to be the best. "

Jiang Shang said the next arrangement, and looked at the opposite King Xian.


"The affairs of Uruk will be handled by Merlin. "

"Take it as a rare rest day..."

Gilgamesh sighed, his face a little tired.

He simply closed his eyes, massaged his temples with his fingers, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Everything on this land belongs to him.

Jiang Shang's behavior is not building a "treasure"!

This is simply sucking his blood!

Jiang Shang looked at Gilgamesh, but he didn't say much.


at noon...

Everyone who had enjoyed lunch continued to be busy with their own affairs.

With Jiang Shang's permission...

The box of gold coins brought by Mordred has been divided up by them.

The servants who spend a lot of money can't wait to take the whole of Uruk away!





And some common sacrificial magic...

For them, maybe this is the only chance in their life!

Before leaving "this era", they don't want to leave any regrets!

Jiang Shang watched everyone leave. In the empty living room, there were only three people left.


Joan of Arc...

as well as...

Don't worry about Jiang Shang, prepare to stare at his "Gilgamesh"!


Mordred also planned to sneak out to play, but was dragged back by Jiang Shang.

Now she's in a bad mood...

0····Ask for flowers·······

It's like a kitten locked up at home, clawing at the wall with its paws, staring at its Master resentfully.

"It's almost time..."

Jiang Shang got up from his seat and clapped his hands casually.

Circles of transparent ripples emerged from the distorted space.

It turns into a dimensional channel connecting the "imaginary number space".

The crisp sound of high heels stepping on the floor resounds from the tunnel...

Attracted the attention of the crowd.

next moment...

Morgan is wearing a blue and black dress, wearing a spiked crown and holding a magic gun.

Take your time and walk out of the dimensional passage.

She wore a black veil and her expression was as cold as ice.

The moment she appeared, the temperature instantly dropped to freezing point.

Even the spacious hall was covered with a thick layer of frost.


"Is this "Mesopotamia"? "

"I don't like the climate here..."

Morgan frowned and spoke coldly.

The temperature range here is too large, the sun is like fire during the day, and the night is as cold as ice.

For an ice beauty like Morgan, she prefers a lukewarm spring.


"Won't be around long..."

"You just come here for a trip..."

Jiang Shang walked up to Morgan, held her palm, and enthusiastically introduced her to everyone.

"This child is the "Mordred" I mentioned. "

"How about it..."

"Isn't she cute?"

Jiang Shang first introduced Mordred.

His smile is a bit wicked, and I can't wait to watch it. This is a good show of "Mother and Daughter Reunion"!

Hearing her husband's introduction, Morgan looked at the rebellious knight.

Morgan, who is 1.7 meters tall, looked down at the petite girl in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Morgan stepped forward and walked towards Mordred.

In the girl's apprehensive and nervous eyes.

Morgan stretched out his cold fingers, and gently stroked the girl's cheek.

"What an excellent work..."

"Take care of him, he will be a good successor."

Morgan sighed with satisfaction.

More than the blood of the "Red Dragon" flows in Mordred's body.

There is also an extremely pure "fairy" blood inherited from her mother.

Just activate this "Fairy Blood".

Plus the "Bestowed" buff from Morgan.

Mordred's overall strength will usher in a dramatic increase!begging.

208. Fairy Knights of the Round Table!Mordred's final choice!

Mordred, who fell into a daze, stared at the woman in front of him in a daze.

From Morgan's body, she sensed a breath of the queen mother.


She has a heavy sense of fate, but she is very much like her father!

she is so strange...

yet so familiar...

Obviously the same face, but from her body, Mordred saw the figure of his father.

The goblin queen...

Was it really her queen mother, and not her father and king from "The Lost Belt"?

Although Mordred didn't understand it, he didn't reject it.

Let the goblin queen caress her cheek.

Morgan's palm, although very cold.

But exudes sincere love.

This feeling...

In addition to experiencing it at the "Master"...

This is the only second time in her life...

"Two nine three" "Mother's queen...?"

"Is that you?"

Mordred murmured absently.

Her voice trembled because of nervousness, full of fear and bewilderment.

She was afraid of the queen mother in front of her eyes!

Afraid that I would become the mother queen's revenge tool again!

I am afraid that what happened in my previous life will continue to repeat itself in this life!

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