

Morgan agreed softly.

"Mordred, my child of panhuman history."

"I ask you..."

"Would you like to be my "Elf Knight of the Round Table"? "

"As my child, you are qualified to be the orthodox heir."

Morgan gently held Mordred in his arms, promising softly.



Mordred murmured blankly. In Morgan's arms, she turned her eyes suspiciously and looked in the direction of her master.

She needs an explanation!

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, walked to Morgan's side, and fondled Xiao Mo's head lovingly.

"Morgan is the queen of Fairy Britain. "

"Although the kingdom is still under construction."

"But she owns a holy city, and three powerful goblin knights of the round table."

"The Bagster you know. "

"And "Happy Meow" is one of them. "

"As for the other one, she didn't come together because she was too dangerous."

Jiang Shang explained with a smile.

He wanted to be Mordred's witness if he could.

For this "rebel knight"!

It's going to be a: Godsend!

Give up your human identity...

Mordred transformed into a "fairy".

Under the strengthening of Morgan, he will definitely become: a top follower!

Mordred was stunned again, she suddenly remembered something!


This Master is going to transfer to another world together with the "city"!

This is the plunder of the diversion!

Plunder cities of different eras and civilizations!

Then in a different world, build a new human civilization!


Considering the catastrophe that is facing in this era!

Rather than the word "plunder", it would be more appropriate to use "salvation" to describe it...

She can already predict that as the number of humans continues to surge!

Her mother...

her father...

Sooner or later there will be a fierce battle between the two of them!


Choosing who to take refuge in means offending the other!


Just when Mordred fell into hesitation.

Morgan spoke again and stated his conditions.


"As you can see, I am the queen of fairies..."

"If you choose to follow me, you must give up your human identity."

"You will be born again."

"Become the No.4 "Fairy Knights of the Round Table". "

"I will give you the name "Fairy Mordred". "

Morgan said solemnly.

Abandoning the identity of "human", this is the price Mordred needs to pay.

But in fact...

Mordred was originally an "artificial human", but a copy of the ideal king.

She grew up extremely fast, and possessed all the abilities of that king except weapons!

But as a price...

Her lifespan is extremely short, so she will be jealous and envious of ordinary humans...


She is not a human being, so how can she give up her human identity?


As long as she makes a choice, Morgan will accept her and train her to be a true successor.

One day, she will become king!

This may be the only chance in Mordred's short life!



Mordred is heartbroken...


She thought of the father and king again, and couldn't make up her mind for a while...

Just in Mordred, when indecisive 0....

The voice from "Jiang Shang" sounded in her mind.


"This is a shortcut for you to improve your strength."

"I will find a way to resolve the conflict between Morgan and Artoria."

"You just have to follow your heart and do what you think is right."

Jiang Shang comforted Mordred.

And put his finger in front of his lips, signaling the girl to keep quiet.

This is a secret between them.

After receiving Jiang Shang's promise, Mordred was no longer confused.

"I would like to..."

Mordred took a deep breath and agreed to Morgan's terms.

From now on...

She will become "Fairy Knights of the Round Table"...

Under the training of the queen mother, become a better knight!

"smart kid..."

Morgan chuckled approvingly, clearly pleased with the daughter.


She ignored Joan of Arc, and Gilgamesh...

Because of "Pan-Human History-Morgan", she doesn't like humans very much.

She doesn't want to have too much contact with other humans except her husband. 4.3

After letting go of Mordred, the magic gun of extinction in her hand tapped lightly on the ground.

The icy blue light turned into icy blue butterflies and flew out of the window!

These blue morpho butterflies, transformed from ether elements, will search for nearby spiritual veins.

as well as...

The most suitable land for building "Castle in the Sky"!

simply put...

Morgan's arrival this time is obviously well prepared!

Since we want to build the "Sky City", we must use the best materials!

3 minute later...

These blue flash butterflies sent messages one after another...

Morgan took her husband's hand, and swung the magic gun of limiter in his hand forward!

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