In the mythology of "Mesopotamia"...

The whole world is transformed by the body of "Tiamat"!

The "Ocean of Life" bred by her gave birth to all species including dinosaurs!

She is the original god of creation!

at this time...

She just turned the former "body" into the most primitive form!


From a height of hundreds of kilometers, overlooking the land below!

The entire plain is turning into "black"!

The boiling sea of ​​blood shows no sign of stopping, and is rapidly spreading forward!

The disturbed animals flocked to a safe place!

 04 But...

Even the wildebeest on the plain can't resist the erosion of the "sea of ​​blood" with all its strength!

At the moment of touching the sea of ​​blood...

These animals festered into a pool of black mud, and then melted into the sea of ​​blood!

Continue to devour, comrades ahead!


"Is she recycling "her own child"..."

Thor gasped in shock.

The tragic doomsday catastrophe below was a different scene in her eyes!

She seemed to see a mother who was overly protective, holding her child tightly in her arms!

even though...

This heavy maternal love is making the child in her arms unable to breathe!

"Can't let her go!"


"I need more magic!"

Ishtar turned around, ready to open the Noble Phantasm.

She didn't care about the cooldown time of "Tianzhou", so she was eagerly preparing for the second attack!

The goal of Tiamat is the last city of mankind!


As the only surviving city in the "Mesopotamian Civilization".

There is the last stronghold!

Once "Tiamat" breaks through there, it will mean the end of civilization!


In any case, intercept her here!

With such a naive idea, Ishtar pinned his last hope on the Master!

The "Noble Phantasm" she holds is currently the strongest attack method!

Twice if not once!

If it doesn't work twice, it will be three times!

Even if she is exhausted and exhausted, she will continue to fight!

Because if you don't fight, you will die!



Ishtar looked at Jiang Shang eagerly, she was waiting for Jiang Shang's help!

But Jiang Shang's order has not yet been issued again.

Tiamat opened his mouth again, and let out a long cry that resounded throughout the world!


Tiamat's call echoed throughout the area.

Intense sonic interference came wave after wave!

It seems that even the entire space is freezing!

As the goddess of "Mesopotamia", Ishtar showed a panicked expression.

Suppression of blood!

In front of this "Creator Goddess", her divinity is being diminished!


The supply of magic power from the master did not weaken her overall strength too much!


The decline of divinity brings negative effects.

It means that the power of the treasure will not be comparable to the previous ones!

The crisis facing Ishtar is not just the weakening of divinity!

From the boiling blood below, dense black monsters flew out!

Raheem Air Form!

Under the call of "Tiamat", the group of monsters who woke up early are flying towards the sky!

Ten thousand?

Or more?

An incalculable amount, coupled with eerily piercing laughter!

Even Ishtar, who is a goddess, turned extremely pale!


"This is too cheating!"

Ishtar drove the "Sky Boat" and quickly switched states.

She has made a gun in her hand, and uses the gems she has collected as extravagant bullets!

Facing the swarming black monsters, shoot beams of light!


Maybe it's an enhancement from the "God of Creation"!

Or maybe it was the weakening of "divinity" that made Ishtar's strength drop sharply.

Originally, it only took one light bomb to defeat a bunch of monsters.

At this time, he became extremely resistant to beating!

Even if he resisted two or three light-emitting bullets, he was only seriously injured!

Seeing this group of monsters, they are getting closer and closer!

Cross-legged on Thor's back, Jiang Shang, who looked normal, opened his eyes lazily!

Crimson and blue, two different lights!

In Jiang Shang's pupils, formed a twisted spiral!

at this time...

Everything in the world is as weak as a drawing on paper.

It's so weak that it can be twisted and shredded with just one thought!


Consciousness-only Magic Eye of Distortion!

Fully open!


"Twist it..."

Jiang Shang looked at the "Rahemu" who were attacking, and pronounced the sentence indifferently.

With the addition of the infinite magic power of the "Third Magician"!

This pair of terrifying magic eyes, maximize the effect!

Scarlet and blue light flashed across the sky!

next moment...

The "Rahemu" who covered the entire sky, that jet-black strange body!

The upper half of the body is twisted towards the left!

The bottom half, twisted towards the right!

In Ishtar's surprised eyes, they were broken into puddles of minced meat one after another!


Tens of thousands of "Rahemu" all fell on the spot in an instant!

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