"Are you OK..."

Mash walked to Gudazi's side and asked with concern.

until then...

Gu Dazi, who was shocked by his previous strength, managed to recover.


"I'm...feeling good now..."

Gu Dazi lifted the long cloth covering his face, and smiled excitedly at Mash!

previous battles...

It is entirely from the instinct of this body!

It is the combat skill that comes with this "Card of Enemy Rank"!

Before Gudazi's consciousness could react, his body had already acted!

This strange feeling...

It's like sitting on an armed mecha controlled by "artificial intelligence"!

Including the use of treasures, they are all instinctive reactions of the body!



Even Gudazi doesn't know where his current upper limit is!


With her combat power at this time!

I am fully qualified to participate in the next battle with everyone!

"Master, I really love you."

Jeanne sighed complicatedly.

She possesses the skill of "real name recognition", when she looked at Gudazi.

Joan already knew the real name of this "Heroic Spirit"!


A great hero who was given twelve trials in mythology and overcame them all!

Difficulties from the gods, and impossible tasks one by one.

For ordinary heroes, it is extremely difficult to complete any of these trials!

But Hercules successfully completed the "Twelve Trials"!

In order to reward his exploits, Hercules was allowed to become a constellation after his death!

Join the sequence of the gods!

After being downgraded and summoned to become a servant of the heroic spirit!

The twelve trials he completed during his lifetime were also sublimated into "Twelve Glories"!

Different from "Crazy Servant", it simply stores eleven lives!

He who appeared as a "Servant of Enemy Rank" possesses [-] kinds of enhancements!





With the enhancement of "Twelve Glories", he is definitely not inferior to "Gilgamesh"!


As the "third magician", Jiang Shang has transformed this ability into a class card!

Through this "Vengeance Card", the girl who performed the fantasy summoning!

Will inherit all his strength, including fighting skills!



Gudazi sticks out her tongue playfully, her admiration for Jiang Shang has reached a new level!

If you can...

She really wanted to follow Jiang Shang, like a little tail.

Under the protection of my seniors, I returned to my original peaceful life and lived a leisurely daily life.


at this time...

Inside the temple...

Gilgamesh on the throne, sensing the battle outside, he let out a sigh of relief.

The "Chaldea", which he ignored, did not expect to have such power!


This taboo terrifying power is bestowed by "that man"...

Gilgamesh, who was dealing with business, put down the slate in his hand.

He sensed the abnormal fluctuations coming from the "space" behind him.


It's that man, back...

Gilgamesh, who had always been gloomy, finally smiled.

He closed his eyes tiredly, but teased fiercely.

"This powerful power that even this king is deeply afraid of, you actually gave it away."

"You are so generous..."

Gilgamesh complained, the savior who appeared behind him.

"I'm her "senior"..."

"What she's doing is what I've been through."

Jiang Shang sat on the armrest of the throne, sighing with a smile on his face.

What happened at this time...

He has already experienced it once in the game...



"You seem to have said something, an incredible secret..."

Gilgamesh opened the corners of his eyes, inspecting the man beside him with scrutiny.

He activated "Clairvoyance: EX", trying to see Jiang Shang's secret!

But unfortunately...

This man is covered in fog!

Even as a king, he couldn't see through the truth!

Jiang Shang raised his eyebrows, raised his slender palm, and patted Gilgamesh on the shoulder.

"Don't waste your time on me."

"It's better to think about the next countermeasure."

Jiang Shang complained about "Gilgamesh", and waved his palm lightly.

A layer of misty white mist turned into a clear water mirror.

The picture that emerged above was exactly the swarming Raheem!

Until now...

It's all just "small fights"...

The legion formed by these monsters is on its way!

Until then...

The blood will surely stain the earth red...

"These monsters..."

"Is there no better solution?"

"Jiang Shang..."

"Even you can't think of a countermeasure?"

Gilgamesh looked at the man beside him, asking for a strategy to deal with it.

He knows better than anyone...

This group of scary and disgusting monsters is adapting to the environment and is still evolving!

Given time...

Unique individuals will inevitably emerge and evolve into elites not inferior to "Enkidu"!

On a scale far exceeding "[-] million", even the probability is one in ten million.

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