Not only that!

The crimson and blue light turned into twisted spirals, locking onto "Tiamat" several kilometers away!

next moment!

Even this [-]-meter-high "God of Creation"!

323 The flesh and blood on the chest, twisted, turned into boiling blood!

The blood-colored hollow of nearly [-] meters happened to be the heart!

The moment the giant blood hole appeared!

Ishtar opened his mouth in disbelief.

"very scary..."

The Goddess of Heaven murmured in shock.

The Devil's Eye of Distortion is so terrifying!

Ignore the strength of the opponent, and the scale beyond common sense, twist and cut!

The bigger the target is, the more terrifying the trauma will be!

If the target of the attack was replaced by Ishtar, I'm afraid he would have fallen on the spot!


Tiamat screamed in pain, and her huge body temporarily stopped moving forward.

The black mud spreading from the wound is quickly repairing the wound!


The "twisted magic power" left in the wound!

It's like a pair of dull knives, constantly twisting, cutting the newly grown parts!

Constantly fix it!

Keep crashing!

But even so, Tiamat is still repeating this process.

She is trying to use this "unreasonable" way to consume the magic power remaining in the wound!


The flickering light in Jiang Shang's eyes quickly dimmed.

Return to original gray.

Looking at Tiamat, who was staying temporarily, he sighed with regret.


"On the land of "Mesopotamia", it is impossible to defeat her...".

255. Mom’s airy padded jacket?Compromise from the virtuous king!

Ishtar was suspended in the air, looking at Tiamat, who had stopped moving.

Opening his mouth in shock, the shock in his heart is beyond words at this moment.

Tiamat, stop moving...

This god of creation, the huge blood hole in his chest is so shocking!

You can clearly see the scene behind, just like a spectacle in the mountain gorge!

But even so, she still didn't fall down.

In this land transformed into her "body", she possesses absolute immortality!

As long as there are living creatures on this land.

Even if the body is blown apart, or broken down into particles!

She can still be resurrected!

Even a fatal injury of the level of "heart shattering" can be recovered quickly!


Jiang Shangcai was vicious, adding "distorted magic power" to the destroyed body!

Use this to slow down the speed of Tiamat's recovery!


Such a delay is not a long-term solution.

When the "distortion magic power" disappears, Tiamat's injuries will quickly recover.

At that time, the god of creation will start to act again!


Jiang Shang looked down at Tiamat in the distance, with a longing look on his face.

From the beginning...

His real purpose was not to kill her!

Instead, capture her like any other goddess!

God of Creation: Tiamat...

The "Ocean of Life" conceived by her will fill the void in the imaginary space!

Build a complete ecology and shorten the evolution process of billions of years!


Jiang Shang also wants to capture her and include her in the "Fengshen Bang"!


Every time he attacks, he will be so careful!


"It shouldn't be a problem to delay until tomorrow..."

"Let's go back..."

Jiang Shang smiled freely and waved at Ishtar, signaling her to retreat.

"That's it... go back?"

Ishtar frowned, and she muttered unwillingly.

For the continuation of "Humanism"!

It is the best choice for this god of creation to bid farewell to the world here!


At this time, Tiamat had already suffered such a "serious" injury...


Another hit of "Noble Phantasm" will have an unexpected effect!

Going back the same way like this is simply wasting such a good opportunity!


Looking at the reluctant "Ishtar", Jiang Shang smiled bitterly.

"Let's talk..~々."

"You are also a child of Tiamat. "

"You are really a "filial daughter"..."

Jiang Shang complained helplessly, Ishtar wanted "Tiamat" to die with all his heart!

"Shut up!"

"Do you think I really want this?"

Ishtar rolled Jiang Shang's eyes, she pouted angrily, and folded her hands on her chest.

"Let's go..."

"I happen to be hungry..."

Jiang Shang touched his flat belly and said lazily.

He waved his hand at Thor and signaled Thor to speed up.

Leave this arrogant "Goddess of Heaven" far behind!


"I didn't eat it either!"

"You bastard! Wait for me!"

Ishtar looked at Jiang Shang who was walking away, and stamped his feet in the air angrily.

After she finished complaining, she turned to look at Tiamat behind her.


Ishtar sighed complicatedly.

She didn't stay too long, and disappeared in this area after following the master's figure.

And this time...

Tiamat watched the "child" go, and she opened her mouth again.


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