The broken space turned into a stable space channel.

Amid Mordred's astonished expression, Morgan said softly.

"My husband, it's time for us to leave...".

209. Ibaraki Doji Appears!The bullied monster girl!

at the same time

In a deep forest in the Abif Mountains...

A well-built house is not in line with the neon style of this era.


The girl's lazy yawn sounded from above the roof.

She opened her mouth sadly.

The lowered corners of the eyes were drowsy because of hunger.

不 ...


The girl's identity is a ghost...

She has sharp blood-colored horns on her head, and a symbol that resembles an eye is painted on her forehead.

Different from the cute and pretty appearance, the expression on display is more or less beating.

Although the body is small, only 1.4 meters seven.

But the palms and calves look like ghosts!

She lay lazily on the roof, resting her cheeks on the back of her hand.

The small mouth opened, revealing a mouthful of sharp white teeth inside.

Her amber-gold vertical pupils looked down at the humans who were lighting a fire and cooking.

He muttered in displeasure.

"It's not time to eat yet!"

"If ghosts are hungry, they will eat people!"

"Hey hey hey. 04.."

The girl pretended to be mature and made a gloomy voice.

To this...

The humans who were cooking below shook their heads helplessly.

They were not affected in any way and continued to do their work.


The girl's name is: Ibaraki Doji.

about a few months ago...

She was summoned to this era by a nasty guy.

As a "ghost", she was asked to protect some absolute front against the vicious goddess.

As a "Frenzied Servant", she resolutely found an opportunity to defect.

On the way to escape, I met this group of homeless humans.

"Ibaraki Doji", who is a ghost, did not eat these weak guys.

Instead, they were recruited as subordinates, and the so-called "Dajiangshan Bandit Group" was established.

In the era of more than 4000 years ago, Youzai Youzai became the king of the mountain.

During the several months of getting along, the powerful strength she showed surprised everyone.

In order to repay this kindness, all the bandits built a house for her.

Prepare her three meals a day, with sweet berries.

"Ibaraki Doji" who enjoys this kind of treatment lives a full life every day.


The peace she longed for will eventually be broken by outsiders.

The girl lying on the roof suddenly sensed abnormal fluctuations in space.

She opened her eyes in astonishment, and with her sensitive little nose, she sniffed the surroundings!

A horrible breath made her hair stand on end immediately!

Familiar breath!

It's that "annoying" summoner!

Besides him, there are two other powerful auras!

"Are you here to catch me..."

Ibaraki-douji frowned, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

After living here for a few months, she already considers it her home!

protect human beings?

What a ghost joke!

Even if she, Ibaraki Doji, died of starvation, she would never go back if she jumped from here!


Sensing the breath of the other party, getting closer and closer to him, Ibaraki Doji bit his nails angrily.


"Now I'm starting to get angry..."

She said indignantly, the alienated ghost hand raised her hand!

The blood-red ghostly aura turned into a hideous bone knife in her hand!

This is a weapon forged from the bones of ghosts, after tens of hundreds of years, by karmic fire!

Just holding it in your hand exudes a monstrous demonic aura. This is a powerful blade that can shake the moonlit night!

"Hum hum..."

"Let you wait and experience what a real ghost looks like!"

Ibaraki Doji said confidently.

She jumped down from the roof, holding a hideous bone knife, and rushed forward arrogantly!

She wants to drive away the group of intruders!

Let them see the terrifying strength of the "Leader of the Great River and Mountain"!


at the same time...

Jiang Shang and Morgan walked out of the space crack at the same time.

Then came Gilgamesh, then Joan of Arc.

As for... Mordred...

She seemed to have been hit by the petrified demon eye of "Gorgon", and she froze in place sluggishly.

The brain that is down, completely stopped thinking...

With her current small head, it is obvious that she still cannot accept the title of her mother's master to her master!

my husband!

What does my husband mean?

She kept that funny look until the "space rift" was closed.


Before waiting for Jiang Shang to feel...

The unexpected happened suddenly!

A tyrannical and powerful evil spirit is attacking everyone from the depths of the jungle in the distance!

The enemy is very fast...

Just a few seconds...

The petite figure holding the bone knife let out a silly roar and appeared in front of the four of them!


"My name is Ibaraki Doji!"

"It's the leader of the ghost of Dajiangshan!"

"This is my place!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

Ibaraki Doji roared fiercely, she made no secret of her hostility!

Trying to scare off the intruders in front of you with this "violent" appearance!


The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel...

The confused Ibaraki Doji didn't realize how stupid his behavior was!

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