"If this energy is released!"

"Even here!"

0····Ask for flowers·······

"It can also raze the entire Uruk to the ground in an instant!!!"

Da Vinci's eager voice suddenly sounded from the bracelet.

At this time, the data displayed on the screen has reached the most dangerous level!

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Jiang Shang looked back at Ishtar.


"I allow you to use the treasure!"

Jiang Shang gave an order decisively, no matter what he wanted to stop Tiamat!

She must not be allowed to continue to act recklessly!


"Leave the next thing to me!"

Ishtar showed a fighting smile, and the "Sky Boat Horse Anna" she was driving was unfolded to the maximum!

The supply of magic power from Jiang Shang is continuously flowing into her body!

"The gate of heaven is open!"

... ...

Ishtar's palm slid across the sky above his head.

A blue crack in space streaked across the sky above!

In the dangerous storm clouds, this expanding space crack!

Like the eyes, they open quickly!

The bright endless starry sky exudes a dreamy light, dispelling the surrounding darkness!

next moment...

The giant golden planet is slowly falling from the inside!


Although it is only "astral projection"!

But the next blow will be Ishtar's full blow!

The astral projection tens of kilometers in size, beside Ishtar, quickly shrank into a brilliant golden sphere!


The burning golden flame turned into a huge purple spiral arrow!

at this time!

The terrifying energy of the Spiral Arrow made even Tiamat aware of the danger!


She made a more passionate call, trying to expel the child in front of her through sound waves!

Facing the incoming sound waves one after another, Ishtar frowned.

"Don't even think about it!"

Thor's voice sounded at this moment.

The green magic circle turned into a large-scale energy barrier, protecting it and Ishtar inside!

Protect Ishtar, which is accumulating energy, from being influenced by the outside world!

"Great help!"

Ishtar looked at Thor with an excited smile!

The moment the charge ends!

Her palm aimed at Tiamat below, making a "gun" gesture!

"Crush it!"

"Mountain Shock · Star Salary!" Beg.

253. Human Evil Comes!The shock caused by Tiamat!

"Mountain Shock · Star Salary!"

When Ishtar's voice falls!

The spiral arrow hovering beside her burst into bright purple light!

Layers of sonic boom clouds floated in the air!

The dazed Tiamat could only witness this light descending from the sky!


The fiery spiral arrow devoured her body!

Together with the sea area below, it was evaporated into a huge void of [-] kilometers!

The super giant water column rises into the sky!

The resulting terrifying energy impact will mercilessly disperse the thunderclouds gathered here!

The clear sunlight poured down from the sky below.

Like the dawn of victory, it shone on Ishtar.

"Did you make it..."

Ishtar put away the "Tianzhou", brushing her black hair with her palm, showing a relaxed smile.

The supply of magic power from the master greatly enhanced her strength.

An attack like this can destroy an entire city with just one shelling "three two three"!

Such a short distance, even Tiamat, can't bear it.



"The "Tiamat" that sank into the bottom of the sea has been confirmed to have collapsed its spirit base! "

"The magic power reaction disappears!"


"Tiamat, defeated!"

A doctor and Da Vinci's excited voice sounded from the wristband.

I thought it would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to be so easy!

It's so easy, it's like a dream!

"It always feels... a bit strange..."

"Master, please don't take it lightly!"

Thor reminded the master on his back through "sound transmission of consciousness".

Even she was shocked by the aura from Tiamat!

Existence like this!

Thor only experienced it when facing the body of the "Feathered Serpent God"!

Just now...

Thor is confident that he can withstand Ishtar's blow!

So here comes the question...

Can an attack that even she can withstand can really defeat "Tiamat"?

Thor's reminder made Jiang Shang sigh with a complicated expression.

For this day and age...

The real catastrophe has only just begun!


They will face, the real Tiamat!


at this time...

Inside Chaldea...

As the spirit base of "Tiamat" collapsed, the doctor in charge of logistics closed his eyes wearily.

Just when Romani thought that everything was over...

On the screen in front of him...

Tiamat's data that had been "reset to zero" suddenly lit up again!


But in the blink of an eye, it soared to an undetectable scale!

If say...

The previous Tiamat was far beyond the "hydrogen bomb" level!


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