"I am the goddess who yearns for you..."

"Your joy is my purpose."

"If one day, the light shining on you disappears, I will definitely protect you in the dark."

"If possible at that time, I don't want to be a friend..."

The voice falls...

Ellie stood on her tiptoes and approached the Master.

Maybe it's her own wish, or maybe it's Tohsaka Rin's wish.

Or maybe it's a fusion of the two emotions.

The introverted and arrogant Allie did the most daring thing in her life.

Jiang Shang's head was buzzing...

The figure of "Morgan" appeared in his mind, this scene is so similar!

He was going to refuse...

However, the strength of this "Goddess of the Underworld" is far above him!


three hours later...

The sky outside has entered dusk...

Jiang Shang combed Ai Lei's long hair and braided it into the previous hairstyle.

And with the black crown, sat the last fix.

"We've been away for so long..."

"They won't suspect..."

"That goblin queen is so fierce, she won't blame you..."

Allie said with a guilty conscience, she knew Morgan's strength very well.

If it's true...

Even Alley, who is a goddess, is no match for Morgan!


"The time of the two parallel worlds is completely separated."

"No matter how long you stay here, when you go back, it's the time before."

"No one will suspect..."

Jiang Shang comforted the guilty Ai Lei.


"I can rest assured that..."

Ai Lei breathed heavily. She lost control of her emotions just now and did something crazy.

But she doesn't regret it...

She's already won over others, too many...

"Do you want to go back?"

Jiang Shang looked at Ai Lei, with still flushed cheeks, and asked with concern.


"But you can't tell others about the things here."

Ai Lei turned around and put her index finger playfully in front of her lips, making a cute grimace.

"Of course..."

Jiang Shang sighed helplessly, he lost another dear friend.

at this time...

Ignore those guys in "Tamamo-mae"...

The best friend who still maintains a pure friendship, I am afraid that only Joan of Arc is left...

217. Solomon's Shot!New Abilities for Awakened Gorgon!

at this time

Inside the cold Blood Temple...


Gorgon, who was like a hill, fell weakly to the ground.

She has applied healing magic, but the penetrating wound in her abdomen is very slow to heal!



Gorgon's eyes were bloodshot, and he growled ferociously.

That terrifying "black gun body" is a deadly weapon for her~ weapon!

If she wants to flatten the "Absolute Warcraft Front", she must eliminate that bow-rank servant-!


"Why...don't come back..."

"This guy...where did he go..."

In Gorgon's mind, the figure of "Jin Gu" emerged.

If it's gold...

With high mobility, you can completely avoid the shooting of "Black Gun Body"!

And use the method of thunder to eliminate the bow-rank servants lurking in the dark!

"Jin Gu—!"


Gorgon growled angrily.

As the "Goddess of Warcraft", she now needs Jin Gu's help!


When she was most helpless, this disobedient child disappeared without a trace.

It didn't appear in front of her in time as before.


A playful chuckle suddenly sounded from a dark corner.

"Your child has betrayed you."

"The guy who hindered your revenge has been teleported to the "other world" that even I can't locate. "

The joking man's voice echoed in the empty blood temple.

Gorgon's pupils shrank instantly.

"who is it!"

"get out!"

Gorgon, who was seriously injured, stood up again with difficulty, and angrily shouted!

That was an unfamiliar voice!

Someone took advantage of her to leave and broke into the Blood Temple privately!

The sense of crisis that made her panic came from the shadows that could not see the light!

Every strand of her snake hair is in a ferocious attacking posture!

Trying to scare off this mysterious intruder in this way!


"You hurt so badly, what can you do to me..."

"I'm not your enemy, I just want to help you avenge..."

A voice in the darkness explained the purpose of this trip.


Under Gorgon's vigilance, he raised his hands and skillfully performed the magic of the age of gods.

A golden light rose from his hand, turning into a small Holy Grail.

"Holy Grail..."

Gorgon looked at the Holy Grail in the man's hand, and she showed a longing look.


She already has a...

But in the face of the omnipotent "wishing device", who doesn't want to realize a few more wishes?


Black blood gushed out from the Holy Grail, and soon filled the entire container.

"Drink it, and you will gain stronger abilities."

The mysterious man hiding in the dark waved his palm casually.

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