Ishtar fell from the sky, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at Jiang Shang suspiciously.


When Jiang Shang raised his hand, it was a "brain collapse"!

Ishtar was in so much pain that tears flowed out!

"When I'm done with it, it's a matter of this era."

"You want to follow me and go back together."

After teaching the poisonous Ishtar a lesson, Jiang Shang revealed his plans for the future.


He paused on purpose...

And looked in the direction of Gilgamesh.

The dark-bellied Jiang Shang asked Ishtar, pretending to be concerned.


"What are you going to do with the "Ebifu Mountain" you are entrenched in? "

"As the "goddess of heaven", you don't want your property to be occupied by mortals, do you? ".

212. Ishtar's Overture!King Xian fainted?

Mount Abif...

After hearing Jiang Shang's question, Ishtar put his hands on his hips angrily!

"Of course it is!"

"Even if I destroy this place, I won't let others trample on my home~!"

Ishtar said angrily.

At the same time as the voice fell, the goddess of the sky was also deliberately looking at Gilgamesh-.


Her words were meant for Gilgamesh!


After hearing this stupid goddess actually say these words!

Gilgamesh's expression became even uglier at this time.

"This king can set an iron law and forbid anyone to set foot in your temple!"

"When this catastrophe is over, even the temple of Uruk can be returned to you!"

"all in all!"

"Mount Abiff, absolutely not like that!"

In desperation, Gilgamesh could only promise.


The most important thing right now...

It is to prevent "Ishtar" from making actions that will harm future generations!


"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child!"

"I don't believe a single word of what you said!"

"I'm afraid you will attack my temple as soon as I leave!"

Ishtar gave Gilgamesh a blank look, and vetoed unceremoniously.

Whether it is the girl possessed...

Or "Ishtar" itself...

Everyone hates the guy "Gilgamesh" very much!

Give the wealth you have worked so hard to accumulate to someone you hate?

What a joke!

The angry Ishtar turned to look at the Master beside him.

She has seen Jiang Shang's "Five Elements Great Escape" with her own eyes!

He can even transfer the cities where human beings live to the "different world" intact.


help her move...

It shouldn't be a problem either...

Ishtar turned around, put his hands behind his back, and made an appearance of an innocent girl.


"Can you move your little hand and help me transfer "Ebifu Mountain" to another world? "

"You don't want to see the goddess who signed a contract with you, being demolished by others."

Ishtar said pitifully, trying to use his cuteness to attack the Master in front of him.

But what she got was Jiang Shang's soul questioning.

"Am I any good?"

Jiang Shang stretched out Bai Jiu's palm in the direction of Ishtar, asking frankly for benefits.

"I'll be your thug!"

Ishtar said decisively.

"You are who you are!"

Jiang Shang shook his head regretfully, he was bound by the "Fengshen Bang".

Ishtar is his "strategic nuclear weapon"!

All he needs is a map.

If you are not happy, order it.

Leave the rest to "Ishtar"!

It can turn [-] square kilometers of land into a bottomless pit!

No pollution, pure natural!

This is much easier to use than "nuclear weapons"!


After being rejected by Jiang Shang, Ishtar pouted angrily.

From the moment you become a "Servant".

Everything she owned was taken over by this man!




This man can write whatever he wants, even "emotions" if necessary!

The treasure called "Fengshen Bang" was something Ishtar had seen before...

The scariest thing ever! ! !


It is very difficult for her to impress this man...

Right at this moment...

A flash of light flashed in Ishtar's head.


"Ten massage coupons, how about..."

"It's not the perfunctory kind, I will do it seriously..."

Ishtar said in embarrassment.

massage skills...

culinary skills...

housework skills...

These things that only "mortals" would do, all came from this girl who fused with her.

In addition to the "five-element compound attribute", it is also the most valuable skill she has mastered!


Hearing the trading chips offered by "Ishtar", Jiang Shang was a little stunned.

He subconsciously turned around and looked in Morgan's direction.

Morgan said nothing, she chose to turn a blind eye.

She doesn't understand these...

So just open one eye, close one eye...

"Sounds good..."

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