The Holy Grail filled with black blood flew towards Gorgon.

"who are you..."

Gorgon frowned, looking at the mysterious human in front of him with fear.

she doesn't understand...

Why, as a "Heroic Spirit", he...

Will help an avenger like her to destroy human civilization with her own hands!

Facing Gorgon's questioning, the mysterious man let out a deep laugh...

No answers were given.


He disappeared in place out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

"Pretend to be a ghost..."

Gorgon sneered coldly.

She looked solemnly at the "Little Holy Grail" floating in the air.

The current Gorgon has lost the powerful support of "Jin Gu".

If you still want to take revenge on humans, it's just a daydream!

Her huge figure appeared on the battlefield!

It will only become the target of the "Black Gun Body"!


She can only choose to believe...

The "black blood" filled with the holy grail can give her even stronger power!

Gorgon, who had been blinded by the desire for revenge, didn't think much about it!

She, who was hundreds of meters tall, swallowed the little holy grail together.


Her pupils shrank instantly...

A piece of knowledge that suddenly appeared appeared in her mind!


Ability: Hunger!

Introduction: Devour living objects and strengthen your combat effectiveness!

In a short period of time, quickly increase the strength.

Negative effect: Those who hold this ability will never be able to appease their hunger!


A special piece of information emerged in Gorgon's mind.

0····Ask for flowers·······


This is the new ability given to her by the "black blood" in the Lesser Holy Grail!

Gorgon smiled...

"Stomach... I'm hungry..."

Gorgon whispered softly, her eyes looked down at the surrounding monsters.

Each snake hair stretches instantly!

Cruelly devouring the monster that was guarding her!

The shrill scream resounded throughout the Blood Temple!

"more and more...!"

Gorgon smiled excitedly.

The hideous wound on the abdomen is being healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The wound that caused her unbearable pain will return to its original appearance!


In Gorgon's eyes, a tyrannical red light of hunger flashed!

... 0th

When the abdominal pain gradually subsides.

The sense of hunger strikes like overwhelming!

She needs more "food" to fill her hunger!

Thinking of this...

Through the authority of the "Goddess of Warcraft", Gorgon gave orders to all the monsters!

Let the "children" scattered all over the place return to the Blood Temple as quickly as possible!


The arms of her "goddess of the devil"...


at this time...

The top floor of the Temple of Blood...

The dull sun shines on the barren land...

"What a pathetic monster..."


"Gorgon, who devoured [-] monsters, the next goal is the absolute monster front."

The handsome white-haired man looked down at the returning monster army, showing a playful smile.

Because of Jiang Shang's existence, the "butterfly effect" occurred.

He who shouldn't be in this world has come to this era in person.

Before the real identity is revealed...

His current name is...


The king at the pinnacle of "Magic"!

And the crown magician who masters the "strongest summoning technique"!

at this time...

He is sincerely looking forward to meeting Jiang Shang, who is carrying "all the evil in this world"!

and this...

It is also the real purpose of his coming this time!

"A Qualified Person from the future..."

"Let me wait and see how you will deal with "this crisis"..." Beg.

218. I treat you as your best friend, but you actually want to be my stepfather? !

After returning to Uruk...

Because of the split timeline, it is still before the two left.

The two people who walked out of the dimensional tunnel inevitably felt a little complicated.

Just when Jiang Shang was about to find a topic...

Ishtar's angry roar sounded from the second floor!

"How dare you lie to me just now!"

"big liar!"

"I want to die with you!"

Ishtar, who felt that he had been tricked, clamored to die with Jiang Shang!

She jumped down from the second floor with a handful of gems in her hand!


In front of Joan of Arc and Yuzao who were in the living room, they rushed over quickly.

"Calm down! Ishtar!"

Joan embraced Ishtar, forcibly restraining the impulsive goddess.

"Yes! Don't be impulsive!"

"Have you forgotten!"

"You are no match for him!"

In front of "Three One Zero", the somewhat frowned-up Tamamo also held down Ishtar's hand to stop her from doing stupid things.

"Don't stop me!"

"I've grown up so much, it's the first time I've seen such an arrogant person!"

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