At this time, Tiamat is a more terrifying existence than this "weapon of doomsday"!

Do not!

It should be called: Dimensionality Reduction Strike!

Romani opened his mouth sluggishly, his pupils trembling as he stared at the screen with abnormal data!

Shocked, he sat slumped on the seat, sluggish and unable to speak.


at the same time...

Looking at the huge void below, it began to slowly close.

Ishtar flew to Jiang Shang's side, with a proud and proud expression.

It's like a child who got a perfect score in an exam, waiting for the praise of his parents.


Jiang Shang was unmoved...

He didn't even pay attention to Ishtar.


Looking down, the sea level is gathering, as if waiting for something.

Right at this moment...

The bouncing sea level, like boiling water, makes a weird noise!

The dark clouds that had already dissipated gathered again in the clear blue sky!

A red lightning bolt flashed through the clouds!

in a few seconds...

A silent thunder resounded throughout the airspace!

Under the restless sea level, a huge shadow emerges...

Even at an altitude of hundreds of meters, it is impossible to spy on its complete panorama!

But the giant "horn structure" seems familiar!

"Something is bad!"

"The superstructure is being rapidly generated!"

"Scale multiplied by multiples, is exploding!"

"Tiamat Lingji, reconstruction confirmed!"

A Chaldean observer reported the information she had observed with a terrified voice!

"how is this possible..."

"The "Tiamat" just now, could it be a fake body, this is the real body! "

Romani lost his voice in shock.


"Everyone retreat!"

"The sea level of the Persian Sea is rising!"

"Tiamat itself, to confirm the awakening!"

As a genius, Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to recover and urgently gave the order to retreat!

The strength of the enemy's spirit base cannot be observed!

This is the real "human evil"!

The sound from the wristband made Ishtar's heart suspend immediately.  …


"Do you want to retreat?"

Thor asked eagerly.

The breath emanating from the bottom of the sea made her so depressed that she almost couldn't breathe!


That's the breath of a dragon!

It even exceeds the body of the "Feathered Serpent God"!

That is the breath that the real "God of Creation" can emit!


"Go back to Uruk first."

Jiang Shang nodded, his goal has been achieved.

The development of the situation was proceeding as he expected.


What Jiang Shang has to do is to lead the landed "Tiamat" into the underworld!

After Jiang Shang gave the order!

Thor spread his wings and quickly flew towards the sky!

"What the hell is this..."

Ishtar murmured in horror, and she summoned "Sky Boat Horse Anna" again.

While chasing Thor, she turned around in shock and looked at the seabed below!

at this time...

Huge horns, like mountains, rise from the bottom of the sea!

Compared with this pair of "horns"!

Thor, who is 60 meters long, looks like a green caterpillar in the eyes of humans!

too big!

The main body of Tiamat is rising from under the sea!

It exceeded everyone's expectations!

Ten thousand meters?

Do not!

Much more than that!

"Tiamat", which still maintains its human form, has begun to transform into a dragon!

She slowly opened her eyes, and white light emerged from her eyes.

4.3 Her mouth is slightly opened.

The previously white and flat teeth have also been transformed into sharp canine teeth.

The giant tail, suspended behind her, hit the sea level heavily!

The boiling blood sea splashed a large amount of black mud, and rushed towards everyone like a tsunami!

When he was about to devour everyone, Jiang Shang, who had been watching, finally made a move!


Jiang Shang uttered a mantra, and forcibly fixed the black mud that covered the sky and the sun in the air!

Taking advantage of this gap, Thor increased his speed again and flew to a higher sky!

"Ishtar", which was also accelerating, turned around again after reaching a safe distance.


"I need more magic!"

Ishtar said eagerly, she must stop Tiamat!


From now on...

The God of Creation is looking in the direction of "Uruk"! ! ! .

254. Hit Tiamat hard!Consciousness-only Magic Eye of Distortion! !

The blazing high temperature burned the air!

The boiling sea of ​​blood transformed from the black mud, as thick as magma, rushed towards the land!

The observation tower built on the cliff was eroded immediately!

The gray wall, under the burning of the sea of ​​blood, actually made a burning sound of "嗤嗤"!

Under the high temperature of more than [-] degrees, it was continuously burned.

The color is transformed into burnt black at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Scary cracks appeared from the joints between the bricks!

The 20-meter-high observation tower collapsed under the gaze of everyone!

Where the black mud has passed...

Even the emerald green plain has been assimilated into a boiling sea of ​​blood!

That's right...

It is "assimilation"...

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