At least the ability to protect oneself is still available.

"What about you?"

Jiang Shang looked at the Assyrian empress again, asking her opinion.

"Ha ha..."

"Even such a small child is ready to stay and fight."

"As the empress, if I shrink back, wouldn't I be laughed at?"

"I will protect her."

Semiramis showed a playful smile.

She is also a magician of the Age of Gods anyway, even without the "Vanity Garden".

Her strength should not be underestimated!


Although the connection through the "master-slave contract" is only temporary.

But the supply of magic power from the "Master"!

It can completely support her, cast a wide range of attack magic, and even set up a defensive enchantment in advance!


"Then go ahead..."

"I'm still waiting to sign a "Master-Slave Contract" with you. "

The corners of Jiang Shang's mouth raised, revealing a dark smile.

Until now...

He still never forgets the old bet!

Semiramis smiled complicatedly, but she didn't refute anything.


She is also looking forward to...

In such a terrible catastrophe, how will the master save the world?



"Why don't you ask me!"

Yuzao said with some resentment, she also needs to be cared for!

after all...

Foxes are inherently "sentimental" creatures...

If she can get the Master's concern, she will definitely be very motivated!

"Almost forgot about you..."

Jiang Shang deliberately showed an expression that you were there.


He took out his notebook and waved it in front of Tamazamo.

"In the next battle, I will see your performance."

"It's up to me to mark you as black beans or red beans."

"You have to behave well...".

242. The Vanguard Squad Attacks!The gods of the heavens, show their might!

at this time...

Nezha, who was patrolling outside Uruk, was the first to notice the abnormality.

On the trembling ground, there was the sound of galloping horses.

A group of weird black creatures are advancing at an extremely fast speed!


Nezha looked down suspiciously, and even she, who was an "artificial human", frowned.

How should I describe these terrifying monsters-...

I can only use "indescribable" to describe it...

This is a group of black monsters, like a wriggling black mud.

On their arms, there are four jointed tentacles that can crawl on the ground.

There are no facial features on the head, only a big mouth that stands upright.

After opening to the limit, it can even crush a human head in one bite!


"Ha ha..."

Waves of weird laughter sounded from the monster below.


When Nezha found them, they also noticed Nezha's existence!

at this time...

The hundreds of monsters below stopped moving almost at the same time!

They raised their deformed "heads" and showed a weird smile!



"Piercing... her!"

"Kill humans! So happy!"

"Happy! Happy! Happy!"

The deformed sharp voice reveals innocent pleasure and outrageous ferocity!


The bodies of the hundreds of monsters below began to squirm strangely!

From behind them, a pair of pitch-black wings emerged!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Human! Kill!"

The moment the wings spread, hundreds of monsters that had completed evolution let out ear-piercing laughter.

It's like a group of jackals who are hungry and crazy, rushing at the "Nezha" above at the same time!


Nezha's expression didn't change at all.

"Use the skills!"

"Command: Clone!"

When Nezha's voice fell, ten rays of light flew out of her body!

Beside her, it turned into ten powerful avatars that were difficult to distinguish between true and false!

"The crusade, start!"

The eleven Nezhas spoke in unison.

The fire-pointed guns in their hands ignited a fiery flame, and they flew towards the monster together!


The blazing fire-pointed gun pierces the monster's body with ease!

With a wave of his hand, Nezha cut off the monster in front of him with ease!

She is a top-level servant, plus the magic power supply from "Jiang Shang"!

As an "artificial human", she can fight without any scruples!

Facing the siege of hundreds of monsters, Nezha's body, plus ten clones!

He broke out of the encirclement abruptly, and then descended like a tiger, pounced on the monster again!

The monsters let out sharp wailing and were cut into irregular pieces!

When it fell from the sky, it turned into black particles and disappeared strangely.

Too much!

There are too many of these monsters!

They seem to have no fear, even if their companions fall one after another!

But he still let out a piercing laugh, and threw himself at Nezha recklessly!

After acclimating to flying, they even played tactics!

Siege a huge circle in the sky, trap Nezha and his avatar inside!

Nezha frowned, already realizing that something was wrong, she put away her playful thoughts.

"Qiankun circle! Come on!"

The two bracelets on the girl's wrists turned into sharp round blades that swirled towards the group of monsters!

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