This is the residence of "Ishtar", a spiritual peak protected by the gods!

In addition to the geographical location, it just meets the needs of the "air garden"!

"It's really nice here..."

"As long as an area of ​​310 square kilometers is transferred, the minimum demand can be met."

"As for the rest of the materials, just use the ones in the "imaginary number space". "

Morgan looked around and spoke with satisfaction.

"'s not too late!"

"Five elements escape, get up!"

As soon as Jiang Shang finished speaking, the five-element array flag, shining with dazzling light, rose from his palm!

Just when he was about to cast a spell!

A voice full of anger sounded from behind him!

"Wait a moment!"

"You bastard, are you crazy!"

"This is "Ebifu Mountain", what do you want to do? ! "

"This is wealth left to future generations, and this king will never allow you to do anything to it!"

Gilgamesh blushed with anger!

Fortunately, he followed, if this guy is allowed to act without authorization!

God knows what disaster it will cause!

Jiang Shang is simply: a lunatic!

He was so greedy that he wanted to transfer part of "Ebifu Mountain" away!


As the king of this era, he will never allow such behavior to happen!


Jiang Shang gave him a blank look...

"After more than 4000 years, the mountains here are destined to disappear..."

"It won't have much impact on the future world..."

"Furthermore, I didn't move the whole thing away, but only the parts I needed."

"Gilgamesh, don't forget..."

"The "Sky Garden" I built is a sharp weapon against Tiamat. "

"If "her" is not defeated, this era will have no future! "

"The human beings who live here will only go to the end of extinction, and will get nothing in the end."

Jiang Shang's explanation was mixed with a threatening tone.

With his "unscrupulous" style of acting.

If you didn't go directly to grab it, you already gave "Gilgamesh" a lot of face.


If this virtuous king still wants to stop him...

Then the resources he needs are more than [-] square kilometers, it's that simple...

Gilgamesh's face was as gloomy as water.

This man's behavior does not have the noble thought of being a "savior" at all!

He is a very typical "interested person"!

I am afraid that even saving the world is based on the level of "interests"!


It is precisely because of this greed that Jiang Shang is more reliable than others!

Because such a man doesn't care about other people's evaluation at all, and doesn't value honor!

In order to fulfill his mission, even in bad things, he can do it!


As long as you show enough benefits, you can get his assistance!

And this man...

He is a powerhouse comparable to "Tiamat"...

On this planet, no matter what kind of crisis happens!

The assistance from him can play a decisive role!

all in all...

If you want to get the assistance of "Jiang Shang", you must first satisfy his desire!

After realizing this...

(aeed) Gilgamesh glared at Jiang Shang, who turned his head angrily.


"What the king said here doesn't count..."

"If you want to move the "Mount Abif", you should ask Ishtar! "

"This is her "place"! "

Without any choice...

Gilgamesh can only kick this football towards Ishtar.

That moody and vicious goddess must not look at her home and be moved away by outsiders.


This virtuous king never imagined...

His seemingly perfect tactful rejection was just in line with Jiang Shang's wishes.


Jiang Shang murmured thoughtfully.

The bright golden light, on Jiang Shang's right hand, turned into a noble "Fengshen Bang"!


"Show yourself!"

Jiang Shang gave the order with a smile!

next moment!

The brilliant golden light, just above them, turned into the figure of Ishtar!

"What happened?"

"Where is the enemy?"

Ishtar, who was suspended in the air, said with a blank expression.

Just a second ago...

She is also in the city, receiving offerings from "gem merchants".

But the next second...

She was teleported to Jiang Shang.

Not only that...

The "Tianzhou Ma Anna" beside her is already in the form of fighting!

Even the "maid dress" on her body has been transformed into the original attire!

It can be said...

At this time, she is in perfect fighting form!


Ishtar looked around, but found no enemy.

Apart from...

The "Gilgamesh" that disgusted her...


If her enemy is this guy...

Ishtar is very willing to send him back to the embrace of the gods!



"There is something I want to discuss with you."

Jiang Shang looked at Ishtar with a fierce expression, smiled and waved.

Hearing the words of the "Master", Ishtar showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.


"You domineering guy, how did you become so polite?"

"Could it be... taking the wrong medicine?"

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