After acknowledging the situation...

Nezha drove the "Hot Wheels" and withdrew from the battlefield before Gorgon found her.

Report this news to everyone who is on the "Absolute Warcraft Front"!

After hearing the news, Bagster returned to the house where he lived as quickly as possible.

Report this coming crisis to her master, and ask about the next countermeasures!


10 minute later...

The nine servants summoned by Jiang Shang, plus four goddesses, have been waiting for a long time.

The sound of dense footsteps sounded from outside...

Gudazi, Mash, Ibaraki Doji, and even Ushiwakamaru all rushed to the scene immediately.

Behind them, even the ugly "Gilgamesh" came over together!

"Jiang Shang, do you have a countermeasure?"

Gilgamesh entered the living room and asked straight to the point.

Gorgon's forward speed is even faster than the carriage!

According to this momentum, in a few hours, she will reach the "Absolute Warcraft Front"!


To defeat this Goddess of Warcraft, you must gather all your strength!

Intercept her outside the safe area of ​​"one hundred kilometers away"!

Never let her get close, absolutely Warcraft front!

But that also means...

The 360 ​​"seals of theocracy" in Uruk are all useless!

They must be out of range, on a barren plain!

Defeat the runaway Gorgon without support!

Considering the cost of fighting her...

Once Gorgon blew himself up, he would basically die together!

Even Gilgamesh couldn't think of a good countermeasure for a while.


"Move "Uruk City" away..."

"Without any worries, naturally you don't have to worry about these things."

Jeanne suggested.

As the Holy Maiden of National Salvation, at least she has a very good strategic vision.

With Jiang Shang's ability, transferring "Uruk City" is not particularly difficult.

Gilgamesh frowned when he heard Joan's proposal.


The current situation has no room for him to think so much...

"The top priority is to stop that crazy Goddess of Warcraft!"

"The ultimate fate of this era, the life and death of Uruk, is all in your mind."

"Jiang Shang, it's your turn to act!"

Gilgamesh frowned, staring at the man sitting on the sofa.

not just her...

Whether Tamamo-mae, or others...

Including Thor, everyone is waiting for Jiang Shang's final order...

Even Semiramis, who is a "temporary servant", is willing to help...

Jiang Shang saw everything in his eyes...

He raised the corners of his mouth as usual, inspected the companion in front of him, and said in a frivolous tone.

"A mere Gorgon made you nervous like this?"

"She is just the last "appetizer". "

"The real "main course" is still sleeping in the sea. "

Jiang Shang said flatly, and he rubbed Mordred's little head.

Lazily getting up from the sofa, she even yawned after not sleeping all night.

There is no sporadic, tense feeling of imminent disaster.

"The current situation cannot tolerate your joking!"

"This is about Uruk, the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people!"

Gilgamesh reminded with a serious expression.

The city of Uruk is now on the brink of death!

Such a moment!

Jiang Shang's "Five Elements Escape" is the safest plan to save everyone!


"I know..."

Jiang Shang spoke gently, and walked in front of Gilgamesh.

"Gorgon's matter, let me handle it."

"Last night, I already thought of a countermeasure."

After Jiang Shang finished speaking, he smiled and patted the sage king on the shoulder.

In order to get the "two rewards of the system", he has no chance of trial and error.


He didn't want anyone to affect what he was going to do next.


"Please let me follow you, 310 will go together!"

Ushiwakamaru walked out from the crowd and spoke with a resolute expression.

She wants to witness the master's great cause!

Even if you lose your life for it!

She is also at the mercy of it!

"I am coming too!"

"I haven't reported my revenge last time!"

Mordred couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately raised his little hand and said.

She will fight until the last moment before the Master fulfills his promise!


"Don't you think it's a big deal!"

An angry scolding sound suddenly sounded from the room.

That majestic voice came from the "Goddess of Heaven—Ishtar" among the four goddesses!

"The enemy is Gorgon, the Goddess of Warcraft. Even if you go, how can you help?"

"Help make trouble?"

The venomous Ishtar proudly folded his hands on his chest.

She scolded Ushiwakamaru and Mordred unceremoniously.

These words were like a basin of ice water, allowing the hotheaded people to regain their senses again.


Ishtar raised his face a little arrogantly, and looked in Jiang Shang's direction with his eyes.

"Mesopotamia is my territory!"

"It's not the turn of an outsider like "Gorgon", so presumptuous! "

"I will drive the "Tianzhou Maanna" to take you there. "


"Your method is useless, I will activate the treasure directly..."

"Erasure her from the world!".

230. Jiang Shang Arrives on the Battlefield!A monster that even Gorgon fears!

In the air

Ishtar was flying the "Sky Boat" steadily.

Jiang Shang hugged her waist from behind to prevent her from falling from the sky.

It is a Noble Phantasm that can be expanded to the maximum and can perform "interstellar travel".

The flying speed of this "Tianzhou Ma Anna" is even higher than Nezha's Hot Wheels!

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