If you're acting alone...

Even Jiang Shang's "Five Elements Escape Technique" is not as flexible as it!


"You who appeared as the "Crowned Cavalry" don't even have a mount, do you? "

"It's so funny..."

Ishtar rolled her eyes, mocking the Master behind her.

It was the first time that she was so intimate with someone since she came into this world.


Although Jiang Shang didn't mean to make trouble, but it was a coincidence that...

The place he pressed was exactly where the "itchy meat" was.

With just a slight movement, Ishtar will make an incredible sound.

"Yes, I have..."

"But you said it yourself, you want to take me to the battlefield to stop "Gorgon"..."

"If I summoned the "Four Unlikenesses", wouldn't it be embarrassing for you? "

"Are you right, Ishtar?"

Jiang Shang explained to Ishtar with a concerned look.


"It seems to be so..."

Ishtar's head was still a little confused for a while, but he actually believed it.

Jiang Shang smiled without saying a word.

This simple goddess is more coquettish than expected.

Ishtar, who had no doubts, concentrated on driving the "Tianzhou Maanna" and flew towards the battlefield at a neither fast nor slow speed.

3 minute later...

In the distance, a sandstorm that obscures the sky and the sun...

The entire sky is rendered black...

In the violent sandstorm, the runaway Gorgon is advancing rapidly!

On her body, dark red magic patterns emerged, shining with a strange light.

Even the sharp white teeth exposed by the opened lips have the tendency of "dragon transformation"!


The moment he saw Gorgon, this word came to Jiang Shang's mind.

Gorgon, who is heading towards self-destruction, is evolving again!

Evolve in the direction of "Tiamat"!


Godhead determines her upper limit, even with the help of the Holy Grail...

It's just wishful thinking...

The final ending of Gorgon is the tragic ending of being unable to bear the energy of the outside world and exploding to death!


The enemy appeared...

Ishtar hovered in the air, overlooking the "Gorgon" thousands of meters away.

Even as a goddess, she couldn't help her pupils trembling at this moment.

"What a horrible smell...~々."

"This guy...is it really me, the Gorgon I know?"

Ishtar murmured with a gloomy face.

She has realized the seriousness of the matter!


Absolutely don't let this guy, who has gone completely crazy, get close to Uruk!

There is no other way!

In order to protect the living beings on this land, Ishtar, the goddess of the sky!

It can only be here to completely wipe out "Gorgon"!


"I need to borrow your magic power!"

"Next, I will activate the Noble Phantasm and unleash the strongest strike ever!"

Ishtar turned around gently, looked at Jiang Shang behind him, and begged for his help!

at the same time...

The "Sky Boat" she was driving had already deployed first and entered the attacking state!

The magic supply from the "Master" can maximize her combat power!


Can have the blessing of a "Command Spell"...


Ishtar is more confident...



Jiang Shang raised his hand, held Ishtar in front of him, smiled and shook his head.

"If you do this, won't you be fooled by the other party?"

"Gorgon is just an abandoned child, and the other party just wants to use your hand to kill her."

"Do you know what kind of disaster will be caused by an explosion with a radius of nearly [-] kilometers?"

"The earthquake triggered is enough to tear the earth apart."

"Like an alarm clock, it wakes up the sleeping Tiamat in the deep sea. "

Jiang Shang looked at the impatient Ishtar and sighed with regret.

"Is there such a thing?"

Ishtar frowned in confusion, apparently she hadn't considered this step.


"Is there anything that can make that guy who hides his head and tail feel more happy than the self-destruction of human beings?"

"Unfortunately, he met me..."

Jiang Shang half-closed his eyes and showed a playful smile.

"Your mission is accomplished."

"If you don't want to have nightmares, I advise you to return the same way now."

Jiang Shang persuaded him kindly.

And loosened Ishtar's waist, and fell towards the ground in a free fall!

He was worried that what happened next would leave this goddess with an unforgettable terrifying shadow!

"What a joke!"

"How can I trust you, stay alone to solve the trouble!"

Ishtar said angrily.

She was suspended in the sky of a thousand meters, and the "Tianzhou" beside her was still in attack state!


If that man fails, she is the last insurance policy!


at this time...

Feeling the "high-energy response" from the sky, Gorgon, who was advancing, stopped.

Right at this moment...

Jiang Shang, who fell from the sky, landed on the ground as softly as a feather.

He was less than 100 meters away from Gorgon!

Standing at his distance, looking down at Gorgon a hundred meters away.

That same feeling, like ordinary people looking up at skyscrapers!

"`~It's really spectacular..."

Jiang Shang sighed sincerely, this wonderful distance can take a panoramic view of all the beautiful scenery.

This strange feeling...

It's hard to say...

If it wasn't for Jiang Shang's determination, he would have been robbed of his mind.


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