Couldn't get up from the ground, or even speak.

The three sisters leaned on each other weakly, closing their eyes drowsily.

They take a long time to repair the incomplete core.

Right at this moment...

The black light cannon released by the reversed "Sword of Promised Victory" has gradually dissipated.

Gorgon's huge corpse fell powerlessly on the broken ground, causing a huge roar!

The dust splashed everywhere covered the entire battlefield.

Under Jiang Shang's command, the giant's skeleton lowered its palm, gently protecting the three weak sisters.

Avoid this shock and cause unnecessary damage to them.

While "Ishtar" was still in shock, Jiang Shang clapped his hands.

A "dimension channel" opened on the dusty battlefield.

The sound of heavy armor sounded from within.

"Angelica", whom I hadn't seen for a long time, appeared on the battlefield with a blank face.

Having lost [-]% of her emotions, she just looked at the battlefield indifferently.

Although she was shocked...

But because of the lack of emotion, it is impossible to express normally.


"Master, what are your orders?"

Angelica bent down respectfully and saluted, waiting for the Master's order.

"They are the "Three Gorgon Sisters", and from today onwards, you will take care of them. "

"Don't let them cause trouble."

Jiang Shang controlled the giant skeleton and gently put down his palm.

Show the girl in the palm of your hand in front of Angelica 0  …


"Even if Master "Morgan" blames them, I will protect them. "

Angelica said decisively, and golden ripples appeared beside her.

One after another, the "Locks of the Sky" protruded from the inside.

Bind the three unconscious sisters and hung them firmly in the air.


Jiang Shang waved his hand, motioned for Angelica, and led the three Gorgon sisters back.

"As ordered."

Angelica responded respectfully, and returned to the imaginary space with the three unconscious sisters.

At the moment when the "dimension channel" just closed!

Ishtar, driving the "Sky Boat", dispersed the smoke and dust on the battlefield!

She landed on the ground from the sky, and patrolled the doomsday-like wasteland around her.

She frowned deeper and deeper, and finally looked at Jiang Shang in front of her.

"the you now..."

"Is it a heroic spirit, or a "beast"..."

"Or, are you still the man I knew?"

Ishtar asked with a serious expression.

From Jiang Shang's body, she could no longer perceive the aura of the "heroic spirit".

Instead, there is only endless malice!

as if...

At this time, he is like the embodiment of "all the evil in this world"!

"It's human..."

Jiang Shang answered calmly.

But when the voice fell, he seemed to notice something.

He made a 4.3 tactical move to Ishtar to remind her to pay attention to safety.


Jiang Shang turned around indifferently, waved the holy sword in his hand, and unleashed a silver-white slash!

The crescent-shaped silver-white light blade grew to a size of tens of meters during the flight!

Almost sticking to Gorgon's body, it flew into the distance!

A wisp of bright red blood suddenly scattered from Gorgon's body.

Although there were only a few drops, it made "Ishtar" show a shocked expression!


Even she didn't notice it!

On the battlefield where the battle has ended, a new enemy has appeared!

at the same time...

Jiang Shang's indifferent voice also sounded on the battlefield.

"Having been a turtle for so long, it seems that you can finally hold back."

"What shall I call you?"


"Or... Getia?".

234. Getia's Shock!The strongest candidate for the beast of mercy!

Unfamiliar laughter sounded on the battlefield.

The front, which was originally empty, suddenly became distorted.

A white-haired man wearing a red and white mage robe suddenly appeared on the scene.

There was a gash on his cheek from which blood was oozing.

But this can't cover up the terrifying aura he exudes!

"Have you been discovered..."

"The current rookie is really an incredible monster..."

After appearing, Solomon stared calmly at the boy in front of him, and spoke words of approval.

"Don't confuse me with you."


"You sad beast who doesn't know what "love" is. "

"The "human evil" who only knows how to devour and lament, and wants to achieve nothingness. "

"It's ironic..."

"Your ambition is an unrealized fantasy after all."

"Just like the 'bubble', destruction is your end. "

Jiang Shang did not hide his sarcasm, responding to the enemy standing in front of him.

Hearing Jiang Shang's ridicule...

"Getia", whose real name was revealed, laughed happily.



Getia smiled happily, as if hearing 04 the funniest thing in the world.


He looked at the "qualified person" in front of him again, and said something that shocked Ishtar!

"I didn't expect that..."

"Such boring words actually come out of your mouth."

"As the "No. [-] Beast Candidate", you who hold the "Principle of Mercy"..."

"You're really kind to humans..."

Getia let out an excited laugh, telling Jiang Shang's identity at a glance!

That's right!

It's like a candidate for the existence of the "Grand Position"!

There is also a candidate for the terrifying "beast"!

At this time, Jiang Shang is no longer the "crown position"!

It is an unformed beast transformed from "all the evils of this world"!

He is still in the process of transformation!

Still in the growth stage!

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