With this second "Dragon Clan Summoning Ticket", he will definitely be able to summon another powerful dragon!


"Reminder: The reward replacement is complete!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained: Dragon Summoning Ticket!"


238. Tiamat Awakens!Close to the inherent enchantment of magic!

Looking at the reward in hand, Jiang Shang didn't use it immediately.

He is good at maximizing profits.

After dealing with the matter in front of me, return to "Fuyuki City".

He will find a way to summon her friends through Thor's connection.

After eliminating Thor's world, when summoning...

Maybe it will summon "Dragon Clan" from other worlds...


It's not impossible to summon a strong and handsome type like "Bahamut".

With this in mind, Jiang Shang looked into the bedroom.

at this time...

Gorgon was standing by the bed, looking at the sleeping three sisters...

There was no trace of hostility on her face, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

Even Jiang Shang couldn't bear to destroy this peaceful and peaceful scene.

He smiled slightly, turned and left the place.

After "Three Two Three"...

Launch the "Five Elements Escape Technique" and appear in the transferred "Ebifu Mountain" area.

As soon as he came to this area, Jiang Shang noticed something was wrong!

Abnormal time flow, and the outside world are simply two worlds!

Inherent enchantment!

Morgan has set up an "inherent barrier" in this area!

"Inherent time control?"

Jiang Shang spoke in surprise.

He can feel the inside of the "Inherent Barrier", which is about thirty times faster than the time flow outside the world!


This is the great magic called "Inherent Temporal Control"!

Sensing someone, trespassing into the barrier without authorization.

Morgan immediately stopped what he was doing.

She teleported to Jiang Shang through "Mirror Magic".

After confirming the identity of the visitor, Morgan was relieved.


She gently answered the confusion for her confused husband at this time.

"This is the magic imprint I took away from that human named "Emiya Kiritsugu". "

"It seems to be called "inherent time control". "

"Based on this, I made detailed improvements."

"And use the resources of the imaginary space and the continuous supply of magic power to set up this enchantment."

"The speed of time here is 31 times that of the outside world."

"That is to say..."

"A day here is equivalent to a month outside."

"But if you want to continue, the effective range of the enchantment can only be controlled within a radius of [-] kilometers."

Morgan explained with a smile.

Inside the Great Barrier, she can use the shortest time to create the "Vanity Garden in the Sky".


She's done the basics...


In line with the excellent character of "use it to death if it is easy to use", Morgan disassembled that person.

Bones can be made into Genesis Bombs.

Flesh and blood can make artificial humans.


Even the "Magic Seal" passed down from generation to generation was removed by Morgan!


This sounds cruel...

But in some ways...

This is helping "Emiya Kiritsugu" realize his ideal and create a better world!


The person who was abandoned this time became "Emiya Kiritsugu" himself.


"I see..."

""Inherent Temporal Control" itself is the great magic that is closest to "magic". "

"If you do this, it can indeed slow down a certain amount of time."

"Morgan, well done..."

Jiang Shang didn't mean to pity the man, but praised Morgan's actions.

The time left for him is now running out.

When Gorgon fell, she obtained the "Mother of Beasts" authority through coherence.

It has already returned to "Tiamat" itself!

For the human beings in this world, it is not good news!

If nothing else...

At this time, "Tiamat" should have awakened!

"I will leave the sky garden to you."

"Maybe today..."

"Uruk will face an unprecedented battle."

Jiang Shang sighed complicatedly.

He did a casual calculation, but the sign of the hexagram was a bad omen!

It is enough to prove how cruel the next catastrophe will be!


"With "Meliuzina"..."

"As the "Weapon of Final Battle", it's time for her to appear. "

As soon as Morgan finished speaking, the magic gun in his hand hit the ground.

She released "Meliuzina" and allowed her to move freely!


"I'll see you again when the situation calms down."

Jiang Shang said his farewell words, and activated the Five Elements Escape Technique, disappearing inside the barrier.


The catastrophe is coming...

But it came much faster than Jiang Shang imagined!


deep sea...

Strands of blood-colored black mud spread from the depths of the dark seabed toward the sea level 0. …

In just a moment, the deep blue sea surface turned into a strange blood color!

Rolling dense dark clouds blocked the midday sun.

See it from the ground!

It was as if the entire sky was collapsing!

at this time...

"Observatory" built on the coastline...

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