
A sense of powerless guilt flooded my heart again.

From the initial "singularity", the experiences along the way surfaced in front of her.

It's like this every time...

As the "Master", she can only serve as a witness.

Then again and again, witnessing tragedy happen.

I am afraid...

This time too...

Unwilling tears welled up from Gudazi's eye sockets.


Matthew looked at the sad Gudazi and murmured softly.

As a companion along the way, she can understand the complex mood of the Master at this time.

But just then...

A dimensional passage unfolded from behind Gudazi.

Jiang Shang's playful laughter sounded from the dimensional channel.


"Do you desire power...?".

241. Magical Girl Tachika?The heroes from the predecessors are made!


Hearing a familiar voice from behind, Gu Dazi turned around in a daze.


She raised her head dully...

Still the same handsome face, and the familiar gentle smile...

When the building is about to collapse, this savior chosen by the "restraining force"!

Finally showed up!



Gudazi choked up and shouted, and threw himself into Jiang Shang's arms, crying bitterly.

She resents her own weakness, why she doesn't have the ability to change her destiny.

If you can...

She also wants to be the real savior like Jiang Shang!

Even if you can't turn the tide, at least you're not hiding behind other people!

Girls yearn for power!

Even a slight improvement is a kind of sustenance for her!


Jiang Shang pampered Gudazi's little head, comforting the sad girl.

"Senior, I want to become stronger!"

"I crave power!"

"I also want to contribute, instead of hiding behind all the time!"

Gu Dazi spoke seriously, her red eyes were looking at Jiang Shang.

She always believed it!

This senior will never hurt her!

If it is him, maybe there is a way to make her stronger!


Jiang Shang sensed Gudazi's sincerity, and he showed a gratified smile.


"Although you are just an ordinary person, you have a tenacious willpower."

"Even in the face of fear, never give up hope, and always trust your companions."

"You have a "luck" far beyond ordinary people, and you have the ability to control your destiny. "

"You are entitled to this gift."

Jiang Shang praised the girl in front of him, and opened the storage space.

He took out the "sapphire" that he had been neglecting all this time, and gave it to the girl in front of him.

"This is...?"

Gu Dazi took the "Sapphire" suspiciously, and asked with a blank face.

"The wand of the kaleidoscope."

"Her name is: Magic Sapphire."

"It is a magic dress carefully crafted by the "Second Magician". "

Jiang Shang explained gently.


Gudazi murmured softly, looking at the wand in his hand.

"I'm here."

Sapphire's voice suddenly sounded.

Scared Gudazi, almost threw the "magic sapphire" out!


The sapphire suspended in the air by itself, which saved the day.

"Artificial intelligence..."

"In the world where senior lives, has magic developed to this extent?"

Gudazi showed a shocked expression, and whispered in admiration.

Jiang Shang shook his head helplessly, and said the specific effect of sapphire.

""Magic Sapphire" allows you to transform into: a magical girl. "

"You should cherish it..."

Jiang Shang said expectantly, perhaps considering the upcoming battle.

Bright golden starlight flew out of Jiang Shang's hand and turned into two "class cards".

A class card that is different from "Illya".

This is a card made by Jiang Shang, the "Third Magician" himself!

Cards contain new powers that are even stronger than their originals!

Even an ordinary magician like Gudazi can use it skillfully!

"If you encounter an invincible enemy, activate the power in the card."

"The power of this miracle will surely protect you from disasters to good fortune."

Jiang Shang handed over two "rank cards" to Gu Dazi.

"Senior, you are so kind to me..."

Gudazi said excitedly, and she carefully accepted the two class cards.


She looked at Matthew excitedly...

The current Gudazi already has the strength comparable to that of a "follower"!

She is no longer a burden to everyone!

Before the world is going to perish, she will use this power to fight side by side with her companions!

"Let's go, senior!"

Matthew also showed an encouraging look, during this period of getting along. (aeed)

Their level of trust in Jiang Shang has reached a blind level!

Watching the two girls leave, Jiang Shang turned around with a smile and looked at the people behind him.

"You can choose to leave here and seek refuge in a safer place."


"Choose to stay and be a witness to all this..."

Jiang Shang looked at "Semiramis" and then at "Two Ceremonies".

Before the final battle comes, he must first ensure the safety of his own people!

"I want to stay..."

"This is the common wish of me and "Weaving"..."

The two ceremonies showed her attitude, and she was in the rank of "assassin".

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