But everything was arranged in advance, and it was linked together!


It is estimated that even the compromise of "Gilgamesh" is also expected by Jiang Shang!


This "Crowned Heroic Spirit" from the East is a real monster!

"Nice job..."

"After the matter is over, I want to have a good talk with you..."

The corner of Gilgamesh's mouth twitched non-stop.

Just seeing "Jiang Shang" and "Ai Lei" now makes his stomach hurt.

This weird feeling of being calculated from the very beginning.

It's like there are ants crawling on me...

Let Gilgamesh feel very uncomfortable now!

more or less...

He also understood...

Why did my "alternate plane homotopy" lose so miserably...

In terms of inappropriateness, this monstrous man is undoubtedly a professional!begging.

258. Incompetent, stupid goddess?Ishtar was pitted and cried?

The dilemma that was almost unsolvable was easily solved by Jiang Shang.

Even the oppressive atmosphere at the scene became much more relaxed.

"Are you sure that the remaining magic power can be delayed until that moment?"

Gilgamesh looked at Jiang Shang and spoke again to confirm.

This is related to the life and death of "Uruk", and there must be no mistakes!

"Do not worry..."

"The strength of the ability depends on the user himself."

"The same good sword is in the hands of a beginner as it is in the hands of a juggernaut."

"Do you think it's comparable?"

Jiang Shang gave an easy-to-understand example and made fun of Gilgamesh.

As one of the most destructive "magic eyes", under the infinite supply of magic power.

Even if it's just residual power, its power should not be underestimated!

Although it cannot deal effective damage to Tiamat!

But it is still possible to delay the effect.

.. "three four zero".

Gilgamesh stroked his chin, and suddenly looked in the direction of Ishtar.

As the "goddess of the sky", Ishtar is the strongest combat power in Uruk!

"Just to be on the safe side!"

"Ishtar, it's time to show your strongest trump card!"

Gilgamesh raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Ishtar.

The king laughed happily, as if victory had become a certainty.


Ishtar tilted his head, showing a sad little expression.

She is accompanying Jiang Shang, and she just came back from the battlefield!

If she really had a hole card, she would have already used it!

"Jiang Shang alone is enough for the hateful guy who hides his hole cards."

"It's time for you too, let 'that guy' out. "

Gilgamesh showed a nostalgic look.

Even he couldn't help but lament at this absurd thing.

"What the hell is it!"

Ishtar clenched his fists angrily and asked angrily.

What she hates the most is "The Riddler", if it weren't for the urgent situation now.

She had to leave two eye-sealing hammers on Gilgamesh's face!

"It's time like this, are you still going to hide it?"

"Of course it's Gugalana! "

"Let that guy serve as the 'second line of defense' to contain Tiamat head-on. "

"At least delay for half a day, there should be no problem!"

Gilgamesh smiled "I can't help you".

Said for Ishtar, the "strongest trump card" that she only hides.

The bull of the sky—Gugalana!

A pet raised by Ishtar!

It also symbolizes "Taurus"!

Just taking a step is enough to make the earth tremble!

The bull of heaven, wherever it passes.

The lake dries up and the land cracks!

In the dry land, it is impossible to grow crops, and even the grains will not be harvested year after year!

It is not an exaggeration to call it a natural disaster of mobile!

At first...

When this "Heavenly Bull" caused troubles in the world...

It was the two heroes "Enkidu" and "Gilgamesh" who worked together to defeat it!

did not expect...

Today, many years later, the former enemies are about to start fighting side by side.


The anger at the scene became enthusiastic because of the "Bull of the Sky".

"What's wrong, Ishtar?"

"Your expression seems to be a little disturbed..."

"This is not like your expression."

"In the past, I'm afraid you would have already cocked your tail happily."

Ai Lei looked at her younger sister and asked suspiciously.


"Ishtar, this is your chance to show off your strength."

Quetzal was also encouraging.

With the bonus of "Heavenly Bull", Ishtar's combat power is by no means inferior to her!


Ishtar, turning his stiff head, muttered guiltily.


"What did you say?"

Gilgamesh didn't hear clearly, he asked again in doubt.


"Gugalana is gone..."

Ishtar said again with a guilty conscience.

As the saying goes, "Fire cannot be contained in paper", this matter will be noticed by everyone sooner or later.


Gilgamesh's laughter stopped abruptly.

Even the people at the scene fell into silence.

"It's true!"

"Gugalana, I lost it!"

"I don't know where I ran to! I have been looking for it very hard!"

"But I searched all over Mesopotamia, and I didn't even see a cow!"

Ishtar yelled indignantly, and she was aggrieved with tears!


She met Jiang Shang when she was on the way to search for "Ancient Galana"!

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