The staff responsible for inspecting the water quality immediately noticed the change!

"Come and see!"

A young man was the first to notice the change, calling for others to come over.


The dense footsteps sounded...

When they boarded the "observation platform" and looked down at the sea level in the distance.

Everyone showed a horrified expression and stood there in a daze.

"This is..."

"The "Day of Destruction" that the king mentioned? "

The old man in charge of managing here turned pale and bloodless.

He quickly turned around and gave the most urgent order to the young people behind him!

"Quickly inform Uruk of this news!"

"We must inform King Yu of this matter in the shortest possible time!"

The old man gave the order in a trembling voice.

The change of the situation has surpassed the cognition of ordinary people.


They can only pin their hopes on the "King of Uruk".

"4.3 understand!"

Two strong young men immediately replied!

But the moment they turned around!

A pitch-black shadow flashed past, and the two strong men were instantly shattered into corpses!

The warm blood splashed on the old man's face!

"This is...!"

The old man's eyes widened in shock, but before he finished speaking!

A sharp black tentacle had already pierced through his chest!

next moment...

The old man's body began to tremble violently!

A black monster that had never been seen before broke out of his body!



The people who finally came to their senses shouted eagerly, signaling to the others to run away quickly!


The entire "Observatory" has already been invaded by monsters!

Cut off the last way of escape...

239. High Energy Warning Ahead!One hundred million enemy troops are approaching!

Inside Uruk...

When Jiang Shang took "Gorgon" to the imaginary space.

Ishtar, who was bored, drove the "sky boat" first and returned to Uruk.

As a participant in this battle, she wants to announce this matter before Jiang Shang!

Gorgon is defeated!

This battle is the victory of "Goddess" and "Savior"!

She wants to wash away the shame of the "Incompetent Goddess" and make those guys look at her differently!


Ishtar, who was flying in the air, felt something was wrong!

A breath that she was extremely familiar with, and her hairs stood on end, was coming from the other side of the sea.

that seems to be...

The breath of Tiamat...


"Mother woke up so quickly!"

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Ishtar immediately increased his speed and flew to Uruk!

1 minute later...

In the living room of Jiang Shang's home, people gathered here.

We are anxiously waiting for the detailed battle situation from the front line.


Gilgamesh, who was resting, felt a high-energy reaction, approaching rapidly!

"Get out of the way!"

Gilgamesh opened his eyes, and directed everyone in the room to evacuate!


At the same time his voice sounded 04!

Ishtar, who was driving the "Sky Boat", had smashed the roof and appeared in front of everyone!

"Something is bad!"

"Mother seems to have woken up!"

Ishtar, with an anxious expression, said to everyone in the room.

"What did you say?"

Gilgamesh frowned, questioning the flustered and powerless goddess.

"After defeating the Gorgon. "

"On the way back, I felt extremely strong energy fluctuations!"

"It's the other side of the sea, you can't be wrong!"

"This familiar breath is definitely the awakening of "Mother"! "

Ishtar explained again.

After hearing her words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely heavy!

Ishtar's mother!

Who else could it be other than the "Creator Goddess"?

"What about the Master?"

"Where is he now?"

"Why didn't you come with me?"

The impatient Mordred asked nervously.

She only cares about the Master's safety, and the rest can be put on the back burner.


In the current situation, only if he sits in charge in person can everyone feel at ease!

"He...will be here soon..."

Ishtar's eyes dodged, and he told a white lie.

At this critical moment, she didn't want to bring more pressure to everyone!

"Is the enemy this time from the seaside?"

"Let me intercept it."

Mordred clenched her fists excitedly, she couldn't wait to cut down the enemy!

"I will go with you."

Bagster also spoke, and she always had an ominous premonition.

The situation at this time reminded her of the scene when "Fairy Britain" collapsed!

The enemies they have to face are probably not ordinary monsters, it's that simple!

"Remote support, leave it to us!"

Habe's meow sounded in the room, and she gestured her thumbs to her companions.

at this time...

She and Natalia have become a tacitly coordinated combination!

"Please let me accompany you and go to the battlefield together!"

Ushiwakamaru also stood up.


Mordred frowned, the immature girl in front of him seemed to be not as strong as her.

"That's right..."

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