"In the underworld, Tiamat is the only life!"

"Naturally there will be flaws..."

Gilgamesh clasped his arms in front of his chest, and smiled excitedly at the corners of his mouth.

Under Jiang Shang's awakening, the haze that covered his heart has disappeared!


The underworld is the resting place of the dead -...

As long as "Tiamat" is shot down in the underworld, there is a chance to defeat her!

Realizing this, Gilgamesh snapped his fingers.

Golden ripples emerged from the temple.

A huge mirror connected to the "underworld" appeared in front of everyone.

"This special mirror can see part of the underworld."

"It's a pity that the "Mistress of the Underworld" is erratic. "

"Unless I get her permission, even this king can't confirm her position."

Gilgamesh said this, and looked in Jiang Shang's direction.

"Jiang Shang..."

"Ereshkigal, you should also be your servant?"

"Through your Command Spell, you should be able to locate her position. "

"Now is the time to show your worth as the Mistress of the Underworld, Ereshkigal! "

"Open the gate of the underworld, this king needs her help!"

Gilgamesh spoke freely.

Since this world was forced to transform into a "singularity".

He has not been this happy for a long time!

"Why bother?"

Jiang Shang glanced at Gilgamesh, he directly passed the "Banquet of Gods".

Summon Ai Lei, who is far away in the "underworld", into this temple.


In the eyes of everyone...

Ai Lei, who was covering her ears, was squatting on the ground.

It was as if there was something behind him that was about to explode!

for a long time...

Did not hear the sound of blasting, Ailei opened her eyes in doubt...

The dim light shines on the inside of the majestic temple.

at this time...

Including Jiang Shang, everyone looked at Ai Lei suspiciously...


"Is this... on the ground?"

Allie blinked suspiciously and spoke in a daze.

She suppressed her shame and anger, got up from the ground angrily, and walked to Jiang Shang's side.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.

She raised her calf and kicked Jiang Shang's calf.

Jiang Shang was in so much pain that the corners of his mouth twitched.

Just when his body was tilted to one side, Ailei had already stepped forward and gently supported Jiang Shang.

"I'm so sorry..."

"I've stayed in the underworld for too long, and I can't get used to it for a while."

"Master, you won't blame me, will you?"

Ai Lei supported Jiang Shang with a polite yet elegant smile on her lips.

Her rebellious behavior as a little girl is obviously revenge...

Jiang Shang summoned her without prior notice!

Let her lose her due majesty in front of the most hated human being and her younger sister!

"I'll let you know in advance next time."

Jiang Shang said dumbfoundedly, he didn't pay attention to the movement of the underworld.

But judging from Ai Lei's actions, the empress of the "civil department".

I'm afraid they are using the "fixed-point blasting" plan to carry out rapid excavation.

If she is in charge of directing the development, the time required must be greatly reduced!

The originally expected "one week" time!

It must be shortened to three days, it is not a problem!



"In the name of the king, I give orders!"

"You can open the gate of the underworld to the entire territory of Uruk! "

"Let the out-of-control "God Tiamat" be bound to the underworld! "

Gilgamesh looked at the living goddess of the underworld.

He raised his hand chicly, and gave Ai Lei an order of permission!


"Gilgamesh" who is the king is very clear at this time.

It is very difficult to move the underground underworld to the underground of Uruk.


For crown cavalry who are good at "space migration".

Such a small matter, presumably no longer talk about it!

after all...

This is the guy who moved the "five hundred kilometers in radius" mountain range!


"You arrogant guy, stop being sentimental here!"

0····Ask for flowers·······

"As the "Goddess of the Earth", why should I obey your orders! "

Allie spoke angrily.

But she looked shyly at the Master next to her, and said arrogantly again.

"Of course..."

"Sir Master and I have already expected something like this!"

"With that "Demomaniac" here, I'm afraid we can get through tomorrow. "

"If it can be delayed for one more day, it can also be extended to the plains of Uruk."

"Three days!"

"That's right... we only need three days!"

"Before Tiamat descends on Uruk, we can shoot her down from the underworld!"

After Ai Lei pondered, she gestured with three fingers to everyone.

Of course...

This is the perfect result...

... ...

If time is tight, two days is barely enough.


When the time comes, the city may suffer some damage...


Alley's answer made Gilgamesh's brows twitch.

three days...

It's just too coincidental...

If what happened before, it can be understood as a coincidence...


How to explain the current situation.

It seemed that from the very beginning, everything progressed within this man's expectation!

Although he showed a lazy look with no motivation.

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