Like a chain, no matter how hard she struggles, she can't get rid of the shackles!

"I'm going to eat you!"

The flustered Gorgon suddenly remembered the new ability he had just mastered!

She tried to activate the ability of "Hunger" to devour the bones in front of her eyes!

0····Ask for flowers·······

The snake hair stretched out in an instant!

Those ferocious basilisks bit the bloody bones one by one!


The moment these attacking basilisks touched the bones, their bodies began to melt!

Turned into blood vessels and muscle fibers, attached to the giant's arm!

With blood vessels and muscles, the strength of the skeleton giant becomes even more terrifying!

Under the extraordinary grip, Gorgon's arm was already showing signs of bruises!

The "Goddess of Warcraft" who plunged the earth into despair, now looks like a miserable girl!

"What kind of monster are you!"

"Why are you blocking me!"

Gorgon stared at his trembling pupils and questioned Jiang Shang below!

... 0th

The enemy in front of me...

It was the scariest, creepiest, most evil creature she had ever seen!

I am afraid that all the malicious words in the world will be added together!

Only then can I describe his existence!

Regarding Gorgon's question, Jiang Shang just smiled slightly.

"As you can see..."

"I'm just a human being..."

Jiang Shang smiled and introduced himself.

The moment the voice fell, it was also the time for the final judgment!

He casually threw the "Sword of Promised Victory" held in his right hand to his left hand.

Compared with his right hand, Jiang Shang prefers to use his left hand to handle things that require skill.

The demonized "Sword of Promised Victory" trembled happily!

Because of his flesh and blood, Jiang Shang has always been at a disadvantage in terms of strength!


The "Magic Sword" held in his hand seems to be able to read people's hearts!

It gradually becomes calm and gentle like a rattle to amuse a baby!

"The humble king's hammer, reverse the sun!"

"Swallow the light!"

A black-red beam of light emanates from the blade!

The swirling black light streaks turned into a giant light blade tens of meters long!

Under the terrifying "magic power release"!

Stripes of black thunder emerged from the shattered ground under Jiang Shang's feet!

Looking straight ahead, Gorgon was forcibly fixed in place and unable to break free.

A trace of pity flashed in Jiang Shang's eyes, and he called out the treasure's real name!

"Oath! The Sword of Victory!" Beg.

233. The Three Gorgon Sisters!The person behind the scenes will finally show up!

When Jiang Shang called out the real name of "Sword of Promised Victory".

The moment the blade of light tens of meters was swung out!

It turned into a black light cannon hundreds of meters away, smashing everything in front of it!

too fast!

The desperate Gorgon couldn't even open the treasure!

I can only use my own body to take this terrifying blow abruptly!

In the blazing light...

Gorgon's body is turning into pieces and disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even her consciousness turned into nothingness at this moment!

When the outermost scales, as well as large pieces of flesh and blood, dissipated piece by piece!

Gorgon's "Composite Godhead" was finally exposed to Jiang Shang's sight!

A bright white light rose from Jiang Shang's arm!

The air floating beside him turned into a pure white holy sword!

"Master! Great opportunity!"

The "[-]" holy sword made a "girly" excited voice, this is their only chance!


The moment Jiang Shang retracted the "Sword of Promised Victory" into his body, he grabbed the holy sword!


He directly launched the "Five Elements Escape Technique" and appeared inside the light cannon!

In the blue barrier propped up by the "sword scabbard", Jiang Shang, holding the holy sword, protected the compound godhead with his body!

His steel-like gray eyes shone with brilliant rainbow light!

Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death!

Fully open!

A series of distorted "threads of death", suspended above the compound godhead!

Avoiding these dead lines is almost impossible!

Just like...

Carving tofu in cold water, even a little mistake, will lead to a complete loss!

Absolutely not allowed, there is the slightest mistake!

A flash of determination flashed in Jiang Shang's eyes!

The blade shining with silver light, like a precise scalpel, avoids the lines of death!

Cut Gorgon's "Composite Godhead" into three irregular parts!

"Master! Now is the time!"

"Sign the master-slave contract!"

"As long as you get the supply of magic power, you can reproduce the miracle that can only be achieved by the "Holy Grail"! "

The holy sword girl said anxiously.

No one understands the importance of the divine core better than she, who is a "weapon made by the gods"!

Once the supply of magic power is lost, the divine core will disappear like a bubble!

Empathize with it!

As long as there is a supply of magic power, if the "God Core" is not fatally injured!

Time can heal!


Jiang Shang raised his hand, and the bright golden light turned into a list of gods in his hands!

Three irregular broken godheads, almost no resistance.

On the "Fengshen Bang", their respective names were printed.




The mythical "Three Gorgon Sisters" began from this moment.

Included in the "Fengshen List" and officially became Jiang Shang's follower!

next moment...

The supply of magic power from Jiang Shang made the three godheads burst into bright purple light!

Under the guidance of Jiang Shang, it fell steadily towards the ground below.

The moment it hits the ground...

The three shattered divine cores turned into two delicate and lovely girls, and a purple-haired royal sister.


They are very weak at this time, even under the supply of Jiang Shang's magic power.

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