Stronger than "Warcraft"...

Enemies even comparable to "Servants" are attacking Uruk!

And their number is far more than [-] million!


While everyone was silent, the doctor with a heavy heart was still reporting.

"More than [-] million..."

"Their numbers are still multiplying..."

When he said this, the doctor's voice was visibly trembling.

It was like a basin of cold water pouring cold water on the hearts of all the hot-blooded people.


"There are about [-] confirmed logins!"

"Twenty thousand of them are moving in the direction of "Uruk". "

"Although the speed is different..."

"But in about a few hours, the first round will arrive!"

Romani said heavily, in the face of this unprecedented catastrophe.

All he can do is to use the technology of "Chaldea" to notify everyone in advance!

"Twenty thousand..."

"What about the other "[-]"? "

Mordred asked with a heavy heart.


"The [-] unknown creatures are moving in the direction of "Ulu City" and "Eri City". "


"These two cities have been transferred."

Speaking of this, Romani couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In such a critical situation, fortunately, there is Jiang Shang, the "crown hero" to help!

His space magic can even transfer "cities"!

Even if it is called "magic", it is not an exaggeration!


It is precisely because of the infinite magic power provided by the "Third Magic" that the miracle can be realized!

"I see...~々."

"Is that why that man moved the city?"

"This guy..."

"I already knew that the situation would turn into this..."

Ishtar showed an expression of "I see."

Her previous doubts were finally answered.

"As expected of a senior..."

Gudazi, who witnessed all this, had admiration in his eyes.

She has always firmly believed that as long as the senior comes back, the current crisis will definitely be resolved!

"The king should go back..."

"If Jiang Shang comes back, remember to inform him, I have something important to talk to him about!"

Gilgamesh got up from his seat with a gloomy face.

As the "King of Uruk", he is the backbone of his people.

He must sit in the temple and arrange new fortifications!

When the catastrophe is coming, anyone can panic, but he can't!


"Is this the attitude of asking for help?"

Ishtar rolled her pretty white eyes and complained about Gilgamesh who left.


She was driving the "Tianzhou Maanna" and was suspended in mid-air again.

"I'll go to the front line first and investigate!"

"The task of frontal defense is entrusted to you!"

Ishtar showed a far-fetched smile and waved his hands to everyone.

At this moment, she already realized the seriousness of the situation.

If you have to...

She can only cast "Noble Phantasm" continuously to bombard and kill this group of enemies.

"Please, Goddess Ishtar!"

Siduri's voice sounded from the living room.

In this coming catastrophe, as the head priestess of "Uruk", she can't do anything to help.

"You too..."

"Protect yourself..."

Ishtar, who has always been moody, showed a gentle side at this time.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Ishtar followed the gap in the roof and flew to the outside sky.

After Ishtar left, the others also took action.

Just when Gudazi was about to follow everyone to the battlefield.

A slender hand suddenly grabbed her sleeve, preventing her from leaving.


"You stay here..."

A soft girlish voice sounded from behind Gudazi.


Gu Dazi turned around suspiciously, looked at the hooded girl behind her, showing a dazed expression.

"You and Mash stay here."

"Leave the battle to us."

"Don't walk around casually, stay here obediently, don't go anywhere."

"have you understood?"

Anna spoke seriously, with a calmness far beyond her age on her small face.

The number of servants on our side is far less than that of the incoming enemies!

The strength of the opponent is very strong, enough to match the average servant!

That is to say...

The number of enemies is equivalent to [-] followers!

It is almost impossible to completely block its door!

They have to devote themselves to fighting, and have no time to take care of others!

This also means that Gudazi, who is an "ordinary person", will only become a burden.


These words are a bit cruel...

But she could, would kill everyone...


"` ~ I..."

"I understand..."

Gu Dazi lowered his head in frustration, responding to Anna beside him.

"I'm leaving..."

Anna spoke softly.

The petite girl pulled down the hood on her head, followed the departing crowd, and disappeared from Gudazi's sight.

Watching everyone leave, Gu Dazi turned around in frustration...

at this time...

still in the room...

Only Yuzao, the two ceremonies, and the Assyrian empress.

as well as...

The leopard man who is nestling on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

Anna let her stay, in fact, there is a (well, well) reason.

These people present, even if they encounter danger, can run with her.

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