
Mash showed a worried expression, and the other servants present also looked at girl 04 curiously.

They have seen the transformation of "Illya".


Even that kid didn't have such a big fight...

The "Rahem" hovering in the sky also sensed something was wrong!

The soaring powerful aura of the girl who was "exploding" had already made them feel something was wrong!

The six Raheems suddenly increased their speed, and rushed towards their prey at the same time!


Mordred raised the knight's greatsword in his hand and summoned a thundercloud.


Raheem's speed was frighteningly fast!

They avoided Chi Lei's attack and passed over everyone!

"come and play!"

"come and play!"

Two monsters restrained from the front to protect Gudazi's Mash!

"Good weight!"

Matthew said with difficulty, the strength of these two monsters must definitely surpass her!

Matthew had to take it seriously just to defend against their attacks!

There is no time at all, guess the master behind her!

Right now!

The other four Lahemu have already rushed towards Gudazi from four directions!


"Human! Delicious!"

The fastest monster has already opened its mouth!

I want to bite into pieces directly, girl's head!


Gudazi's speed is faster than this Rahm!

The young girl standing in place has no intention of dodging!

Only when Lahemu was close at hand did she quickly raise her hands!

She held the monster, with the two rows of erected teeth, she tore it with her left and right hands!

From head to body!

Cruelly tore this monster into two halves!

Black blood splashed all over the girl!

But the girl did not wipe it, but used the two corpses in her hand as a weapon!

Shrewd monsters are trying to launch a two-sided attack from the "left" and "right"!

But the girl rounded the corpse in her hand, and smashed the monster attacking from the left to the ground!

Then turn around quickly!

With a ferocious right swing, he sent Lahemu on the right flying more than ten meters away!

The sound of bones shattering echoed in the air!

The tongue-sticking Raheem's body was torn apart in mid-air, and the internal organs scattered all over the floor!

When it looks miserable!

at this time!

Facing the last monster that attacked, Gudazi directly raised his right leg!

Step on that Raheem's head and trample on the ground!

The splattered black blood, like overturned ink, splashed on the broken ground!

Rahm, whose head was crushed, just struggled a few times before turning into particles and disappearing.


Gu Dazi turned around and used the two corpses in his hands as throwing weapons!


There was a sound like a cannonball firing, setting off a swift gust of wind!

But in the blink of an eye, the two "Raheem" ​​who were stiff with Mash were smashed into pieces by the corpse of their companions!

And this time...

Gu Dazi was like half of the god of war, standing fiercely on the spot.

A strange long cloth hung from her head, covering her face at this moment!

This weird long cloth is one of the treasures that comes with this "Card of Enemy Rank"!

Its name is: Fur of the Divine Beast!

It is the invulnerable "Nemean Lion", an artifact made of fur!

The specific effect is: denying the principles of human beings, rejecting all props from human civilization!

Even under the bombardment of thousands of shots of King's Treasure, he can easily dodge in a leisurely manner!

Just the blessing of this treasure, coupled with the sturdy physical skills, is enough to join the ranks of "top followers"!


This treasure is just one of the...

The aura exuded by the girl has become extremely domineering!

Not at all what a magical girl should look like!

Everyone was stunned in the distance!

Such a brutal fighting style is almost like a "berserker"!

Is the cruel Gudazi really a "Magic Girl"?

Even the monsters in the sky were shocked at this time.

"Go together!"

"Kill her!"

More Lahemu, like locusts, rushed towards Gudazi!

Obviously want to take advantage of the number and kill it alive!


The bloody strange 323 rays of light turned into a super giant crossbow right in front of the girl!

"Destroy it!"

Gudazi's icy voice was like a judgment from a god!

A huge blood-colored light beam soared into the sky at this moment!

Those monsters rushing towards Gudazi disappeared without a trace under the nearly [-]-meter beam cannon.

The remaining monsters were about to flee!

Another bloody beam shot out from the giant crossbow!

The blood-colored light beam split into hundreds of blood-colored arrows in the sky!

Kill all the fleeing monsters one by one!

The monster that caused headaches for everyone, the girl easily annihilated it with only two shots of the Noble Phantasm!

"very scary..."

Mordred sighed sincerely.

The power of that precious phantasm just now is by no means inferior to hers!


Gudazi at this time showed these strengths.

It's just the tip of the iceberg, barely warming up!


"How are you doing...?"

Mash turned around in a daze, and looked at Gudazi who had become strange behind him.

She seemed to have felt this familiar breath before in other singularities!

不 ...

Even more terrifying than that "crazy follower"! .

245. The end of the old humanity!The meeting between the savior and the wise king!

After eradicating the enemies in the sky, everyone ushered in a rare opportunity for respite.


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